The Lifenote

What do you plan to do with your Lifenotes btw?

action 1: have a breakfast of scrambled eggs and orange juice

action 2: watch phineas and ferb




ZONE 1 TIME- 12:00
ZONE 2 TIME- 18:00
ZONE 3 TIME- 24:00
ZONE 4 TIME- 6:00


@willow - EMBER INANI (Zone 4, NYC)
Action 1:

(learn mantelope language - 5/6 - success)

Action 2:

You decided to turn your focus to the mantelopes. You managed to get a grip on what they’re saying, and asked them about their stories, which have been recorded for later use via microphones. You then let TO out of it’s jar and bonded with it, afterwards you started listening to the mantelopes and asking questions at precise moments, gathering the information pieces you wanted to hear…
You start to feel tired…
-20/20 HP (Adaptive Immortality)
-10/10 SP
-Cooked Salmon
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)

@Centarian - JOSHUA (Zone 3, Sacramento City)
Action 1:


Action 2:


After becoming immortal, you feel asleep…
-20/20 HP (multiple immortality locks)
-10/10 SP
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)

@TwilightWings21 - TERRANCE GREAVES (Zone 4, US East Coast)
Action 1: -
Action 2: -
You for now decide to abandon The Lifenote in favour of your personal matters…
-20/20 HP
-10/10 SP
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)

@sci0927 - MADELINE BROOKE (Zone 3, Minnesota Zone 4, NYC)
Action 1:

Action 2:

You had a breakfast, after that you watched Phineas and Ferb.
-20/20 HP (Adaptive Immortality)
-10/10 SP
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)

@Ferrus_coloni - PENROSE (Zone 1, Alfarer de la Serra)
Action 1:

Action 2:

It appears that the virus has finally sprinkled into action, as you feel an immune response, even after using an immunosuppresor. You see that your [HP] is not doing so well, but you should be able to survive this…
-15/20 HP (-5 HP)
-10/10 SP
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)

@UndyingHazard - KAMILIA (Zone 3, Monterey Bay, California)
Action 1:


Action 2:


Following the use of all 3 wishes, you go to sleep…
-20/20 HP
-10/10 SP
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)

@Trappist-1e - “LINA” DUMONT DA SILVA (Zone 4, Kourou, French Guiana)
Action 1:

Action 2:

You feed all the various critters you’re taking care of, including yourself (not enough to unlock a mutation). You then summon 10 grams of “astrophages” inside a jar…
-20/20 HP (Adaptive Immortality)
-10/10 SP
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)


  • A Memetic Parasite
  • Ruffles
  • Big Goober
  • Blahaj
  • TO (from Round 3 of Radiostrocity)
  • Bubble Fruit
  • Five pebbles and Looks To The Moon
  • Multiple Snøpust
  • Multiple Tareslange
  • O’Malley III
  • Multiple Fresh-Level Digimons
  • Mumbo Jumbo’s Minecraft Character
  • Genie
  • Many Dødshorden
  • Yakko, Wakko, and Dot Warner
  • Multiple Better End Mod Umbrella Shrooms
  • Multiple Bioluminescent Tree Saplings
  • A Dodomon
  • 500 Capsilaris Draculus Cells
  • 1500 Vocatio Abyssus Cells
  • 300 Vocatio Inanis Cells
  • 1 large Red Dragon Egg
  • 5 Thalassic Gravediggers
  • SCP-8610
  • Another Digimon
  • Ediacaran Biota Species
  • Valentina Kerman
  • DND mimic
  • SCP-184
  • Lady from “Three Body Problem”, of old age
  • Another Genie
  • Biological Jet Plan
  • Ember inani’s Minecraft character
  • No Significant Harassment
  • Many Neuron Flies Containing English Language
  • Neuron Flies with a message
  • Roly-Poly
  • Deerling
  • Gene-inserting Viruses
  • Toph
  • Breeding population of Tullimonstrum
  • A Note in a major NYC post news reporting station
  • 192 Minecraft Cod Fish
  • 2 Minecraft Wet Sponge Blocks
  • The O5 Council
  • 1 Fresh-Level Digimon
  • Ember’s MC character X 2
  • Ring Of Flying
  • Mutated Human Stem Cells
  • More Fresh-Level Digimon
  • 7 Minecraft Salmon
  • 2 Minecraft Cod
  • Advanced Fishing (MC) Sardine
  • Even more Fresh-Level Digimons
  • Ember’s MC Character X 2
  • 9 Unicorns
  • Bicorn
  • Seven Red Suns, Chasing Wind, Unparalleled Innocence, Secluded Instinct
  • Multiple Ice Melons and Fire Melons
  • 64 almost dead Tunas
  • A fictional Virus
  • Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location
  • Ring of Complete Transformation
  • An Another Bio-Plane
  • 15000 Wooly Mammoths
  • 12000 Dodos
  • 25000 Great Auks
  • A population of Pterodaustro
  • Uncle Sam
  • A few Mantelopes
  • Many Peaches of Immortality
  • A Genie
  • 10 grams of Astrophages
    Zone 2 - NO ONE
    *(Ember Inani’s “Sleep Round” is registered at 12:00 in their zone)
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Action 1: Make breakfast, and check my digivice to see how close Shale is to evolving.

