THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 1)

well… you see…

i have a forume game that very popular that attract people here to see whats happen and now I just in a break in continue make the game.

soo the activity here are something like connected to that (but I cant say if its true or false here)

soo yes

huh ok

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10/10, would reccomend.

There are now 8 billion people on earth


Let’s round that to 10 billion.

Defeat music plays.

Oh boy, I have missed so much activity. School hurts. Too many things to do…

Update: I had an exam yesterday, but I couldn’t study enough since I got sick in the weekend.


Well it’s been a while since I posted here, what’s going on?

We are 400 posts away from the end of this thread.

The final post should be written as follows:

Individual reply message that came after all other reply messages in this thread known as “10,000th”.


I am personally in the wiki post camp. Basically just doing what we did for the 5000th post

how about both?

I’m personnally in my camp as it would end the thread the same way it began. It would be symbolic.

i am in my camp because we can do both

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Hmmmmm, I was thinking about something…

After the disney announced this new element movie, I started wondering if there is some sort of father to the 4 basic ones.

And I came to conclusion that nuclear fusion is indirectly the one behind 4 basic ones.

Wouldn’t that be true?

Has it snowed in your area (in the past week and today)?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Yes (but the snow has already melted)
  • No (it never snows in my area)
  • Yes (it always snows in my area)

0 voters

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what do you mean by it always snows in my area?

That there’s always snow where a person who would choose this option is. E.g.: Antarctica.

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ahh ok. thanks.

Or Yakutia.

What is your favorite type of text
  • Paragraphs
  • Series
  • Parallel
  • Bracketed

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