THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 2)

a good laptop for MC costs like, 50-400 dollars.

But i dont just want to play Minecraft, i want to play Spore, Starbound, Thrive, Unturned, Terraria, and possibly more!

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my 16 GB ram laptop costed around, if not less than 400 dollars
(enough to run all those on max gfx settings probably, but i dont own all those games sooā€¦)

I canā€™t save money, iā€™m sorry.

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why not? if you donā€™t have a job get one so you can, and if you do then tell them they are not paying you enough and quit without giving a 2 week notice unless you like the job and your employer, and then get a job that pays more because if you canā€™t save money with a job then the job is not giving you enough money.
also make sure you have a job you can start working at within a week of quitting if you have a job and cant save money

Legit just said ā€œget a jobā€

Iā€™m literally seventeenā€¦

old enough to work a job where i live, but guys, cut him some slack! heā€™s not even a full grown adult yet.


im pretty sure you could still work if youā€™re 17 if you really wanted to
another option is to ask your parents for an allowance
gather that money!
be on the sigma thrive enjoyer grindset!

My mom only has a $600/month allowance, and we cant spare any expenses!
(I am too afraid to ask how much money my dad makes a month, but assuming its also 600 or so, we only have $1200 a month)

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well in most places you are old enough to work so add to that income.

They are still trying to find a job for meā€¦
Itā€™s hard when you have autism.
Itā€™s hard, and nobody understands.

Are there any simple jobs you could do that donā€™t require much social contact and would pay you enough for you to buy a laptop in the course of a few months? You know, likeā€¦ idkā€¦ Street cleaning?

I canā€™t walk too much without getting winded. Just a simple walk around the school does the job for me. What i need is something intellectual.

Why are you too afraid to ask him?

Itā€™s usually considered rude to ask someone about their salary, at least from where Iā€™m at.


Well, that makes sense. I guess Iā€™m not used to that.

its like that one meme
ā€œnever ask a man his salaryā€
ā€œnever ask a woman her ageā€
ā€œnever ask me how in the world im gonna create an entire evo game thats just suppost to take place in 4 roundsā€


Rest in peace classic map.

Ahhh finally some peace here.

So calmā€¦

So goodā€¦