The Lifenote

What are your 2 actions?

Action 1: Read the digimon wiki, wikimon and conduct as much research as possible.

Action 2: Write “digimon fresh, in-training, and rookie level, worldwide.” In the lifenote. (summoning champion or higher would probably quickly become a disaster.)

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Can we make it an unspoken rule not to add legendary Pokémon above a certain power level? I feel like adding Arceus into the mix could have unintended consequences.


I mean

That’s kinda what this game is about

But I’m down with not adding any entities of, say, continent destroying power or above

At least for now


But what if it’s to make a reeeeally big farm

I should probably add some more context here for the iterators, they are giant supercomputers built by an ancient race that has since disappeared and built to find out how to off oneself permanently in a more convenient and reliable way than taking a trip down to the drilling holes and throwing yourself into the void fluid. (death in Rainworld is not permanent, you just wake back up like it’s groundhogs day)




ZONE 1 TIME- 18:00
ZONE 2 TIME- 24:00
ZONE 3 TIME- 6:00
ZONE 4 TIME- 12:00

As the Choosen Ones start to experiment with their Lifenotes, new beings are casted upon this world by them, and the unrest starts to rise…


@willow - EMBER INANI (Zone 4, NYC)
Action 1: Read the history of TCF’s forum games
Action 2: Summon TO from round 3 of FG “Radiostrocity” into a nearby sealed jar
You open up internet browser and search for “Thrive Community Forum”. After entering it, you read thru the various forum games and decide to summon “The Organism” from round 3 of forum game “Radiostrocity” into a jar you’ve prepared, which is sealed and filled with leaves. After you write it into The Lifenote, a large ant is summoned into this jar, seemingly confused by it’s highly limited space. It also started laying eggs that, as expected, steal stuff from the nearby plant cells…

You suddenly hear alarms all over the city, as a large city-like structure has appeared out of nowhere in the upper bay…
-20/20 HP
-10/10 SP
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)

@Centarian - JOSHUA (Zone 3, Sacramento City)
Action 1: Summon a “Bubble Fruit”
Action 2: Summon “Five pebbles and Looks To The Moon, Off of the coast of New York, near the statue of liberty”
You summon a bubble fruit from the “Rainworld: Downpour” and give it to Ruffles for them to eat it. You also speak to them, calming them down completely.
You also write “Five pebbles and Looks To The Moon” into The Lifenote, with the location being near Statue of Liberty, NYC. It doesn’t take long for report stations and officials to broadcast about an extremely large structure appearing in the upper bay, occupying most of it.
-20/20 HP
-10/10 SP
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)

@TwilightWings21 - TERRANCE GREAVES (Zone 4, US East Coast)
Action 1: Summon Snøpust herds in the Arctic
Action 2: Summon Tareslange in abyssal sea floors worldwide
You decide to summon more creatures from The Chimarion Project website. You write “Snøpust” multiple times into The Lifenote with the location being arctic, resulting in multiple arctic behemoths being spawned in that region. You do the same trick with “Tareslange” creatures, being able to summon them in multiple deep ocean areas. Both of those have been so far not noticed due to remoteness of areas in which they live.
-19/20 HP
-10/10 SP
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)

@sci0927 - MADELINE BROOKE (Zone 3, Minnesota)
Action 1: ask my mom about the location of my dead childhood pet cat O’Malley III
Action 2: go to the location and the cat’s name in the Lifenote
You ask your mother about the location of burial of your childhood pet cat O’Malley III. She gives you it’s final resting place location, where you quickly get to. You use The Lifenote to revive your pet, whom instantly recognizes you.
-20/20 HP
-10/10 SP
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)

@Ferrus_coloni - PENROSE (Zone 1, Alfarer de la Serra)
Action 1: Create a deal with the mayor of Alfarer de la Serra
Action 2: Whilist being hidden, search for Lifenote on the internet.
You offer the mayor of the town in which you live a deal, where you’ll replace the expensive streetlights with something better. Already being in poor situation, he agrees you your offer. With that, you now have a small fee paid to you once in a while. After that is done, you use a VPN to hide your identity and search for “The Lifenote” on the internet… however you find nothing that would indicate that those notebooks were handed in to people before you were given it.
-20/20 HP
-10/10 SP
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)

@UndyingHazard - KAMILIA (Zone 3, Monterey Bay, California)
Action 1: Read the digimon wiki, wikimon and conduct as much research as possible.
Action 2: Write “digimon fresh, in-training, and rookie level, worldwide".
After a strange notebook falls in your room and you read thru it’s instructions, you instantly go reading the digimon wiki and conduct as much research as possible. When you finished this, you started summoning the “fresh level” digimons all over the planet, which doesn’t take long to be reported once some of them are seen in populated areas.
-20/20 HP
-10/10 SP
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)
-(Empty Slot)


  • A Memetic Parasite
  • Ruffles
  • Big Goober
  • Blahaj
  • TO (from Round 3 of Radiostrocity)
  • Bubble Fruit
  • Five pebbles and Looks To The Moon
  • Multiple Snøpust
  • Multiple Tareslange
  • O’Malley III
  • Multiple Fresh-Level Digimons

Zone 1 - PENROSE

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Imma need a minute to think about my next actions.

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Action 1: Bandage the bite to heal my HP

Action 2: Summon Dødshorden Forests all across the temperate portions of the Southern Hemisphere (where it is summer)

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Oh wait.
I’m gonna wait for everyone else to do their actions first.
Then do mine.

Edit: Wait I’ll just do my votes privately.

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Action 1: Put some lunchmeat and pieces of cheese into a ziplock bag

Action 2: Search around the surrounding area for a specific fresh level digimon, Dodomon. And try to tame it by feeding it the meat and cheese. (assuming I find one.)


action 1: write “bioluminescent tree saplings, in pots, in my backyard” in the life note

action 2: get to planting them around the town


action 1: watch hermitcraft on youtube
action 2: summon mumbo jumbo’s mc character(does this give their character its own personality or let them influence the real world through whatever server i summoned it from?)


question: Does Madeline (who lives in Minnesota, which uses CST) do stuff 2 hours earlier than Kamila and Joshua (who both live in California, which uses PST) because of time zones or do they do things simultaneously?
action 1: watch Animaniacs (1993 original and 2020 revival))
action 2: write Yakko, Wakko, and Dot Warner in the lifenote Location Warner Bros. studio lot, Burbank, California


for sake of simplicity, I’ll just assume that all people in one zone experience the same time. I’m not going to emulate every time zone in this FG.


Yes, finally, I now know how time works in this forum game.

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Imagine making the skibidi toilet real

do not.


Random thoughts, but for reference this is what the area of New York around the statue of liberty looks like now:

Anything under those boxes is just shrouded in darkness.
Also there may be some heavy rainfall as well.
VERY heavy rainfall.


i’m gonna turn that into a forest of trees that can survive both water and air, and there’s gonna be stuff that moves energy from the outside to the inside.
btw would i be correct in assuming the rain will be either warm or hot?