Then how could you insert dna into a fruit to make it work diffrent? In order to do that you need a gene to make Cas-9, which is most commonly found in ocean bacteria. So you would need to go to an ocean, get the cas9 gene, and mass produce it at your civ. So unless you have an ocean nearby, you are only going to get a flavorful fruit
they have the traits phagocytosis and RNA encoding brain. they also come from a lake that most likely is filled with bacteria that need to defend themselves from viruses. they also definitely have bacteria in them as most endosymbionts are bacteria.
also they are making the fruit off of their own bodies just using the chloroplasts and existing DNA in their bodies or DNA that they created
Ok, sure, lets assume that works. Then how would messages be transferred via this gene tower if it collects no information, how does it know who it goes to, and how does it transport said messages? At what point do the cell people lose their individuality, at what point do they share all the same intrests, hobbies and traits that they cease to exist. Just rulled by a collective consciousness that doesnt care about them as they are ‘expendable’ in the face of a much larger goal. At what point does a slime have freinds if it is just another one of? At what point is emotions if they rid you of ability? Will they turn those off too? At what point do they stop trying to live and start trying to not die?
it does collect information it just doesn’t store it
the same way the internet knows who you are calling
why would that happen? if it doesn’t happen with humans and phones it won’t happen just because of a long range communication organelle that doesn’t transmit data based on emotions without effort from the person trying to convey their emotions.
How are you going to get radiowaves? There is no animal on earth with this attribute. Nor is their an animal you have discovered with such attributes.
What about when you have a perfect replecation system, as genes gradually mix between persons, the diversity in the genepool will hit a net 0, then everyone is the same. How do you differentiate people from one another, how do you stop people from impersonating one another?
exciting atoms in a specific way
brittle stars.
i could make it. i have the RNA encoding brain trait.
that would not happen. there will always be self-modification among this species due to their ability to think genes into existence as long as they know how to do so.
kid got hit with lightning and didn’t explode into burning chunks of flesh.
Pretty sure kids dont explode into burning chunks of flesh when hit by lightning, but what happens in ohio stays in ohio if you know what I mean
Brittle stars do not produce radio waves, you are confusing the coral creature with stars. I dont know how Rna encoding will help you make a gene that excites atoms in a specific way, as it would require either a creature that does that or an advanced level of physics knowledge. You have neither.
You dont have the ability to do so.
You cant, yout civ doesnt know what radiowaves or even atoms are, and even if they knew, they wouldnt be able to do it because it would require a very specific genome to be made (which your species doesnt know how to make, and no, only because they are capable of copying some genes doesnt mean they can make genes from nothing or that they even know what a gene is).
Also, if we want to be realistic, your species would be extremely vulnerable to any tear in their membrane and the “exoskeleton” would make them impossible to move, and no, your solution just makes the exoskeleton easy to slip away or even be peeled.
Qlso, your species would have an extremely slow nervous system.
All I’m hearing is copper is willow’s worst nightmare. Biocides do be like that. Anyhoo…
Action: There must be a time of mourning to lay the fallen to rest. When all have been given their final rites, and their Songs have been sung into the aether of the world to resonate with the stone one last time before their notes rebound into new life, then, and only then, we will begin to rebuild our future by our own hands. We cannot allow this tragedy to repeat, so we shall rebuild stronger, better than before, as is the way of a mending bone. This is the will of the Angarri. Such is our Song.
Also, antibiotics work by damaging the membrane of the bacteria, so your species would surelly be affected by it.
Imma mass produce copper bullets and pound willows civ
That is my goal
who else wants to create an alliance to destroy the civs that used their own special races?
Mmmh, me since I’m just a regional variation of the main species.
acceptable deviation.
Im just a pyro democrcy that might have subtle genicidal tendicies.
But progress!
Also silver carpet would melt willoes species
How many votes do we even have?
1 but you can do more for exponentially worse odds