I think it’s about time I dropped a face reveal.
Looks pretty! And friendly too! You have a really nice face!
Thank you very much!
the frendlyest and the best face il sey
What im doing in this forums?
why is this forum so dead all the time
its see like, but in reality, its very alive, but not in the surfes.
most here can tell that
I would say It’s quite lively, though I also felt like it kinda “died”, I guess mostly due to school and stuff. Also you might be unlucky with your timezone and spare time to chat on the forums.
whel the forum hase people from all around the world right?
so cause where in difrent time zones you might be awaic when somewhon else is sleeping so yea timezone issues
Wow… just realized that the last time the 5,000th (now 4,990th) post was last edited was more than a year ago.
wow an year ago thats a long time
Visit the official Revolutionary Games website
The forums’ interface is starting to scare me.
I earned the Devotee badge!
Now you one of us
one of us! one of us!
huh, it has been a bit since somebody last posted
I just found something on Spore’s wikipedia page “See also” section!
Thrive doesn’t have it’s own wikipedia page yet, but it’s nice to see this project being mentioned by people!
I think its about time to make the name Thrive to thrive there
also there not very active now
I think its because of me XD
what do you mean?