Because i found it by accident while searching for this:
Nah man, the orbital religion’s fine, it just needs ten hours of sleep, is all!
Because i found it by accident while searching for this:
Nah man, the orbital religion’s fine, it just needs ten hours of sleep, is all!
also it’s really not funny… like… at all…
It is to me, so that’s all that matters!
(i wish that was a belgiuming .gif)
What is “thrive suggestions”?
You can google it. It is where you do suggestions
Why can’t you decrease the score of a suggestion?
Blame social media for that.
Our suggestions site where people can put their wild suggestions instead of bombarding us developers elsewhere.
I think it should display the likes and dislikes seperately so that we can distinguish the controversial one from the boring one
What were you guys on when I was asleep??? : |
There was a whole thing where Zenzone raided the cult thread and that bled over a little into here when the thread was temporarily locked
“Raided” is exagerated
I just read it… I- I feel the same way I felt when in among us someone just killed someone else in front of me and all I could do was walk to the body and report it… In other words, no words.
Someone got murdered in front of you? SUSS THE IMPOSTOR OUT!
Yeah, I was playing with Twilight and some randoms, and when I was walking near navigation, some guy killed another one in from of me and the run away and (presumably) vented. I was so shocked that I just walked to the body. I don’t think I even managed to report it, cause when I was near it, others reached the area and only saw me standing over it. Then when it was reported, I was only able the say that someone killed right in front of me. I obviously got voted out and then the text said “Nie was not an Impostor”. No wonder that I got voted out cause all the evidence pointed to me. The worst part is thet I was so shocked that I couldn’t really think at the moment. I couldn’t even remember what colour the impostor was.
But it wasn’t red was it?
I don’t know. I don’t remember their colour.
What colour were you?
Light Pink.