The Lifenote

What sort of powers does NN have? Did you show us all of them?

depends on the game he’s from. From immortal, he’s the strongest after the last event. From remmortal, he’s way weaker than in Immortal* as of now. I did use all my cards in the fight with mara’zoo, though.

mainly he just melees stuff pretty hard

As for power scaling, i’d have to know which NN we’re using, and look at dates, and see the strongest enemies he’s fought…

@aah31415 ironically, since remmortal was put on somewhat of a hiatus a while ago, its gonna be the NN right before he went near a black hole. So, his strongest feats and all his cards lie in his fight with mara’zoo.

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What is the most powerful thing you think this version of NN could take on?

that is actually a good idea for making my character learn how to fight properly

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You mean nigel would just be a pawn in your larger plans?

probably, i would also probably give nigel adaptive immortality too so i can shoot him out of a cannon at some very specific politicians

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That’s an interesting concept… To have a Lifenote creation turn into a chosen one, with a Lifenote of their own, controlled by a player…

ooooo, who would control TO if i gave it a lifenote via genie?

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TO in the state you summoned it is too dumb to operate a lifenote.

then i shall feed it and give it the resources to learn so it can evolve wrinkle brian, soon

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Well then I guess I’d take control of it

Edit: @sci0927 @Trappist-1e

action 1: feed all of the creatures i’m now taking care now, including myself

action 2: summon 10 grams worth of astrophages in a closed jar

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What do you plan to do with those?

interestellar travel, and just that. no second intentions, no, of courseeee not hehe…

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What exactly are the astrophages capable of?

they can convert energy into mass with no significative losses, and then turn this mass into energy again. one cell can storage 1.5 millions of joules. and if you have some co2, you can multiply them endlessy. oh, and they can cause extinction events on planets by making the solar light 10% darker.

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Yeah, are you going to try using this functionality on the sun?

of course not, silly, that would kill everyone on earth, excerpt if someone had an predator for it, something nobody can create… hahaha

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It wouldn’t do much since half of the playerbase is already immortal and stuff.

unless, there already is something that would eat them, and can adapt to any food source, whether it kills them or not, and even faster if it does?

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