THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 1)

Depends, did they do this by evolution of supposedly millions of years? Or did they use the bull technology in ant man?

Your putting too much thought in the how and not the if.

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i donā€™t understand why omicron voted no, but ants counting to the billions, the size of house cats would overwhelm armies(and sleevies) and can destroy everything in their path. humans are sure to be doomed in this scenario.

Well technically they would just suffocate and/or crumble under their own pressure due to the square-cubed law, so it would not be too much of a threat.


i forgot about that, so yes theyā€™ll suffocate to death.

EDIT: checked the github milestone and 0.4.3 is 51% complete! yay!!

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Weā€™re already MacGyvering evolution to make them that big. We can surely MacGyver a way for them to be normal.

im multicellular yay


Would that be the same with dinosaurs?

No, since dinosaurs werenā€™t just magically enlarged. They slowly evolved to be that way. Ants are made to be small. (Their respiratory system is even inefficient enough that they physically cannot grow larger than a large spider, since otherwise you would have to redesign the entire system to allow them to survive.)

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dinousaurs evolved hollow bones which helped them grow to HUGE sizes.

insects on the other hand, can only grow to huge size if there was alot of oxygen, like the insects of carboniferous, they became gigantic because of oxygen and the way that they breath.


I havenā€™t been on the forums for uh- about 17.107.200 seconds.

Quite surprised I even remembered this, honestly.


Do you guys like water?

Hereā€™s some water for ya all.


Tuberculosis is a really gross word. What is a tuber? I donā€™t care if itā€™s an actual thing or not; itā€™s disgusting. I just start thinking of tube worms in hydrothermal vents and thatā€™s not an image I want in my body. ā€œCulosisā€ just sounds nasty. Sounds like an Italian dish, but Americanized to the point where the entire thing is just a solid block of plastic.


Tuberculosis is a joining of two words, tubercle, which is a rounded projection (can have on bone or skin) and osis which means condition or pathogen. Tuberculosis gets itā€™s name from the bumps that form as a result of itā€™s attack.


I canā€™t wait to build myself a toaster and run Space Engineers on it.

I just recently found out about this, and Iā€™m loosing what hope I had for YouTube, and I already lost a significant amount of it in the past already.

I might be exaggerating, but I feel like Google is starting to become totalitarian. Soon, they will see the true power of our wrath! What do you think about it, @hhyyrylainen? Sorry for the mention, but I wanted to know the expertā€™s opinion.
EDIT: May I call you BowlDang? Itā€™s just the way my brain pronounces your nameā€¦
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Iā€™m not an expert on evil corporations.
I did see that video before and it made me very mad. It very much seems that YouTube is becoming CorporateTube where youtubers are screwed over all the time and the average user is no longer cared about at all. All hail the advertisers.


youtube is trying to fix the issue atleast
Was that an automated issue or was it caused by actual people? Markiplier said that automated systems are used at Google and might have caused this, but he also said that actual people appealed some peopleā€™s account, and re-suspended them immediately. I hope not all jobs on Earth are taken only by bots, else people would lose their jobs.
Ok, Iā€™m done talking about automation unless you really want to discuss it with me.
Speaking of automation, I recently found weird bugs with discobot. Would you kindly check them out?