Why are there hats on top of profiles?
What? I don’t see them. You activated some easter egg?
i don’t see the hats
Its November why is in every Walmart all I can here is Mariah Carey I am going mad.
It’s already the first advent, which means there’s just 4 weeks until Christmas. So I enabled the santa hats even though it’s not Christmas month yet. Also that helps me so that I don’t need to try to remember it during the last few days I have to prepare the release candidate.
You scared me for a second because i didnt see the christmas hats, but all it took was a reload and they appeared.
speking of these beautiful hats… what decides if you get a left facing cristmas hat or a right facing one??? I seem to be part of left face gang…
i feel stupid it’s the every third hat is switched lol
It’s random for me, changes every time I reload. At least that’s what it looks like.
awww he is so cute
The Thrive community is split into two factions left or right leaning hat
every post has a different hat leaning direction
i can confirm this zenzone has a different hat direction for both of his posts above me
@hhyudabyrylaahden change the code of the thrive community forums so that hats stay the same direction for different people this is something we need right now.
That would be a very complicated feature to make and I can’t even immediately come up with a feasible way to do that.
“Long ago, two races ruled over Forum: LEFT HAT and RIGHT HAT.”
“One day, war broke out between the two races.”
Yeah i know im stupid
me who don’t celebrate Christmas and have the hats:
I will stand who its the strong one win