Thrive Civilization Game (Part 3 Reboot)

can i join if there are enough places?

id very much would like to continue, i cant abandon the star gods…
however, seeing as there are many who still want to continue, and you’d rather do 2 games than just one with lots of people, i have a suggestion
make the world split apart, the continent will be divided, and there will be two separate games that way
or get someone to help you with the game

i think the best option would be to randomly generate a number to eliminate a person, everyone has an equal chance so there is no bias

like responding in a week is more like it.

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Ok, to finally get over this hump, I will post a down and dirty Round 11, which we can fix up nicely later.

@agenttine Akeer-


V1: Search for Metal: 3 (+1 repeated attempt) (+1 specialized scouts)/ 10= 5/10
V2: Societal Reorganization: 18 (+ 2 militant autocracy)/ 10 (+5 complexity) = 20/15

The Dictate succeeds in reorganizing his tribal society into a form of protofeudalism. He appoints three direct subjects known as the Lutr as his vassals, each of whom is the ruler of a third of the ten villages with a group of personal retainer Metlar.

The search for metals fails to find anything more durable than what is already in use—the scouts to the north report being forced back by the Bananarama.

@jellyfishmon- O’lyamata


V1: Explore Caves: 17 (+1 forest navigator) (+ 1 scouting tools) / 10 (+ 5 challenge)= 19/15
V2: Find Plants: NAT 1

Disturbed by continuous agricultural attempts, the soil under the river reveals a silent killer that destroys the surrounding ecosystem. As a result, both the Goma fields and the Fish they relied upon have gone extinct in this area, and it may take many years before this area can sustain life again.

However, in their desperation, the Ol’yamata explore the nearby cave system and discover mushrooms that will help tide them over for a while, alongside Cooper put to use by the Craftsmen to build better tools.

@immortaldragon -Khurissa


Vote: Theocratic Monarchy: NAT 1
Minor status Reached

The Shamans decided to focus on spiritual matters and hand off practical concerns to an up-and-coming chief. The transition turns out to go so well that the Khun and his chieftains supplement the Shaman Council as the de facto and de jure leaders of the Khurissa, cultivating a silent but bloody coup that results in the imposition of an absolute monarch surrounded by fanatical loyalists.

@omnipotentfnarr- Ack Nan Hierarchy


V1: Metallurgy 3: NAT 20
V2: Agricultural Diversification: 17 (+1 refinement) (+2 Specialization) / 10 (+ 2 agricultural expansion) = 20/12

The Crinat and Agria form a mutually beneficial relationship, where the Crinat discovered the Agria technique of crafting stoves that artisans can utilize to construct Kilns. Coupled with a discovery by Scouts of a significant deposit of Cooper forming materials, the Ack Nan experienced a cooper tool revolution.

With these new tools, the Agria created larger fields and used irrigation techniques which led to the discovery that a common weed is actually wheat, and flatbread mixed with jam quickly takes off.

@teaking - Oprectim


V1: Writing 2: 10 (+ 1 refinement)(+1 specialization) (+ 2 divine values)/ 10 (+ 2 Council division) (+1 preferred system) = 14/13
V2: Sustainment: 2/ 5 (+2 Divine Caste System)= 2/7

The upper class of the Oprectim quickly realizes that the writing techniques they use are horribly inadequate and counterproductive. So they decided to craft another system eventually adopted by all of the upper class. However, its complexity means that only those with time and ability can learn the script, so it becomes a mark of class privilege to know, which heavily restricts who can become a member of the Volkind.

The gulf between the upper and lower classes continues to grow as the lower class feels essentially forbidden from class mobility, which is against their religious beliefs.

@MisterMustachio- BeastMen


Vote: Resources: 19 (+ 1 repeated attempt) / 10 (+ 5 unorganized leadership in time of crisis) = 20/15

The irony of ironies is that the best way to preserve peace is the threat of war. As each of the Cabals is vulnerable to being taken advantage of if they act first, a delicate balance of power comes into being.

With little exchange of territory and sparse room to migrate, most clans begin to settle down in their ranges to prevent being exposed as vulnerable to others. In several locations, the environment is particularly conducive to creating meeting grounds between the Clans within a Cabal. Now protected as gathering places for the Cabals, these small villages grow to become centers of trade and production for the Cabal as a whole, a neutral meeting ground. While the Cabals still stand ready to pounce on each other, these locations become known as Cranches, where clans from within the Cabal may gather in peace to trade and even settle for a limited time.

