THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 2)

Is it me or it looks exactly like Spore’s artstyle?

I’d rather see Thrive get completed first. Our world is politically unstable. We need more stability first.

Don’t do it! It will remove all of its magic!


They qualify themselves as the “successor spirit” of Spore, so it is understandable that they would take their appearance

Not doing it lol
But it’s dead now, so I don’t really see why not

For now…

Imagine if the autoevo had a bias towards amogus shaped organisms

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that would have to be an easter egg and happen only on a specific seed for it to not get annoying

No, it should be the norm

You could possibly select for it naturally by making your own reature amogus-shaped. Then, diverge and kill off any species that dont look as such.

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I love it when the characters say the name of the media they are in :heart_eyes:

“We must go on… And find the Pandora Horizon!”

“Impossible… You are Immortal!”

“This is how things work in the Oderhan.”

“These powers of mine are… Spectral.”

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“You were truely the Would You Survive On A Deserted Island? (Sign ups available! - Restarted new as of 11/1/22) of our time…”

sound like an ads

Hi, can someone please tell me how to make large letters on mobile? Thank you.

easyiest way is to make it a header by prepending a hashtag in front of the sentence.

Like so!!!

# Like So!!!

The proper way is by using the size tag.

Like this other way!!!

[size=6]Like this other way!!![/size]

or like this, but idk if this is on mobile or not

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Yea I’m trying to start a new forum game but I just realized I need to paste an image in so I have to wait till I get home anyway.

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need some kappa?

I got enought of kappa lol

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y’all should look at create aeronautics. the open beta is on the 31st of december. this is a link to their youtube channel