Thrive Civilization Game (Part 3 Reboot)

I have wood and fruit.


I am willing to join a waiting list since I like to play in the future

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Sounds good. You can retake your one of your old civs or just wait for the right time to join. Since you said future chances are it won’t be for a while

bananarama of the second game

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can i join with this species but sapient and humanoid. and their civilization is called “the Minecraft-communist society of the flying sphere” and it is named that because of their timeless tradition of naming their civilizations after embarrassing things their leaders did.

Great when da first round?

So, what all particulars do I need to jot down to drop in?

Edit: Read upward, alrighty, let’s do some backstory building!

Civ Name: Gerris
Location: South-East, in a borderland between the lush tropics of Aldin’s Forest and the vast desert of the Singing Sands, staying close along the base of steep cliffs to shelter from the winds when they become harsh. The place the people have settled has been named Vortisii.
Traits: The people are called Angarr, Angarri for plural, Angarran as the adjective (i.e. Angarran architecture). Difference in the varying colours of the people’s skin, hair, and eyes are celebrated and often accented with other pigments they have found in their new home, painting intricate lines and patterns on their skin with them.

Vortisii is a place carved and hewn by the crafter and workman, under the Council of Maesters. The Angarri have always been a culture of builders, crafters, and artisans; the greater your works, the higher the social class you receive from the council. Though the aristocracy - and the council they make up - are serve as leaders of the people, since all hold power through skill and the sweat of their labor, conflict between the classes is not as prevalent as in the Old Ways, where one’s class was decided by birth under an ancient religion of a tyrant long dead, poisoned and then strung across his grounds by the staff and guards who served under him.

Now it is the working who support and decide the fate of the people. This includes the military, as their work is laborious and just as important in their own right; keeping the peace and protecting the people. As such they generally hold a mediator’s position on the council, a nonpartisan seat, so to speak. The word of the council is final, failure to abide may be met with time incarcerated or increasing punishment on up to being declared Mordinn, and assigned as indentured labor to one workshop or another until your debt to the people is paid in full.

The religious culture of the people is known as Aeldinnah, “The Beginning Song” or “The Song” for the layman. This belief focuses on life as it flows through nature and all living things, especially the breath of the people and animals. Priests of The Song live ascetically, never taking excess of what is necessary, and any luxuries in moderation. Worship of The Song consists of singing, dancing, and music, celebrating the Aeldunaeri(Songs), of all living things, and reveling in its resonance through the stone. The blend of these beliefs and of the governmental culture mingling together often results in the priesthood being fit, vigorous, and rather desirable, some finding themselves sought after by several mates, though most refuse all but one mate, seeing more as not worth the struggle. For The Song, any born of Angarri blood may take up the scythe, chisel, and cowl of priesthood, apprenticed under another of their sex. The duties of the priesthood is to record the history of the people, and the Songs of the World into the stones so they may last through generations.

(Let me know if this is too much, I’m a bit rusty… >.>)

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Thrive Civilization Game 4R0

Memorandum For Record: Order of Reactivation of SOP 41156 in orbit of Planet Designation “Vasarius”

In accordance with Imperial Mandate 6253 (Imperial Budget Adjustment of 2692), High Imperial Command has ordered a reevaluation of all Sentient Observation Posts and Commitment to Imperial Priority Tasks. Science Command, Sector 42, Imperial Defense Network, has granted approval of resource allotment to SOP 41156, Planet Designation “Vasarius” to reactivate and observe local populations to ensure proper scientific study of potential [REDACTED].

Several key populations have been identified as [REDACTED] and approval has been granted to SOP 41156 to begin [REDACTED]. Populations will be outlined in the following report. Of key observation is the fact that several populations, upon further biological examination, are genetically different from the previously observed populations. IAW IDD2107, these populations have been granted priority status over other initially promising populations.

Memorandum Filed by LTC Andrea Mesa, SOP 41156 Command Officer, SCI. at the order of GEN Henry Marshal, CSD, Sector 42.

@Teaking- Oprectim


The Oprectim (Sky People) are a population indigenous to the large western forest of one of the three continents. They are a religious people, following the faith of Oprectimishva (Faith of the Sky People), which adheres to a doctrine of technological advancement as a means of reaching for the stars, where they believe their gods reside. This religion forms the basis of their hierarchy and their society, forming a strict caste system. This caste system has their religious leaders, known as the Volkid, at the top. The classes are led by a Triarchy, with each member in charge of the organization and efforts of the Caste. They live in the proto-city state stage, with one major population center alongside a minor forest river and several minor villages spread through the area. These villages have a focus on raising a goat-analogous species known locally as a Giopek, as well as fishing and berry plants. There are an estimated 5,000 Oprectim spread amongst these centers, with a solid 20% believed to be within walking distance from the population center. They have exhibited a complex writing system that is confined to their upper class, with the complexity making it impractical for the lower castes to spend significant time learning. They live in longhouses which can support a few dozen members of the tribe, with villages typically made up of four to five longhouses. They possess basic metallurgy, capable of crafting simple copper tools. Given this level of technology and societal complexity, they rate as a ‘minor power’ for the purposes of this analysis. They are believed to be considered a ‘stable’ society, with no major sources of tension, but minor discontent regarding the strict caste system.