@blackink - Morbus


Vote: Festivities: 18 (+ 1 religious devotion) / 10 (+ 5 fractional people during a time of crisis) = 19/15

“Right now we are divided as people, but as the moon that has different shapes every day yet it remains whole, under its light we reunite and share, seeing that we are the same” -Priest Makran

It is during the darkest nights that light shines the brightest. Knowing his people are suffering, the leadership decides to hold a ceremony on the day when the moon shines at its fullest. All Morbus gather in peace, and several of the remaining survivors begin to share stories. Over time, the various groups become interested in the stories and come together slowly until all Morbus gather under a large fire, sharing food and drink and trinkets and affections. While this night is only one, the connections made this day may last a lifetime. Whether through encouragement by leadership or of their own accord these festivals become a monthly gathering, each full moon the Morbus will share the fire, tales, and warmth. Even on their darkest days, these festivals show that, like the shining moon, life will continue.

@positivetower - Kurich


Vote: Archery: 17/10

Hunting in a forest is difficult, from snapping branches to the numerous places to flee and difficulty to track, the Kurichen quickly realize that they have little chance of getting close to their prey.

Luckily, the Forest provides two materials in abundance, wood from trees, and feathers from birds. These two happen to combine with known techniques of crafting stone heads to sticks, hides from previous prey, and plain creativity to form the bow.

Each felled prey allows for the development of more bows, and the cycle becomes repeating. Quickly, the Kurichen adopt the bows amongst almost the whole tribe, as it becomes necessary for each to provide for themselves while on the run. The Kurichen become akin to forest walkers, able to transverse the trees quickly, quietly, and strike hard downwind before the prey even knows they are upon it.

@zenzonegaming- Bananarama


V1: Meritocratic Monarchy: 6 (+ 1 refinement) (+2 unity in time of crisis) / 10 (+2 opposition to Autocracy)= 9/12
V2: Masonry: 8 (+ 1 refinement) (+ 2 response to enemy in time of war) / 10 ( + 1 unknown resource)= 11/11

The easy violation of the Bananarama villages shows that they remain too open and vulnerable to the savage and brutal Akeer. To help prevent such easy intrusion, the villages have begun adopting more techniques to prevent unknowns from easily entering, the most obvious way is to create chokepoints where the enemy cannot enter without being spotted and contained.

While the plains lack the materials to form wooden structures, there is something that can still be done. Simply put, when enough rocks are pressed against each other from multiple angles, they do not fall over. And when you do this just right, even attempting to slam your body into it to knock it over will just result in a bruised shoulder. Combine this with the strategic sharpening of rocks on almost random parts of the wall, and trying to scale the wall will result in various cuts.

These walls are not tall, only chest height, but from the combination of the sharp rocks and the inability to move them quickly (the Bananarama utilized a method of dragging and water that took them a few months to set up), these walls have, theoretically, limited the number of ways intruders can enter Bananarama villages.

Another result of the raid is the realization that their leadership is desperately inadequate to respond quickly. The furthest villages did not even learn of the raid until months had passed. Even the local villages took over three days to learn and respond to the attack, and after the response, there was disagreement among the chiefs about who was in charge and who was responsible.

Something must be done, and quickly. In what may be considered an ironic twist of fate, the Bananarama fall into the same pit that led the Akeer to their dictatorship, and the subsequent split. Desperate times, however, led to desperate measures. A competition is decided to be held to determine the leadership of the tribe during this crisis, a hopefully temporary position of the Chieftain, the Chief of Chiefs.

During the competition, two people quickly emerge as favorites, and factions form around them through the events, from wrestling to racing. The two form a friendly rivalry, spending the day competing and the nights drinking and feasting together. The two even become blood brothers, on the night before the final race both agree to hold the other as his right hand.

None would expect the competition to turn out the way it did. The final event wasn’t even supposed to be dangerous, simply the racing of the teams of boats from one village to another. While the competition field was not limited, the real race was between the two leaders, outpacing all of the others. It is less than 100 meters from the shore when tragedy strikes. One of the forerunner’s boats begins to sink, while the other passes him by. Perhaps he didn’t even notice, perhaps he did, but he wins on the death of his sworn brother.
None can truly prove whether or not he knew, but the legitimacy of his win is called into question by a few factions, some openly, most quietly, but all dangerous to a people uneasy with the idea of an autocrat who left his blood to die.

@evolution4weak -Arcimea


V1: South 4/5

Not all people originate from the Valley of Ancestors, beyond these valleys lie people unknown. One such people are Arcimea.

The Acrimea come from a place that no longer exists, a place where the sky turned black and the ground turned red, and all green became flames. Many ran towards the towering wet trees fleeing the flames. Only a few survived, and began the journey to find a new place to call home.

