THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 2)

I think it would be vastly more productive use of such a persons time to help develop Thrive itself, rather than try to make a basic clone. Though, maybe there exists people who are good enough in Lua in some environment where they could pull that off while still being inexperienced enough programmer that they’d have a hard time helping with Thrive. But I think such a person would be best off doing a few small / medium software or game projects themselves to gain a bit of experience and then join Thrive development.

It can come back / kept if someone actually wants to maintain the code related to it.

it could help them get experience to develop thrive and even make a plugin to make CC be able to use code other than just lua which would allow regular thrive to be played on CC’s computers and make people be able to introduce far more people to thrive without just sounding like an advertisement

I feel that you are suggesting more and more impossible things (well technically possible, but so difficult that it doesn’t really matter, you’d be fighting all of the tools all the time to try to get them to do what you want unless you do a really cut down Thrive text adventure). The same really as when you post in various other threads I don’t want to name.

0.6.2 is legit biggest update yet in Thrive’s history, it adds Land sub-stage*, Aware stage* and Awakening stage*



yo i haven’t been on here for a while because i have no way to play thrive what have i missed?

Hello! I’m writing this post to discuss the results of the little poll I made before asking about everyone’s opinion on the game Spore. Thank you to all of the 17 other people that voted!

According to the poll, most people enjoyed Spore quite a bit, with the most negative votes only falling in the “Mixed” category, giving it an overall positive score. The thing that suprised me the most about the poll’s results are that there a lot of people here that haven’t played Spore at all (5/18!). As somebody who discovered Thrive while searching for a potential spiritual successor to Spore, it’s interesting to see that a a few people discovered Thrive in non Spore-related ways.


It’s been a while since we’ve seen Sentiant — their last post was 1 year ago.

And you posted that in a thread that also was last posted in a year ago??

0.6.1 one was released.

got it thanks :slight_smile: ill check that out edit: oh cool upgrades

I deleted your double post and I was just about to put the old content in your latest post, but you happened to just edit it…

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I had never seen it i because i keep playing and playing and a new update appears so i try to load my progress but it don’t work so i had to restart my progress to see the new 3d editer

Are if/else statements bad because YandereDev doesnt know switch statements?
He says that the lag is from physics calculations or something, but not the if/else statements all over his game.
I feel like i’m comparing two different languages to see if one is better than the other.
@hhyyrylainen how good are if/else statements at building games?

If statements are practically necessary to make a game if you have a value that should control a statement, I just used one in a sentence.
Else statements are more niche, but do have their uses when you’re sure your logic needs to be the exact opposite of your if statement, which can include another if statement.
The problem with YandereDevs if/else statements is that he was using it to check many conditions at once, of conditions that should not be dependant on one another;
I.E. If (age > 15){foo(age);}else if (age > 18){bar(age);}else if (age < 40){ETC} else {ETC},
These should not be checked dependantly on eachother because it can make extremely difficult to follow what age does what, since you have to read every if statement to understand what range of values you’re actaully checking.


No. Only some people who are really opinionated might say that else is bad. But “if-else” structures are really a core part of imperative programming.

Not knowing switch statements, it is a bad thing. Long chains of if-else are hard to understand, and as such are considered bad style. Instead switch statements should be used.

I think you’ve missed some important parts of the discussion around that. I’ve seen a video where someone recompiles the YandereSim game in Unity and runs it, and basically gets vastly improved framerate by cutting down on the useless checking of “is it time to do x in my schedule yet” all the objects constantly do.

Unless you take part in a challenge to specifically avoid if statements, you will use them in a game. There’s no good reason not to. This whole question is something only a beginner without any programming experience would ask.

This would be fine, and actually understandable if the values are written in a certain order like, is the age over 25, is the age over 15, is the age over 10, else do something different. Many programming languages don’t support switch cases to be value ranges. For those you literally just have to do such a chain of conditions. The only option would be to do an early return, but that isn’t better in all cases (and of course there are again people who are really against early returns, I’m personally in favour of them in many cases).

If you actually need to do different actions on different value ranges, you just have two options: put the checks in the most understandable order (like I mentioned above), or redesign the game to not have that kind of value range based conditions.

Coming back to that performance problem, what YandereDev should have done is some kind of event pattern where either the game entities are given the game time like once every few seconds (whenever the simulated in game time changes), or a more complex system where game entities register to listen to specific events like “previous class ended” and only then reacting to that.

If you have just one thing checking a list of 50 items to see if it is time to execute any of the actions yet for each frame of the game, that’s not too bad. But then when you need to duplicate that object 50 to 100 times. Suddenly you have an exponential growth of the needed code that has to run each frame.

I’m not sure why I bothered to write this long of a post, as only people who have grasped programming at least at a beginner level will be able to fully appreciate…

So he’s using if/else statements wrong and the gremlins know jack squat about programming?
I guess i can have my code cake and eat it too, huh…

A post was merged into an existing topic: Happy Birthday / Anniversary Thread

What is the origin of Thrivecoin/Thrivium?

It was an April fools joke

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Why did it age so badly?

it didn’t, it’s a meme about EA, a funny one at that.

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