The Twilight Realm: A survival Civ Game

Like before it starts?

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If the people I mentioned above donā€™t post their Civ in the next few days, they will have to wait until the summit to join

The game will start as soon as I get the Civ info and can type out the sheet, or in a few days if they donā€™t respond

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Name of Race: Mirarans

Description of race, including any hidden abilities like venom and how they look: Generally small robots, they are weak and fragile. Their head resembles a small orb, with a protruding beak like shape on the front. Lower body is small, resembling that of a goblin. They are all connected to a main computer

Behavior of race:Completely Neutral, Knowledge seekers

What biome you live in: The south pole, like very close to the pole

You have 30 points to spend in 6 categories. You may only spend a minimum of zero and a maximum of 10 points in each category. A perfectly balanced Civ has 5 in each category. The categories are:


Mechanical:Doesnā€™t require organic sustenance, instead requiring energy and metals for repairing.Canā€™t reproduce, instead uses replication centers which requires a vote to build. Starts with a replication center and a primitive power generator.

Calculators:+2 intelligence

Staunch Defence Protocols:+2 Defense

Isolationist protocols: canā€™t engage in any form of interaction with any other civilizations except for non aggression pacts

Rogue Programming: -2 stability votes,-1 defense against espionage

Enigmatic Observers

In the sheer, deadly cold of the poles, no natural life exists. Here is where the Mirarans lie, rigid robots following strict patterns without autonomy, who all are connected to the main computer. Some retain limited independence, such as those assigned to the task of researchers in order to diversify the thought process of the machine intelligence. So far, this group of robots seems completely unwilling to negotiate with outsiders, lest they offer a treaty to completely leave them alone in the freezing cold.

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hmmm, sus

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My civilization

Name of species: Dracorex Magnifica (Magnificent dragon king)

Description: Large dragon-like creatures with two pairs of wings and two pairs of walking limbs with the front most pair acting as arms, metallic armored placoderm-like heads adorned with horns that very in structure between individuals, flexible mammalian ears, and two pairs of eyes. The larger pair of eyes can see light in the blue, purple, red, green, and yellow spectrum of visible light. The second smaller pair of eyes can only see ultraviolet light. They have long necks covered in a fluffy mane of fur, while the rest of there body is covered in scales that come in an endless variety of colors, they have a naturally close tie to magic. They lay eggs with clutches varying between 2-12, the eggs hatch faster in warmer weather but typically take anywhere between 5-9 months to incubate. They can grow to a maximum of 20 feet long from head to tail.

Behavior: opportunistic omnivores with a preference for sweet things and meat. They are curious and inquisitive creatures by nature with a fascination for shiny things.

Biome: Tropical jungle.

Power: 5
Defense: 5
Intelligence: 7
Agility: 5
Charisma: 4
Mysticism: 4

Advantages: Armored placoderm-like head, Two pairs of wings

Disadvantages: Soft vulnerable spot on chest

Civ name: Drakes of the ruins

Civ description: A group of Dracorex that chose to inhabit a region of the jungle that has some old an ancient ruins, having been drawn there by there natural curiosity.


I think that you should be able to DM your votes if you have good enough encryption as in how well you can hide your votes else it would make things like espionage really redundant

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Okay, just going to respond to everything here

@PositiveTower @Deathwake
You must select a biome to start in (or have me randomize that as well, as one current player is doing), and cannot choose surrounding terrain features. These limitations have been explained before. Just choose a biome and I will make the closest approximation to said biome.

You also cannot choose a general area either, so your ā€˜near the polesā€™ will not work

Positive Frale was correct. It wasnā€™t just a ratio of two to one but a limit of two to one. So, only two advantages and one disadvantage.

They were also correct about the starting structure. I can allow you for food to be able to synthesize organic matter into fuel (basically regular eating) or something similar, as for reproducing I could give you something similar to Frale, a general, small stat buff but a static population count until you discover metalworking.

You can start in the ruins if you want, however realize there havenā€™t ever been any prior civilizations, so basically the ā€˜ruinsā€™ are rocks sticking out of the ground. Not only for lore purposes but for balancing purposes, the ā€˜ruinsā€™ will not benefit you in any way.

Also, as to your creature submissions. I have a few similar biomes/ideas, but nothing exactly like most of those. For Magmatic Forest, I have a biome called Charred Forest which is all ash and burned trees, with constantly raining ash, I could have a formation called Magmatic groves that specifically formed around hot springs? For Snipes, what did you mean by ā€˜Shade Swamps?ā€™ I have a couple ideas but would appreciate more clarification. With the Caladrius, I will likely put it in the tar fields (as bones stick up out of the ground there).