The Wet Trees were not forgiving of outsiders. The Stillwater bite, the nights crawled, and the few became a handful as they traversed a land without sun but oh so hot.

They come now to a place slightly better than that before, a small gap in the trees where the water flows and does not bite. They bring with them the knowledge of their parents, of how to build a small house of wood, of how to form a bow and a net. These skills are not lost, and with luck and faith may form the basis of a new people.


For the two military votes, the results are that preparations have been made, but as each was a multi stage approach, I decided to break it into phases, with the first being preparation. Know that each of your people are able to commit to the task but will take time to execute


I am not playing favorites but I was able to write your rounds out more completely before my brain gave up, since you were first on the list. So if you want the additional lmk.

For everyone else. I can write more and am willing to do so, I’m sorry I didn’t yet but for some reason despite multiple attempts I didn’t get it complete. If you want me to though, lmk and I can work on writing it

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Someone came up with an interesting RPG like element to the game, if you are interested in incorporating it into the game come up with a single character and their position and basic description and traits. Each round a section of personal development may occur with you pursuing an action, akin to a CK character. As such, average life span will be 60 years and each round a year (which means wildly inaccurate historical development but whatever lol)

Note that if this happens it def means that my focus will be divided more and I will split the game to avoid this situation happening again.

i really enjoyed the writing style you had a few rounds ago where the rounds were reports from your lieutenants or other subordinates, it really fit into the overall themes of the game and i think it might be fairly easy to write like that mostly.
maybe, i could also be entirely wrong idk.

what tech do i already have?

Agriculture (goats and berries)
Basic housing (wooden structures that house small family units)
Basic Physics (mainly having to do with geometry for building houses)
Metallurgy (cooper)

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then ill research irrigation and try to find ways to improve farming tools

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What tech do i have too?

Starting tech plus- knowledge of bows, nets, and structure building. Not a great start but not a bad one either, just slightly less than most others (the most common things you are lacking rn is agriculture and metallurgy, but the starting location is rather poor for those)

Population is ~600, no complex leadership, location is about upper middle of the southern jungle, stability is 0, power is tiny (1)

Action: Research Agriculture

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Morbus’s Action: Astronomy/Astrology

“Among the fire and below the full moon we are a family once again, and family will always be united no matter the distance. The stories we share, the life, the death, the animals and the plants live in the night sky too, where they are immortal after being carried by the Horned God, let’s look at them for inspiration, may the guide us again to family! Even in full darkness! The full moon is to celebrate amongs the living, the hidden moon is to discover the secrets of the night, whispered in bright spots!” - Gragan, the Starry Eyed


Just to make sure these players want to stay in

Round 1

Omnipotentfnarr- Ack Nan
Blackink- morbus
Evolution4weak- Arcimea

Round 2
Teaking- oprectim
Positivetower- Kurich
Zenzonegaming- Bananarama
Jellyfishmon- Ol’yamata

I have placed a word cap on myself to ensure I get things done, Vasarius is done and now I will work on TCG


Round 12- Part 1
“In this portion of my report, I will focus on the ancient people of the Acarra Jungle and the Mysor Valley, aka the Valley of Ancestors. The purpose of this focus is to allow a more in-depth analysis of these specific cultures before we can compare them to the desert, plains, or even forest peoples who live nearby. These three ancient peoples give us an interesting view of the differences between several forms of early civilization. A nomadic community, which is heavily religious according to artifacts found at several meeting points suggesting heavy traffic, traveled along the South East Mysor Vallies. Meanwhile, a large and prosperous people colloquially referred to today as the Mysor Civilization contained numerous villages made of complex material and even recognizable markings suggesting roads. Compare these two with a newly discovered civilization in the Accara jungle, which begins to appear at this time. In this paper, I will…”- Intro paragraph to a student’s research paper.


Ack Nan Hierarchy

Vote 1: Basic Mathematics- 7 (+1 Writing) (+2 Class Specialization)= 10/10

Vote 2: Roads- 17- (+1 Masonry) (+1 Trade System) (+ 2 Solkesh Mounts)/10 (+1 Class Division) = 21/11

NOTE: Scout Report

Cooper has revolutionized the Ack Nan ability to refine stone and tools. Quickly, entire villages of wood are becoming replaced with the Adobe buildings that use to be held only by the Kuna and granaries. These buildings are often large enough to house a family of up to seven, and other buildings for different purposes quickly spout up, including crafting houses, granaries, barns and such that utilize wood as foundation while using the airdried blocks to form the structure itself. While the technology itself is available, the next crucial step is to develop methods of ensuring the buildings and materials are used in the most correct manner.

