The Lifenote

Oh I see, so like a bunch of locks needed to be open before you can kill a person.

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and you need to unlock them in the right order with the right methods for each of them.
The order you need to unlock them in may not always be the order they are obtained, as some may block certain interactions that others do not.
It’s sort of like a puzzle box, with the prize being you get to kill the person inside.


Is such an immortality absolute or can it be breached with enough power (like if somebody summoned a god and it attacked you)?

I mean considering the Jade Emperor (the highest of all gods in Sun WuKongs universe) couldn’t kill him and ended up giving him a title just to make him stop rampaging through heaven I’d say raw power alone probably isn’t enough, and that if you stack it far enough you’d still have to be smart about it. And while I do think that assuming any blow inflicted upon has it’s force evenly distributed among the different immortalities, so while it is possible to brute force it, each immortality added on makes it significantly harder, and in some cases exponentially harder, to kill the person.

Thinking about it I should also summon a ledger of the dead and scratch my name out so that I can add another layer onto my immortality the same way Sun WuKong did, then find other ways to become immortal in other medias, be it ancient legend or modern day fiction.

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Do you plan on becoming like a god with all those bonuses?

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IDK for now I just plan on becoming so immortal that no one can touch me.
Just start an immortality counter below my characters name that lists each way I’m immortal and the conditions for each immortality. Or maybe just use it as a status effect window.
so like

Peaches of immortality I — Immortal, Body is light and strong ~ 3000-4000 years of immortality? (Since that’s how long the peaches take to grow I’m assuming that lines up with the lifecycle of an immortality peach.
Peaches of immortality II – Ability of Flight, Eternal Youth ???
Peaches of immortality III - Eternal as Heaven and Earth, as long lived as the sun and moon ~ 10 Billion Years-ish

Thinking about that last one for a moment there thats about 10 billion years I am just gonna be existing. Fun!

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So immortality and flight ability (even tho you already had this with the ring of flying), got it.

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It enables you to enchant objects with animus magic, by writing on the scroll what you want to enchant and what you want that enchantment to do.


Doesn’t Darkstalkers scroll require that Darkstalker be alive to function?
This is just going to make Darkstalker come to life somewhere in the world and as far as I’m aware he doesn’t take to kindly to humans. If he gets his hand on that scroll it’s practically game over.
Also can’t he read minds and predict the future? So he can scan find the exact future where he locates his scroll and go to it as swiftly as possible.


I don’t know if he needs to be alive to function. I doubt it though, since he sealed his magic within the scroll and it can be used by anyone. And according to the wiki, the fragments of it still function after his defeat.


His defeat isn’t him dying though, it’s him being transformed into a child.


I am aware of that. He was essentially reincarnated as a new person without any magic whatsoever, and since he has no magic in his new incarnation; by that logic the scroll bits should have stopped working. But they didn’t.


He only remains in that state because there is a piece of the scroll inside of him, if it were removed he’d go back to being who he was.
The magic inside of him is still there, he just can’t access it. It’s being blocked by the scroll piece.


Still not entirely certain he needs to be alive for it to function, it’s been a while since I’ve read the books but it doesn’t seem to explicitly state anywhere on the wiki that he needs to be alive for it to work. I could be wrong on that though. :man_shrugging: Maybe I missed something.


I’m just thinking about the wording of the spell. It was enchanted to hold his animus powers. If he’s dead, he no longer has animus powers. Ergo the scroll doesn’t function if he dies.


It could be interpreted differently and the exact phrasing he used to enchant it is unknown according to the wiki…It is stated that the power will return to him if the scroll is destroyed, which implies to me that it functions more like a simple container, like a jar. And that the magic would stay trapped inside if he died :man_shrugging: I’m not sure if there’s a concrete answer without asking the author.


Alright I think it’s a pen name but what do you think are the chances that they would respond?


I’m not sure. The author has done Q&As in the past. Don’t know if they’ll respond to an email, and I’m kind of hesitant to email random people :sweat_smile:.


If an item must have an another entity alive to function, perhaps it would be spawned in a “deactivated state” where it wouldn’t have it’s functions available but you could turn it on by summoning whatever it needs to become active?

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Possibly, or alternatively I could reword my wish so that it can function without the entity being alive.

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