THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 1)

how about both?

Iā€™m personnally in my camp as it would end the thread the same way it began. It would be symbolic.

i am in my camp because we can do both

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Hmmmmm, I was thinking about somethingā€¦

After the disney announced this new element movie, I started wondering if there is some sort of father to the 4 basic ones.

And I came to conclusion that nuclear fusion is indirectly the one behind 4 basic ones.

Wouldnā€™t that be true?

Has it snowed in your area (in the past week and today)?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Yes (but the snow has already melted)
  • No (it never snows in my area)
  • Yes (it always snows in my area)

0 voters

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what do you mean by it always snows in my area?

That thereā€™s always snow where a person who would choose this option is. E.g.: Antarctica.

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ahh ok. thanks.

Or Yakutia.

What is your favorite type of text
  • Paragraphs
  • Series
  • Parallel
  • Bracketed

0 voters


Slow mode means you should wait a day between replies to keep quality of posts racing to the bottom. So please donā€™t reply to people in other threads if slow mode is stopping you from replying in the right place.

I've made a really dumb joke just now:
What is stupid and made by bulls?


Can I (or should I) quote from other pages just like quoting from somewhere in this forum? I saw something about copyright restrictions, I donā€™t know what they are.

Normal quoting rules apply. You can quote copyrighted works as long as you donā€™t include too long and too many excerpts. I donā€™t think thereā€™s any hard rule other than what courts will decide being a reasonable amount of quoting copyrighted material, if you get sued.


Random question: if I wanted to design a .NET IDE, do I really have to use a .NET language or could I use another language like Java? How do I implement language recognition? How similar is designing an IDE to designing a simple text editor?

You donā€™t have to use a .Net language for a .net IDE, I think JetBrain uses Java for their IDEs [1]

  1. citation needed ā†©ļøŽ


Yeah, you can write development tools for any language in any other language. Modern programming languages are so complex that you are not going to be able to write a proper parser for them. Basic syntax highlighting is easier, and there you just write the code to do that. For actual parsing and understanding source code, youā€™ll want a premade parser. Unless of course you want to learn how to build that stuff yourself, but a single person really canā€™t make a production quality one so itā€™s purely an exercise for building up skills. For C# the Roslyn system is now basically used by all of the development tools as it is too complex for multiple teams to try to maintain competing parsers.

Just like compilers which just take in text and output it in a different form, the language you use to implement something doesnā€™t restrict you in terms of what input types you can process. Though, it is common for compilers to be written in themselves as that is a good proof that the language they are written in is complete and can be used to develop complex software.

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I just find it really unfair that Visual Studio isnā€™t on Linux and that JetBrains is too fucking expensive for a Linux IDE. I searched about MonoDevelop and it seems to have been abandoned in 2018 or 2020, so itā€™s still stuck with .NET 6.0 while VS and JetBrains are already way ahead of .NET 9.0. There is VS Code, but itā€™s a text editor, not an IDE. While I could deal with VSCode for making mods in S&Box when it comes out (if I sticked to Linux only), I wouldnā€™t have the nice IDE features like linking your code in one file to another (like importing a class from another file, I remember it was a nice feature of VS, that it is able to understand the code). VB .NET would also be a nice feature on Linux. Damn.


It almost makes me wish to learn Assembly just to c*@** JetBrains.

There not a working version yet, but you should keep an eye on DotDevelop, itā€™s basically the continuation of monodevelop by a different dev.

also if you are a student (or just have an active student email) could just try and use Rider for free for a while

you could also try Eclipse aCute if your desperate but I am not entirely familiar with it and I canā€™t really find much about it online but it should work with .net 6 and 7

Does DotDevelop recognize VS .sln files?