Stability: Stable (1)

Power: Minor (2)

Population: ~5,000

Previous Votes: Previous votes: R0 West (14), R1 Agriculture (20), R2Found Oprectimishva (Star Gods) (20), R3 Structures (5), R4 Housing (6), R5 Physics (12), R6 Tribal Commandments (12), R7 Council leadership (6), R8V1: Writing (9), R8V2: Smithing (G15), R9-V1: Improve Housing (11) V2: Irrigation (9), R10.1 Fishing (16), 10.2 Writing (13). R11.1 Writing Reform (14/13) R11.2 Peaceful quelling of discontent (2/7)

@Zenzonegaming- Bananarama


The Bananarama are a population indigenous to a near barren island in the Northwestern Ocean. They are a religious people, worshiping a God of Death named Mortuus Guido. Their current High Priest is named Edward Mortem, who helped band the Bananarama into a single people in worship of Mortuus following his intervention in what is believed to have been a minor plague, stopping its spread via the sacrifice of the infected. The dead are buried in stone carved cairns depicting their lives and accomplishments, though they have not translated these stone carvings into housing for the living yet. They live in several villages around the island with a cumulative population estimate of 2,000. There are no major population centers or focal point. Each minor population center is based around the growth of a rice-analogous plant. Their society is considered Stable, with no major trends of either disaster or plenty, and they are considered a tiny power, with no major influence on the world yet but of interest to future development.

Stability: Stable (1)

Power: Tiny (1)

Population: ~2,000

Previous Votes: Setup (12/10), Agriculture (11/10), Masonry (9/15)

@Doomlightning- Griblors


The Griblors are a population indigenous to the Northern Tundra, just South of the Artic. They are a population with very strong community ties and are sturdy enough to live in the northern biome. They thrive in adversity, with a larger than expected population estimated to be around 2,500 broken up into nomadic tribal clans. These clans are led by a Matriarch, with each line of the family learning specialized knowledge passed generationally, though there is cross over between the clans during their annual summer festival, where the local populations converge on one of the largest rivers and trade and celebration occur. They possess advanced forms of food preservation to ensure population survival during the trying winters. They are also considered experts in Tundra survival, further study as a basis for SERE and Wilderness survival training is recommended. They are considered “Very Stable”, with trends of excess and specialized knowledge to survive in the harsh north, so long as no major disaster strikes, they are believed to be on the path to large scale growth, which may in turn cause populations to come into conflict over limited resources. They are considered a “Tiny power”, with high potential.

Stability: Very Stable (2)

Power: Tiny (1)

Population: ~2,500

Previous Votes: Setup (20/10), Summer Festival (16/10) Food Preservation (24/10)

@Centarian- Grabbars


Setup: 11/10

The Grabbar population is centered in a large southern Jungle of a major continent. They are included in this report for their status as a non-majority sapient species on a pre-space flight planet. This is a Stage 3 Event in accordance with Galactic Charter 2.1(.3.4), they are not believed at this time to be non-indigenous. Primary care is given to ensure no violation of the Galactic Charter has occurred, and the conclusion is no such violation has occurred. They were not noticed in the initial investigation as they are a fairly small population in a remote location, estimated to be only ~1,000 in number, and therefore considered at risk. Non-intervention is required by Imperial Code Title 18.

The population consists of a Tabaxi-analog species. The Maztica Representatives disclaim all knowledge of a colonization attempt in the region, and they may be a case of parallel evolution as examination reveals no advanced material consistent with a failed colonization attempt.

The Tabaxi population consists of a single major clan in the area, owing allegiance to a single Tabaxi Lord known in observation as “Daniel”.

The jungle they reside in has a solid ecological web able to support the Tabaxi population, including numerous ROUS that seem to be the preferred food source for their Hunts, and live alongside a minor Jungle river, though far enough away from potential river borne threats.

They possess simple wooden, stone and bone tools. They also possess obsidian clubs and atlatl javelins, though they also possess their natural weapons. Currently, they are “Stable”, and a “Tiny” power. They possess no evidence of domestication or agriculture, though they do possess a simple division of labor and hierarchy. They have several ramadas in the area, showing a level of simple architecture. This is consistent with an early formation.

