THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 2)

Thanks! I was aiming for a bit of Iilwa Script (which is used to write Classical Oqolaawak, a conlang made by Biblaridion) vibe with it, though still wanted to make it distinct. I’ll release its inner workings within a .pdf file once I’m done.

Seems interesting. I like the design of the Matoks. For the conlang, as a fellow noobie I know the feeling of trying to do something and having no idea what you’re actually doing.

Here are some videos that hopefully can help you:

Don’t worry, my drawings are even worse lol

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Nice! Is it alphabetic script, or something else?

kinda an abugida-abjad-alphabet hybrid. I’m not sure how to classify it.

Kindergarden cop, you know, the reason we all learn almost everything in the universe at school is to learn what we are interested in the most, so that we know where to specialize when we grow up.

Realistic in the U.S., but not in Canada and Europe, haha (although there are apparently more and more shootings in Montreal, so…).


Imagine reaching Trust Level 4 and locking the Misc. Thread on purpose. Everyone would flood other threads because they can’t speak here. =)

I have been waiting for the Deckard for quite a while now and it will probably be announced this year except I’ll have to wait until next year to obtain it. This video show another headset that is so small! The fact that it has a small form factor is a huge advantage, except that it’s not wireless. The deckard will be wireless and will have a lot of features, but won’t be as small and light. Nevertheless, you need an iPhone XR to be able to buy the Bigscreen HMD. If I could get one, should I rather wait for the Deckard? If I buy the Deckard, but only the headset, it will probably be around 700$ like the Index and it will be wireless. If I buy the Bigscreen HMD, it will be 1500$ (CDN) and won’t have wireless. But I’ve been thinking it’d be a nice challenge to make an attachment that makes it wireless. I thought that perhaps I could connect the HMD to a RasPi and program an network interface between the RasPi and my PC so that the video data is transferred through the WiFi. The thing is it requires a lot of technical knowledge that I have yet to acquire. But the sheer fact that it’s so freaking tiny almost makes me want this over the Deckard. What do you guys think about those two headsets?

What is the point of this thread, and what is the point of saying thread thread thread
Is it some joke I don’t get?
No offense

Misc talk that doesn’t deserve its own thread
Thats literally it

The highly trafficked misc thread is the last bastion that keeps the forum’s innumerable users from flooding the other threads with posts.

This is not a correct thread for this kind of question.
(this was originally on Happy Birthday / Anniversary Thread)

Are you trolling with China, Tiananmen Square and now Soviets? This isn’t funny, you know? Simply distasteful.

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Such questions are NOT appropriate for the forums

And you should NOT post off topic things in threads


Fine I deleted it then

I found a scientific article in pubmed comparing apples and oranges*

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probably an impure abjad then.

IM currently making a script for a conlang, but its a logography. And since i want to be able to type it, ive basically just been stealing symbols from the anatolian hieroglyphs unicode database. 𔐖𔐁𔔂‎

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Captura de tela de 2023-02-15 21-41-11


Thanks! I saw:
Zrzut ekranu 2023-02-16 o 01.59.12

@hhyyrylainen, what do you think about this?

It’s amazing how Thrive has been based only on pure enthusiasm for about 9 years, except for Patreon of course.


You still left a third post in the meme thread. I’ve now deleted it based on you making the same inappropriate joke 2 more times and issued an official warning after deleting that post as well.

Even if you count the Patreon, then it probably almost lines up that Thrive existed for at least 9 years before the Patreon started.

I think that person is just angry for absolutely ridiculous reasons. The first fail is that they think that distros would not customize GNOME if the standard version had an proprietary AI service integration in it (Ubuntu already has their sidebar customization, which I think is garbage and I’m glad that Fedora has a more standard GNOME install). Second is that they think that someone would be making enough profit from such a thing that they’d keep including it for free (I’ve heard that OpenAI is losing a ton of money by letting people use their AI for free, for now).
If AI integrations become a common tool to use on computers, it should definitely at least have an optional package (or an option in the WM to turn it on, just like GNOME already has various email and online storage service integrations that can be enabled in the steps for setting up a new desktop).

When they speak about AI, do they speak about things like Cortana and Siri?

A side question: Do you have a VR headset?

Considering the thumbnail of their previous video, they are obviously almost dying from rage when someone has suggested adding an OpenAI type of search? or another tool to GNOME.

I dont’ have a VR headset.