THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 1)

Maybe it will become another Plague Inc. Scenario. Speaking of Plague Inc., I’m trying to get the Mr. President achievement on Mega-Brutal, but it’s quite difficult to get 3 stars for Parasite and Fungus.
It was quite easy for Bacteria and Virus though.

It already is a scenario in plague inc.
Also I want to tell you all of a youtuber named call me Kevin who I think is very funny if you’re okay with vulgarity.

yes,it’s in the name of the virus itself, SARS-CoV-2.

Ahhh, I’m bored. First off, my school was supposed to be closed for 2 weeks, and now until May 1st. It’s still not known if my college will be prepared for long distance teaching (via internet) and it really seems that in their messages, they really don’t know what to do. So I’m not sure if they will end the current session since it was supposed to end in May.
Secondly, all I’ve been doing these days was playing Gmod on Hogwarts RP to level up and I just don’t want to play anymore. Maybe I’ll continue System Shock and learn more about Godot (and maybe Blender since the new GUI came along).
And since the arrival of COVID-19, I’m not sure if it’s safe to look for a job (if my session ends) because my dad is really old and I don’t want to take too many risks.
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To be honest, the entire point is that you shouldn’t look for a job right now if that would require too much social contact even if you don’t have direct family that is at risk, since you’d still be spreading it.


Honestly, now is a great time to focus on hobbies and scoping out job opportunities. Look up what jobs are open ion your area and put them down in a list for when you can apply. Think about what interests you and research what you can do to get started. Try drawing, or writing a bit. See if you can pick up a new language or code.
Having a week or two off doing nothing can feel aimless, but it doesnt have to be!


I was playing System Shock Enhanced Edition and wondered how the controls were like in the classic edition.


104 keys on the keyboard and they only use the mouse.



I haven’t drawn in a long time. Anyone have any ideas of what I could draw?

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COVID-19, hehe.

Maybe the disturbance? Or you could draw my pfp as well, lol.

I will try. I am 99% sure they will turn out terrible

You’re probably better than me at drawing.

What Is The Max Amount Of Post Can A Thread Have?

I’m pretty sure that has been mentioned at least once in this thread already. I’m too lazy to go and check what the actual limit is.


Either 5000 or 10000

somebody should contact youtubers about thrive.
a good youtuber to contact would be dantdm as he is popular and would pribably be interested in thrive.

Thrive just isn’t fleshed out enough to get major youtubers to play it.

10 000, mate. Let’s increase the artificial post count.

Meme time

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It’s 5000 for regular threads and 10000 for the shoutbox.

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Kuvakaappaus - 2020-03-29 10-37-43

Also it would be extremely silly if the discourse chat plugin channel would stop working after a certain amount of posts…

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