The Kuna prove up to the task. With the newly developed glyphic system already specializing in keeping track of numbers, these glyphs can be utilized to form early mathematics. Of special note are two different techniques of utilizing numbers.

First is metrology, which is used to standardize and measure distances. Utilizing this technique, the Kuna can form a system of land acreage to increase crop output of farms. Second to develop is Geometry, which is of practical use to create the buildings now populating the valley.

The use of metrics also comes in handy with another crafty development of the trade system between the villages. Due to the increased volume of traders utilizing the trade routes between the villages, the Kuna have decided to enlist the Criat to create designated pathways between the major villages to increase trade output and volume. Cleared brush is replaced with carved stone slabs that allow people to travel more easily.

This increase in trade has resulted in an innovative invention. The combination of cooper tools, wood, and Solkesh leads to the cart, which can not only easily carry large quantities of goods, but also allows journeys between villages to be cut from days to mere hours when paired with a fit team of Solkesh. While not quite as quick as a mounted Solkesh, the use of carts allow for more people and items to travel.

As a final piece of news, recently Huniac scouts report that they have spotted a strange people to the Southeast of the Valley. Scouts have kept their distance for now, only covering the range of these people utilizing their flight paths and fleeing if the strange barbarians come close. They seem to be dressed in primitive animal rags and seem to never stay in one place for long, traveling the area in small groups, but coming together monthly, where scouts report hearing them cheering and shouting in their strange tongue.

Power: Minor (2)
Stability: Prosperous (3)
Population: ~6,000



Vote 12: Star Studies (18) (+1 Religious devotion) = 19/10

The Moon is a symbol of the cycle of life and death itself. Every month it goes from newborn to its adulthood, to death and the subsequent rebirth. With the festiviles now marking the times of the month, and the presence of the Moon becoming more central to Morbus beliefs, it is only natural that the Moon becomes a symbol of Morbus faith. Each night when the moon graces the sky represents a different time in a Morbus life. A New Moon is the time to find your purpose, while the Waxing Moon is the age of pursuit, Full is the time of achievement, and Waning Moon the time of rest. It also becomes symbolic of the lives of the people, those who are successful in life usually do so on the days of the Full Moon, while the New Moon is considered a time of peaceful family relaxation.

The Moon is not the only thing to grace the night sky. The Stars are seen as something of a spiritual guide, and the Morbus have noticed a few things about the stars. Some of them form patterns that stay relatively the same through the year and can be used to help navigate during the nighttime. Moreso, some stars seem to move through these as time goes on, and these stars can help determine the time of year you are in. The Shamans, most notably Gragan the Star Eyed, take note of these to help guide their people towards known locations when there is a higher chance of the bushes blooming, or animals grazing. Gragan himself is one of the first to note the constellations in the sky, and has been honored to be titled Starry Eyed, and is the one who is charged with leading the tribes using the Night as his guide.

Night is not the only time to have something of note in the sky. Recently, some Morbus families have reported seeing very large birds flying overhead and landing off in the distance. The birds have strange feathers and seem to have a strange bump on their backs, some so big they might be a second head! Unfortunately, they seem to be quite skittish, as the always fly away when the Morbus get close.

Power: Tiny (1)
Stability: Stable (2)
Population: ~1,000



Vote: Agriculture (19)/10 (+5 difficulty) = 19/15


Settling in a new place is difficult. The Arcimea come from a place of sun and warmth and find themselves now in a place without the food sources they once relied upon. Luckily for now, they have water and the creatures of the jungle provide meat and bugs to eat. But as time continues, the Arcimea slowly become accustomed to their strange new home.

Helping in this transition the fact the jungle is no stranger to plants. So many different types of plants as a matter of fact. There exists plants that grow ripe fruits of so many types, such as a round black ball with sweet insides, a hard egg shaped plant that contains within it water and juice, and even small little nuts that grow naturally upon great big trees.

The Arcimea quickly discover how to not only harvest these bounties, but also how to clear areas around the trees to allow them to grow more batches, and even to plant their own seeds to form new trees. Quickly, the Arcimea population learns they can harvest these plants not only to feed themselves, but as traps for the herbivores of the forest. Combining the meat from the animals and fish, and the fruits they now gather, the Arcimea population grows quickly almost overnight.

Bringing with them the knowledge of building structures comes in handy, and quickly buildings of wood and thatch, useful for keeping the bugs away, begin to populate the riverside, and so begins the Arcimea life in a new place.

Power: Tiny (1)
Stability: Stable (2)
Population: ~800

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Action: Get A Proper Government (Direct Democracy?)

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