Very true. To add to what you said, nuclear waste isn’t as much of an issue anymore. A lot of it can be recycled, and what can’t be recycled can be safely buried far underground, where it’ll eventually decay into lead.
(i'm going to cause mischief and bite ur leg :3 )
To everyone who explained to me in detail why nuclear energy is safe:
Yes, I know it’s very safe, but I have a kind of trauma from it because when I was a child, I used to see images of Chernobyl on bing (Yes, I know, I was a strange child)
(Steve Buscemi Fish Clown Detective Cult Leader)
i get it, i know planes are very safe but i’m terrified of flying.
i know it’s statistically safer than any other mode of transport but i am very afraid of heights, to the point where i have troubles with going up and down the stairs (not actual troubles just slight inner panic at the prospect of falling).
it’s usually okay once i get up in the air but takeoff is rough.
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(i'm going to cause mischief and bite ur leg :3 )
I’m the most afraid of heights I know (sometimes I can barely look down at my school without getting dizzy) but when I’m on a plane I’m like “Haha fly go brrrr”
A new rule has been added to the list of forum rules:
If your arguments keep getting shutdown with really basic replies, do not come up with more very weak points that are super easy to disprove, you are just wasting everyone’s time and sanity
Edit: I also updated the Science! category description to say that discussions need to be based on real science there, not crazy speculation that has no basis.
([ɲɛ] | 🇵🇱 | depression sucks, ocd sucks, and I have switched from medikinet to atenza :D)
I translated about half of the launcher to polish already… I don’t think I’ll beat the Turkish person/people to be the first to fully translate the launcher…
This forum is now my main source of entertainment, it’s fun here
(Steve Buscemi Fish Clown Detective Cult Leader)
this forum has definitely developed an odd culture inside of it for a forum about a game that’s not even out yet.
and i am proud to have contributed to it!
Just finished skimming through a bunch of stuff from the TU, and it’s actually really cool. It’s given me a more full understanding of what people meant when they talked about making a new kind of TU with forum game stuff.
(No I wasn’t skimming through to look for ideas to steal for my forum game what are you talking about shhhh)
I’ve been reading on the old forum and about Thrive’s history, and I wonder what the people who said Thrive would never get anywhere would think when they see the game now.