THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 1)

why is the forum so dead? no one out of the 350 users are really active, except me. and blackjack.

What are you talking about?

I think that Iā€™m quite active since I come here every day.

i forgot about you, so iā€™ve added you with me.

Two days ago, I had a dream where I was playing a weird version of Spore. Apparently I had created many creatures but only 3 or 4 were saved.

One of them was a weird creature called Ā« Oux Shakur Ā» (and even in the dream I thought: Ā« No, it has nothing to do with that rapper Ā») It looked like a weird pink-purple-ish beetle-like creature with 4 pairs of legs: 6 blue tentacles with a white tip as the front legs, middle legs and penultimate legs and the back ones were the only one with bones as well as being fleshy and quite muscular yet thin. What was even weirder was that I was making it walk inā€¦ a gas station. Yes, a gas station. And it was making noises similar to that ostrich-angler thing from that short movie I posted some time ago as it walked around.

Hey, guys. Does anyone here ever use Google Earth on desktop to make some small personal projects? Because I started one some weeks ago, and it lacks some features that would be quite useful for my project or some other peopleā€™s projects as well.
For instance, you canā€™t highlight a specific region. The closest thing to region highlighting is creating a polygon; however, if someone like me wants to shape the polygon with an entire border as a perimeter, it can take up to 5 hours. Is there any kind of plug-in or script that can do such a thing?
Moreover, if anyone would want to work with someone else, both of them wouldnā€™t be able to work together at the same time. They would have to send a .KML file (or something like that) to each other. I find it hard to believe that Google could put that ā€œWork togetherā€ feature in every of their software, but GE.
I tried to look at alternatives, but most of these kinds of software have completely different sets of features. This is weird that none of them have at least most features related to either geology, political science, history, or environmental science.
Does it mean I have to create a script for one of those features? Or is there an alternative I didnā€™t find?

Isnā€™t google earth like really old? So I doubt they consider / considered it a critical product to add a bunch of extra features to.

Wait, you mean they donā€™t update it anymore!?

which google earth are you using?

Google Earth Pro, on Windows.

It seems like the Web version is more updated than the Desktop one in terms of GUI. In functionality, I donā€™t know.

I found this page:
basically telling that google earth is not actively being developed.

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I was looking at the different forum games and itā€™s like exploring a graveyard. So many interesting games, just, abandoned, left for dead.

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I know, and with no warning. Just Poof! gone.

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Well belgium.

ā€”CID, Saints Row IV

Reference: CID | Saints Row Wiki | Fandom (See: Conversation with Kinzie)

Ashtag my old games: Exquisite corpse and Witcher Dice Poker.

Itā€™s not like the mods really lock themā€¦

Unless itā€™s the ā€œVending Machineā€ or ā€œWho would win?ā€ game re-invented.

Or a meme forum game

except for Oliveriver

Speaking of memesā€¦

Welcome one of the greatest celebrities of YouTube: PewDiePie!

Iā€™ve had dreams of Spore, and just older games in general, like Skyrim. I donā€™t know why, but games like those are the most prone to giving me dreams. They usually end up being quite different from how the game usually goes, but itā€™s interesting to see what my mind does with them.

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Well, youā€™re lucky because only horrors from games come into my dreams, but Iā€™m used to have nightmares, which has been the case since I was 2 years old.

Wait I thought @Louix made cadavre exquis. Areā€¦ are you Louix?

Not the drawing game, the writing one.

The first non- nightmare dream I had was when I was 10. All my dreams are really weird and abstract.

I used to have typical dreams and nightmares, now I just get anxiety dreams.
Late for work, missed a deadline, in public without pants, just the usual awful until you wake up.

Oh, plus that weird one this morning where half my shower was a deadly pit of lava

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