THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 2)

what is that “thrive suggestions”

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(Ow my head)

@lipovomit that’s literally what I said

I like how Zenzone decided to do a speedrun ban ANY%

By the way, since there are a billion people online, does anyone want to talk to me on dm?

raises hand while dying of laughter because of the facepalm meme

I’m a professional Ban speed runner.
I’m also a professional race car driver, I believe that’s called being a “Racist”.

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Ban accelerationism

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(Every time you reply, this meme multiplies by two. When it reaches eight, i explode into a literal ball of laughter)


Lol wtf???

You crossed it out and that just makes it even funnier!

Then I shall keep posting!

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(im already bursting into a ball of laughter! XD)


No. :stuck_out_tongue:
(You thought i would make it eight, huh? Well, no, because that’s stupid.)

That link has only 2 Lua bindings listed. All of the engines work so that the engine starts up, does it’s thing, and only then allows Lua scripts to do their thing to control what the game is about (okay, I didn’t look at all of them, but that’s how all Lua systems I’m familiar with work).

So what I said is correct, the base engine systems are written in probably in C++, which then loads Lua scripts that allow customizing the behaviour of the program. Those 2 Lua bindings to low level libraries can technically be used so that you just have a really small C or C++ executable that just does the bare minimum to load the Lua system and then the Lua code could be in control by telling those low level libraries how to initialize graphics etc. systems and then control them. This is not usually done because Lua is slower and those core parts of the engine rarely actually need to change.

16 people online, it happened again*
16 people


honestly its partially because of doom’s forum game

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why is the facepalm thing even funny?

Oh, is not anyone worried about the revolutionary cult?