@zenzonegaming I private messaged you about your Civ, please look their and select only one, and adjust your Civ accordingly

Also, on the votes: I put up the poll for a reason, I wonā€™t accept any votes sent to me by dm as valid, if anyone does send them to me by dm I will remind them that they must go into the main thread. If you are especially wanting espionage, wait to post your vote til last, as everyone would see your vote next round anyway, so if you wait til last they canā€™t do anything about it til the next round, which they would be able to do even if you dmed me anyway

I still need Deathwakes Civ and zenzones updated civ, as well as minor updates to positives civ. Again, If this is not done today or tomorrow your joining will be pushed back to round 3.

We will start either tomorrow or the day after, unless everyone submits/edits their Civ before then.

Artic desert is my biome or antartic desert, depending on which one is larger

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Okay remove the rogue Programming and staunch Defence Protocols then

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Round one: send 5 man expeditions north and south until they reach the poles, then plant a literal pole in the ground where the magnetic poles are.
(joke post)

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Round One: Eat the sun

(Joke post)


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Haha yes funny, like the pole thing. What if you put two poles, one to mark literal pole and one to mark magnetic pole :thinking:

But seriously please donā€™t make joke posts here, or at least donā€™t make it a regular thing


And no you wonā€™t eat the sun cause there isnā€™t one

Remember everything else is celestial illusions made by the Twilight, even night and day, the only actual thing in space is organisms, the Twilight Castle, and this planet, as well as the Lunar desert


Name of Race: kyhh

Description of race, including any hidden abilities like venom and how they look: they look like marine iguanas

Behavior of race: very calm, they arent explorers but love to spread out. pretty much chill hippies with no qualms about genocide or pointless war, they just prefer to be left alone or traded with.

What biome you live in: I be in be fertile island near shore of river valley surround by kelp forests.

You have 30 points to spend in 6 categories.

Next, Advantages and Disadvantages. Must be a 2:1 ratio, talk to me about special circumstances. I will determine how much of a buff or debuff each will give.

amphibious: can hold breath for an hour, or ten when sleeping (due to slowed metabolism). Also good at swimming.
eggs: Minimum of quadruplets. Very short pregnancies, children grow up fast.

Reptile: when in cold climates much time must be spent sunning. They lack the sprinting speed of mammals but still have stamina
Non-advantageous or disadvantageous trait: herbivory: kyhh must eat a lot of food each day, but it can be literal week old moss. No micronutrients, meat, or fat required. A lot of food must be eaten though. (producing food is easier through cause it doesnt have to be edible by human standards) kyhh cant eat meat to improve muscle growth either.
Finally, give me your Civā€™s description and name.
Kyhh united princedoms:
the island we live on is populated by many tribes of kyhh, each ran by a prince, princess, regent, high priestess, or bishop. Iā€™ll play as the largest tribe or confederacy of tribes but we donā€™t fight and pretty much are a confederacy already. war is illegal but only among kyhh.

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Okay, Deathwake, Iā€™ll sort out the rest later (it looks mostly good so far) but there is one glaring issue.

I have said many times, but please only give me one biome. The biomes that will surround you are randomized, as is the terrain (in this case, the islands), and you cannot choose that stuff, just your starting biome.

I like the Civ, but please give me a singular biome (I will then match it to the closest in-game biome). Thanks!

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Iā€™ll go with a nice island with a good underwater ecosystem sigh


Sorry, but that is still to broad :sweat_smile:

How does ā€˜Sandy Beachā€™ sound? That biome will assure you are coastal, though not necessarily tropical.

However, you could also do ā€˜tidal flatlandsā€™, a coastal bunch of sandbars that also ensures you are tropical.

This is due to a biome randomizer system I have set up for the game, sorry

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Ok, so Iā€™m amphibious, so i want to specify both the seascape and landscape. Sandy beaches are bad for agriculture so Iā€™ll say costal swamp that opens onto a kelp forest?


I have two options that match similar to that, actually. Really the biggest difference in your case is whether you want to be tropical or temperate (there are three temp classifications, tropical, temperate, or cold)

I have Marsh as temperate, allows growth of crops and a variety of water levels depending on tide,

Or Mangrove Forest, which ensures tropical but the slightly deeper water might hinder crop growth at first without special methods

(I would just go with what you said but my system classifies that as two separate biomes, so Iā€™m trying to give you a biome with agricultural availability for both land and water)

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Iā€™m fine with that. Magmatic groves would work perfectly. And by shade swamps I meant a swamp thatā€™s constantly shrouded in fog and cloudy weather.