Stability: Stable (1)

Power: Tiny (1)

Population: ~1,000

@Godofknowledge- Rulers


Setup: 13/10

The Koijan are an indigenous population located on the Northern Plains of one of the continents. They use the terms Rulers and Koijan interchangeably. They possess the ability to create simple architecture and have simple weapons consistent with a nomadic population living in plains, including bows and javelins with atlatl. Currently there is no observation consistent with anything more complex than a chiefdom, such findings are consistent with early formation. They have been included in this report as a means of showing a baseline development compared to their more advanced others, with virtually unlimited potential.

The plains they reside in have numerous antelope-analogous species living in herds large enough number in the hundreds. These antelopes are very fast for their large size, so the Koijan have resorted to complex hunting tactics in conjunction with persistent hunting, often pelting the antelope from a distance and following until exhaustion. There are also several oases that the Rulers utilize as stops to refill their waters and gather plants that tend to grow in the region. They are considered “Stable” and “Tiny”, with an estimated population of 1,000.

Stability: Stable (1)

Power: Tiny (1)

Population: ~1,000

@Fralegend015- Shornia


Setup: 7/10

The Ovrunos is the collective term for those populations that reside in the Ovrian peninsula. They are a case of Genetic drift from mainland Grinus Rivela, as they are isolated by the Ovrian Mountains to their east and are often taller with longer horns and have proportionally longer arms and canines.

Some of the populations possess a religion known as Urulomn worshiping the Sun as Halion and the Moon as Loniua. The most fervent believers are the Shornia, one of the larger populations of Ovrunos in the region. They are a religious society lead by the Aryunalt (high priests). They have a firm belief in their religion and their community, to a militaristic degree. The Shornia are currently at odds with the smaller Ovrunos populations that lack of faith in Urulomn, though so far there is not much interaction that would spark conflict.

The Shornia can build simple buildings, create simple weaponry, and possess early agriculture. They are divided into the beginnings of an early caste system, with birth determining place in society based on skin color. Despite their relatively advanced state, given that others in the region possess similar or even superior traits, they are considered a “Tiny” power. They are considered “Stable”, though given their tension with neighboring powers that may not remain the case.

Stability: Stable (1)

Power: Tiny (1)

Population: ~1,000

@Willow- Mincomsoflys


Setup= 9/10

The Mincomsoflys population is centered around a large lake in a major forest of a major continent. They are included in this report for their status as a non-majority sapient species on a pre-space flight planet. This is a Stage 2 Event in accordance with Galactic Charter 2.1(.3.3), they are not believed at this time to be non-indigenous, though they possess traits consistent with [REDACTED]. They are considered a Prime Candidate for [REDACTED] given their biological nature. Primary care is given to ensure no violation of the Galactic Charter has occurred, and the conclusion is no such violation has occurred. They were not noticed in the initial investigation as they are a small population in a remote location, estimated to be only ~1,000 in number, and therefore considered at risk. Non-intervention is required by Imperial Code Title 18.

The Mincomsoglys population consists of a biological entity known as Draculus Polymorphus, a strange creature capable of changing its size, shape and features as a means of blending in with other populations, though this is largely utilized as a hunting technique to close with unsuspecting victims before consuming them in a manner consistent with [REDACTED].

Unusual for this type of entity, it seems to have formed large scale communal bonds, with members of the species forming niches to be analyzed further in reports. Such capabilities include the ability to have certain members of the species change their form to provide things such as housing for other members, or to join or break apart so long as each distinct individual maintains a nucleus, though there have been cases of cannibalization of another nucleus to provide energy or genetic material. The exact mechanics require further study. They possess no further advancements beyond simple communal building, though it should be noted that their diet is entirely different and more consistent with the lifeforms of Metokar than any other known species. An expert in the field is recommended for further analysis.

The name seems to be an acronym, but translators have been unable to identify what. Given their unique state, they have been assigned as a high value observation target. They are believed to be “Stable”, with a nonpermanent environmental impact consistent with a “Tiny” power. Core observations have revealed an estimate of mobile Draculus to be around ~1,000.

Stability: Stable (1)

Power: Tiny (1)

Population: ~1,000

@JSpinoraptor- Gerris


Setup 1/10 (sorry for the rough start)

The Gerris is a complex society based in the [Angarr] cliffs between [Aldin’s] Forest and the [Singing Sands] Desert of a major continent. The largest population in Gerris is the Angarr population, living in the Proto-City State of Vortisii, and under the control of the Council of Maesters. The Gerris possess a complex sense of architecture and crafting, with a high value placed on the quality of work.

They follow the religious belief of Aeldinnah “The Beginning Song” which embraces life through expression in nature and is a strong oral tradition.

They have a high degree of technological and cultural advancement, with advanced architecture, stone working, and agriculture, alongside a complex division of labor.

