THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 1)

This u?

i actually filmed that with a smart phone tapped to a milk carton
plese like and subscrible

Liked, subscribed, rang the bell.

The pirate’s teeth are extremely clean for who he is.

Anyway, you should use a recorder such as OBS.


I’ve been thinking about how to preserve the old forums. Would the wayback machine work?

It would but you would have to preserve each thread as wayback only save one hyperlink down i think

Well the old forums have been online for a long time so there is a chance that quite a few of the threads have already been archived.

What do you mean by that?

Update: What the hell are you talking about? Everything works! Look!

You can navigate through every thread! The only shame is that it can’t load the “Thrive Community Forums” image.

Weird, last time i tried archiving it, i had to archived each thread separately, i guess the archive been updated recently?

also heh:


i guess i was the first misc king

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Also, why can’t we see user profiles?

What’s the image you wanted me to see?

the last edit had message to you from past-me though it was just funny

also it meant that as the last poster, i am the ultimate misc king

if i get 10 likes on this post, then i will buy recording equipment, learn how to edit videos, and post a video on youtube.
a video of me 100% completing assassins creed 4 black flag without taking any damage at all.
and if i get 25 likes, i will not be able to use assassinations.
at all.

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and if i get 50
i will make it a perma death run
i will not be able to reload the game and will instead have to start once more from 0% and play the game again.
if i get hit at all or accidentally assassinate anyone
and not just hit, even if i accidentally fall too far and get fall damage or the game inflicts damage on me it will count

You can’t complete the game without assassinating anyone.

I found the image link and imgur doesn’t want to load it either. How can the old forum still use the image then?

Who uploaded that image?

When I try to reupload that same image, an error occurs:

Something went wrong with CREATE_ALBUM_FAIL. Please try later

But the image still exists!

it loads for me?

also wooo first crash report: ThriveDevCenter!

You are a bit late on noticing that. It was already sent in on the 29th.

@hhyyrylainen, I noticed that many old threads have been locked recently. What happened?

This is bizarre as it only gives me an infinite imgur loading screen. Does it load for you on the archive’s home page?

I locked a bunch of the old announcement threads, just so some random bots don’t comment in them, I also set new announcement threads to lock after 6 months.