Action 2: Use the scroll to enchant a random bracelet or other piece of jewelry to make whoever wears it think of the best way to phrase an animus enchantment to get the intended effect that they want without any issues.

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@Centarian @sci0927 @Ferrus_coloni @Trappist-1e I need your votes.

both actions: continue focusing on developments in my body

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A1: watch milo murphy’s law

A2: write Phineas, ferb, Dr. doofenshmirtz, and milo murphy in Omaha, Nebraska

cuz why not

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Why specifically that city? Did it do something to you?

A1: Look up and summon the following: 10 Blue Stones of Teleportation , This kind of Cloak of teleportation, a second kind off Cloak of Teleportation (which I am now dubbing the cloak of evasion), these Boots of Teleportation, and the Bracers of size changing.

A2: Attune to all of these items and take 9 blue stones of teleportation, the folded up cloak of teleportation, boots of teleportation, and the bracers of size changing to work with me.

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Only thing left to wonder is what’ll you do with these items when you’ve arrived…

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Nothing for now. Just insurance.

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And after the “now” passes?

why not? also feels like It’d be a suitable city for those characters to live in

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I wonder how is blahaj doing in the north sea, I don’t think plushies are made with the intent of surviving out in the open waters…

the live version of Blåhaj would be a blue shark, and summoning Blåhaj with the lifenote would obviously summon the live version, so Blåhaj is probably doing just as well as any of the sharks they were modeled after, but likely has a personality shaped by what all the people that think of them, think they’re like, so they’d just be a trans friendly blue shark

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Sci didn’t specify which version they summoned through…

doesn’t the lifenote specify organisms?

(i intended the live version)

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I mean, you could’ve aswell summoned some sort of a “living plush” thing…
@Trappist-1e I need your votes.

Action one: i take a look at what was written in Ember lifenote and that gave the idea on writing on my own “memetic virus that infect politican minds and force them to tell the unfiltered truth about everything bad they did”
Action two: Start trying to use the astrophages to make useful stuff for me such as batteries.

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Won’t that require inputting some energy? What sort of matter do you want to convert into it?

Edit: Nevermind, I’m going to assume Lina’d just use material making up the computer box.



ZONE 1 TIME- 18:00
ZONE 2 TIME- 24:00
ZONE 3 TIME- 6:00
ZONE 4 TIME- 12:00


@willow - EMBER INANI (Zone 4, NYC)
Action 1:


Action 2:


As always you feel asleep roughly at noon…
-20/20 HP (Adaptive Immortality)
-10/10 SP
-Cooked Salmon
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)

@Centarian - JOSHUA (Zone 3, Sacramento City)
Action 1:

Action 2:

After waking up you decide to use your modified Lifenote(s) to create a bunch of useful, “magic” items which should greatly help with evading attacks and teleporting between places. You attune to those items and decide to take some of them to your work…
-20/20 HP (multiple immortality locks)
-10/10 SP
-9 BSOTs inside the pair of Boots of Teleportation
-Cloak of Teleportation
-Bracers of Size Changing

@TwilightWings21 - TERRANCE GREAVES (Zone 4, US East Coast)
Action 1: -
Action 2: -
You for now decide to abandon The Lifenote in favour of your personal matters…
-20/20 HP
-10/10 SP
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)

@sci0927 - MADELINE BROOKE (Zone 3, Minnesota Zone 4, NYC)
Action 1:

