THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 2)

Hello everyone! Out of curiosity, I decided to make this poll to see how much anyone else here enjoyed the game Spore. I imagine that the majority of people here liked the game’s concept (this is a forum about Thrive, after all lol) but I would like to see your thoughts on the game itself. Please do not feel pressured to participate if you wouldn’t like to. I hope the resulting data can be interesting to some of you, too!

How much did you enjoy Spore?
  • Your favourite game/one of your favourites!
  • Enjoyed the game a lot
  • Enjoyed the game
  • Enjoyed the game a little
  • Mixed feelings
  • Somewhat negative feelings
  • Negative feelings
  • Very negative feelings
  • Never played it

0 voters

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I found spore before i was even into science and biology
It was practically the gateway to my love for zoology, alien life, and spec evo


Nigel and MechanicalPumpkin never played Thrive? HERESY!

I never have either lol

Edit: the poll refers to Spore, not thrive, though I have also never played thrive

well, theres this cool thing called knowing how to read, you should try learning sometime

IM the guy who made a house in early multicell stage, and played until the year 6 billion.

This but unironically. I have never actually played Thrive before. I mean, I’ve attempted to play 4.0 on my old laptop a long time ago, but it crashed every time. Though I have a new PC now, so I guess I should try it again.

This kinda makes me wanna play 0.3.4 and 0.6.1 one after the other to compare the game’s past to its present

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Yeah I haven’t really played thrive either, I think the only one I actually even played was the pre-godot one and that wasn’t for that long.

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Before i played the modern versions of Thrive, the only version i had access to was 0.3.4 because i had a mere 32-bit computer.
And i’m sorry for misunderstanding. But still, Spore is good but flawed.

I feel like there has been a lot of forum activity recently

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It happens. Sometimes there seems to be a new post every two minutes, while other times the forums can be radio silent for two weeks.

i never said it would be easy, just that someone should do it. especially if they know lua and are a fan of both thrive and MC.

I used to be a fan of Minecraft, until they didn’t add Copper tools alongside Copper in 1.17!

Not every resource needs tools/armor.

just use mods, like create.

Prepare for the first minigame of Intermission Insanity at 12 PM EST tommorow.

But every game ever with Copper that has a tiering has Copper tools!
Okay i only have three examples, but still!
Also @willow i only have Bedrock Edition because i only have a tablet and phone and Nintendo Switch.

then get a computer or a laptop.

Sorry, too expensive…

arent some laptops cheaper than mobile devices? like arent the latest phones over 1000 dollars?

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