You can also just make it brighter. That’s what I do.
I just got a rare Apple IIc Plus from the same woman who gave me the hamster!
It needs some cables and cleaning, though.
I know, right? I can’t wait to be able to use it!
you should use your toaster in order to boost its ram and cpu by 2x
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I am doing school sir I am far too busy to do such frivolous things. I used them to trick myself into not doing any work and now have multiple essays due the day after tomorrow i haven’t written.
I also have essays due, I should be doing them right now but I can’t think of what to write
I should be doing school stuff but am working on my forum game lol
stream of consciousness or BS, whichever works better.
I should be cooking for a project in school. Yall are unlucky having to write essays
Cooking? Are you going to a Chef school or taking courses or something?
No, just making traditional Igbo food for an AP World project about West African cultures
Oh, okay! I wish I got cook for school
me, who just looked up west african food:
oh wow that actually looks good
It does look really tasty!
Correction from earlier: I’m making Yoruba food, not Igbo food
If you want to look it up: Im making Asun and Kokoro (make sure to put Yoruba Food after to ensure you get the right thing)
That looks odd but yummy. It’s the long thin brown food, right?
Hey, I’m Sentient and a member now!
Hopefully I can be a Spacefaring regular eventually.
(Or maybe even an Ascended leader?)
nuclear power is insanely safe compared to coal, it produces extremely little waste, produces extreme amounts of power, has a very low carbon footprint (though i don’t really think that matters tbh), can run 24/7, and can even be powered for years with only a handful of fuel.
in actuality a lot of the “environmentally friendly” alternatives are anything but, solar needs rare minerals that need massive quarries to obtain, only works half the time (less if it’s cloudy), takes up large amounts of space and have a pretty limited lifespan before they need to be replaced (their batteries are also very toxic once they break and they can’t be recycled once they break down).
much of the same problem with wind power, they also seems to leak toxic gasses into the air as they spin (not sure about it but i’ve heard about it).
and of course coal spews toxic smog into the air, which wasn’t too bad until nuclear was developed (as it was either have toxic fumes in the air or have no power).
really the way forward is nuclear energy, despite how most people instinctively recoil, and for fairly good reason considering their history, however there have been a lot of developments in making nuclear energy safer and can only meltdown if heavily mismanaged.
ultimately nuclear power is the way to go until we figure out fusion energy or some unthought of energy source.
sorry for the tangent i just felt like sharing a few things i knew.