THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 2)

Java is a programming language.
Javascript is a scripting language.

Shorthand for Javascript would be JS.

programming and scripting arent the same thing???

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I get your confusion. I found that out just a few hours ago.


Is it just me or did the users page stop working?

Yesterday was the 10 Year anniversary of the infamous ‘Thrive Reddit Boom’

I meant to post this yesterday but i forgot…


There’s really few languages that are truly “scripting” only. Node shows that JavaScript can be used for fullstack applications with the backend definitely being more software engineering than just “scripting”.

It does look like it. I recently (in the last few days) installed a Discourse update so that is probably why.

I feel bad not just for the Gmod community, but also for the dev who worked hard for his addon only to receive hateful comments, worsening his mental condition.


Pretty cool, isn’t it?

The original video looks better

Would have been much more impressive if they actually carved real apples instead of just making one apple model and a script (I assume) to generate all the needed images. I can still appreciate the effort in that, but most program generated bad apple videos don’t try to pretend to be something they are not.

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If I’m not mistaken, there’s a video of someone making bad apple in actual apples, it’s not as visually pleasing as this one but it’s more impressive



I’m waiting for the “today is the 10 year anniversary of the 0.4.0 version” post, it’s only 6 years away.

Do we have a plan or picture for the next r/place?

I don’t think that they will repeat the same event just after 1 year.

I want to share what happens when you have a real programming problem and ask ChatGTP for help:

Basically ChatGPT acts like it totally knows what’s wrong, gives the solution, but then when you try it, your code is even more broken than before.

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to people playing the new macroscopic and awakening prototypes: how are they? are there other lifeforms there yet?

I think we could do it.

One of my favorite biology evolution documentaries to this day


It’s gonna be out this summer! Getting so hyped! I can’t wait! I love Valve! cardiac arrest

I discovered yesterday that the pm threads have a limit on how many people you can add post-pm creation before blocking you from adding more people for 23 hours. I got stopped at 5 iirc

Discovered this while I was creating a thread where future players could keep track of what progress I’m making on the remake of my Civ game