The Lifenote

So does the Next Night Round thing mean willow and I can’t submit votes this round or next round?

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You cannot submit actions FOR Round 2 (which you’d submit now had the night been in other part of the world).

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why is the night round in the middle of the day then? for my character it’d make sense since i stated that they’re nocturnal, but not for characters that are diurnal.

Oh yeah, I forgot that your character has a different sleeping schelude. I will set your “night round” to 18:00 then.

Oh wait, I think I know what you mean
It should be zone 2 and not zone 4


action 1: read the history of all of the thrive community’s forum games

action 2: summon The Organism from round 3 of Radiostrocity in a sealed jar with leaves in it to collect the evolving tissue cells for use in later projects

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Action 1: Summon Snøpust herds in the Arctic

Action 2: Summon Tareslange in abyssal sea floors worldwide (if that’s too broad, focus on southern pacific)

Can I join or is it too late?

hey - quick question what time zone(s) are these supposed to be?

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zones are detailed in the first post, using meridians

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There 4 zones. There are about 24 time zones. That means each zone has about 6 time zones. Which ones are they using?

I don’t think they are using explicit time zones

Can’t find a good image atm for some reason, but think they’re just looking at a map and using longitude

Edit: this one might work


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You are nearly right, just meridians instead of longitudes.

Aren’t those the same things? Not familiar with map terms tbh


I’m rather sure that longitudes measure how far north/south you are, whereas meridians measure how far west/east you are.

That’s latitudes I thought

Edit: the north/south I mean


Oh wait, you’re right. It’s latitudes and not longitudes

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im pretty sure meridians lines of longitude are the same:
Meridian (geography) - Wikipedia.


Right, that’s what was said

Aah was just confusing latitude and longitude

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Yes, you can join this forum game! Anyone can infact.

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My character

Name: Kamilia
Timezone: 3
Location: Monterey Bay, California
Age: 22
Gender: Female

Description: Works part time at the Monterey Bay aquarium, and lives in a decent sized house on the outskirts of the city. She is a bit of a nerd, with a fondness for prehistory, spec evo, video games, animated shows, and memes. She doesn’t speak very often, and is typically quite soft spoken.

Appearance: She is roughly 5 ft 5, with pale skin, silvery blue eyes, and brunette hair with dyed purple ends.