Action 2:

You watched an another show and decided to summon some cartoon characters from the two shows you watched recently in the capital of Nebraska. Not long after you see news reports of yet more fictional characters appearing in the US…
-20/20 HP (Adaptive Immortality)
-10/10 SP
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)

@Ferrus_coloni - PENROSE (Zone 1, Alfarer de la Serra)
Action 1:

Action 2:

You focus on your body, thanks to this focus you seem to have managed to reduce some of the continueous damage, while the viruses effects seem to be finally showing up…
-13/25 HP (-2 HP, +5 MHP)
-10/10 SP
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)

@UndyingHazard - KAMILIA (Zone 3, Monterey Bay, California)
Action 1:

Action 2:

After waking up and doing your morning routine, you check the digivice, and see that Shale should now be a single training away from evolving into it’s next form. After that you try using the scroll to enchant some bracelet in order to make the spellcasting consistent… (6/6) …And it seems to have worked just perfectly!
-20/20 HP
-10/10 SP
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)

@Trappist-1e - “LINA” DUMONT DA SILVA (Zone 4, Kourou, French Guiana)
Action 1:

Action 2:

After looking into Ember’s Lifenote while she was asleep, you get the idea of creating a “political truth virus”. Besides that you converted some of the box material into energy and then had this energy converted back into batteries thanks to the astrophages.
-20/20 HP (Adaptive Immortality)
-10/10 SP
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)


  • A Memetic Parasite
  • Ruffles
  • Big Goober
  • Blahaj
  • TO (from Round 3 of Radiostrocity)
  • Bubble Fruit
  • Five pebbles and Looks To The Moon
  • Multiple Snøpust
  • Multiple Tareslange
  • O’Malley III
  • Multiple Fresh-Level Digimons
  • Mumbo Jumbo’s Minecraft Character
  • Genie
  • Many Dødshorden
  • Yakko, Wakko, and Dot Warner
  • Multiple Better End Mod Umbrella Shrooms
  • Multiple Bioluminescent Tree Saplings
  • A Dodomon
  • 500 Capsilaris Draculus Cells
  • 1500 Vocatio Abyssus Cells
  • 300 Vocatio Inanis Cells
  • 1 large Red Dragon Egg
  • 5 Thalassic Gravediggers
  • SCP-8610
  • Another Digimon
  • Ediacaran Biota Species
  • Valentina Kerman
  • DND mimic
  • SCP-184
  • Lady from “Three Body Problem”, of old age
  • Another Genie
  • Biological Jet Plan
  • Ember inani’s Minecraft character
  • No Significant Harassment
  • Many Neuron Flies Containing English Language
  • Neuron Flies with a message
  • Roly-Poly
  • Deerling
  • Gene-inserting Viruses
  • Toph
  • Breeding population of Tullimonstrum
  • A Note in a major NYC post news reporting station
  • 192 Minecraft Cod Fish
  • 2 Minecraft Wet Sponge Blocks
  • The O5 Council
  • 1 Fresh-Level Digimon
  • Ember’s MC character X 2
  • Ring Of Flying
  • Mutated Human Stem Cells
  • More Fresh-Level Digimon
  • 7 Minecraft Salmon
  • 2 Minecraft Cod
  • Advanced Fishing (MC) Sardine
  • Even more Fresh-Level Digimons
  • Ember’s MC Character X 2
  • 9 Unicorns
  • Bicorn
  • Seven Red Suns, Chasing Wind, Unparalleled Innocence, Secluded Instinct
  • Multiple Ice Melons and Fire Melons
  • 64 almost dead Tunas
  • A fictional Virus
  • Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location
  • Ring of Complete Transformation
  • An Another Bio-Plane
  • 15000 Wooly Mammoths
  • 12000 Dodos
  • 25000 Great Auks
  • A population of Pterodaustro
  • Uncle Sam
  • A few Mantelopes
  • Many Peaches of Immortality
  • A Genie
  • 10 grams of Astrophages
  • 10 BSODs, Cloak of Teleportation, Cloak of Evasion, Boots of Teleportation, Bracers of Size Changing
  • Phineas, Ferb, Dr. Doofenshmirtz, Milo Murphy

Zone 2 - PENROSE
*(Ember Inani’s “Sleep Round” is registered at 12:00 in their zone)

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