THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 2)

Special brownies?
Like, weed brownies?

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yep. also made with coffee in place of water

Iā€™m ordering pizzas who wants what toppings?
(weed @lipovomit)

A cheese pizza is fine.
Also, when will the Aware stage prototype release? 0.6.2?
And what in the heck is devilā€™s lettuce?

Along with the awakening one

Devilā€™s lettuce refers to marijuana
Now lets not discuss these things on the forums

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Do you want my pizza?
Here. :pizza:
Wait, thatā€™s pepperoni, not cheese!
images (1)

Iā€™m pretty sure that the probability of having all these while being on the forum is pretty slim.

We are cursed! The end is nigh!


Iā€™ll grab the popcorn.

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Here you go, RiboRomb.
Yā€™know, itā€™s too bad i canā€™t have anyā€¦

Hold on. RiboRomb? Like, as in ribosome? Youā€™re telling me he evolved from an electron to a particle consisting of RNA and proteins found in the cytoplasm of cells while I wasnā€™t looking?

Also, how did your profile picture change again?

i would like pepperoni, sausage, and extra cheese

will it be possible to make an organism that grows solar panels from its body to power an electrosynthesis organ as a type of photosynthesizer


10 posts were merged into an existing topic: Quick Question Thread

Now i am imagining the USA invading Pre-Cambrian Earth for oil, thus causing a time paradox.
Of course, they wouldnā€™t find any, because no macroscopic life, but still, time paradox.

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anybody here enjoy comic books? anybody here have an amazon account?
well iā€™ve been reading comic books on amazon for free! comixology letā€™s you read (some) classic comic books free of charge so long as you have a subscription, and thereā€™s a 30 day free trial.
i just thought i should let people know.

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Oh. I forgot about Titanā€™s hydrocarbons. So maybe Earth would have abiotic hydrocarbons, i dunno!
Still, time paradox!
Also, why was the Space Stage page on the community wiki deleted?

I am absolutely sure there was oil in precambrian, photosynthesis is like ~2-3 billion years old. Are you thinking of coal?

Possibly. But what about the space stage community wiki page? Why was that deleted?

It seems that the page was originally created as an act of vandalism by the user DownWithThriveYetAgain.

Should i restore it? After all, the Space Stage is planned.