Unfortunately, value brings forth Greed, and the Gerris are considered a ‘recovering society’ following a large scale raid by desert walkers. The great city of Vortisii, for all its wonderous works, now lies burned, and large numbers of the population lay slain. As it is, the raiders have disappeared as quickly as they came, and now the Angarr need to rebuild in the wake of the disaster. They are considered a “Shakey” society following the raid, with a population of around ~500, and a “Tiny” power. They possess the knowledge and ability to become something great, should they survive the coming winter.

Stability: Shakey (0)

Power: Tiny (1)

Population: ~500


vote: make Cairns for the living to inhabit


Rulers Future and Past

Round 1 Vote- Pyrometric Democracy

Rulers Civ Summary

Name of civ- Rulers
Location- plains
People- Koijan
People of will. Normally black hair and eyes, but some family lines have white hair with gold eyes. The Koi family, while not the strongest, it is the oldest in the tribe and are committed to making the civ better in all ways.

Despite their lack of cultural practices, the Koijans have a deep belief in the heavens and their heavenly arcs. They believe that these arcs connect the mortal world to the divine, and that by following their guidance, they can attain enlightenment and a better life for all members of their civilization.

The Koijans stand at an average height of 2 meters, making them average-sized compared to other civilizations in the area. They have a basic level of technology, with simple tools and weapons that are used for hunting and defense. They are a self-sufficient people, relying on the land and their hunting skills to sustain their way of life.

Koijan Votes
Pyrometric Democracy for a Singular Tribe (Tiny Pop) (Round 1)

Contributions to hunts, innovations, and projects give a person merit. The more Merit an individual has, the more power they have.

Merit does not pass to children, children have a base merit of 0, and merit cannot be exchanged, but can only be lost/gained.

The Pyro rankings are,
Kinder- 0-10 merit
Spark-11-25 merit
Flame- 26-50 merit
Blaze - 51-100 merit
Inferno- 101-1000 merit

Every person is categorized by Elder, the 10 oldest members of the tribe (and usually the highest-ranking members) It should be known that to be an elder one must relinquish their ability to gain merit, if a majority of people think that an Elder is abusing their power, then they can banish the elder.

At the end of the year, the elders will gather, and each person in the tribe (Except the elders) will be judged and given an amount of merit per activity they completed/improved.

Bestowed are the callings bestowed upon newborns, like names. They are bestowed via the oldest elder.

The First Bestowed is different for everyone. Like a first name, cannot be changed, and is not related to anyone else’s name except Elders. When one elder dies it is tradition to name the next newborn after them, as tribute. This leads to the names of surviving generations.

The Last Bestowed is taken from the maternal parent with the highest merit and may change over a person’s life depending on their maternal parent’s rankings.


Name = {Pyro Rank} {Position} {First Bestowed (With Family)/Last Bestowed (With others)}

Kinder Young Zeit (With Family)/Kinder Young Drams (With others)
Spark Member Hans (With Family)/Spark Member Pars (With others)
Flame Elder Louk (With Family)/Flame Elder Jas (With others)

Averages of society,
The average child (below 15) is a Kinder Young.
The average adult (15+) is a Spark Member.
The average elderly (28+) is a Flame Elder.

Merit scores per person involved, (Based on contribution to the event)
Satisfactorily Hunt - +1-3 merit (Happens around once every Winter)
Minor Innovation - +2-9 merit (Happens around once every 5 Winters)
Minor project- +1-6 merit (Happens around once every 3 Winters)

Excellent Hunt +4-7 merit (Happens once every 5 Winters)
Major Innovation +7-18 merit (Happens once every 10 Winters)
Major project +3-9 merit (Happens once every 8 Winters)

Koijan History
Round 1- Brief Introduction

Setup: 13/10

The Koijan are an indigenous population located on the Northern Plains of one of the continents. They use the terms Rulers and Koijan interchangeably. They possess the ability to create simple architecture and have simple weapons consistent with a nomadic population living in plains, including bows and javelins with atlatl. Currently there is no observation consistent with anything more complex than a chiefdom, such findings are consistent with early formation. They have been included in this report as a means of showing a baseline development compared to their more advanced others, with virtually unlimited potential.

The plains they reside in have numerous antelope-analogous species living in herds large enough number in the hundreds. These antelopes are very fast for their large size, so the Koijan have resorted to complex hunting tactics in conjunction with persistent hunting, often pelting the antelope from a distance and following until exhaustion. There are also several oases that the Rulers utilize as stops to refill their waters and gather plants that tend to grow in the region. They are considered “Stable” and “Tiny”, with an estimated population of 1,000.

Stability: Stable (1)

Power: Tiny (1)

Population: ~1,000

Koijan Lore Round 1
Spark Young Tra Koi (Promising Youth)

This winter I will be a member!

Over the years I have seen some truly remarkable things! Giant Antelopes and the such! The greatest thing though is the great arches beyond the plains!

The remarkable arches! A masterpiece of architecture! They must have been made by someone! Maybe an Inferno!

It’s a shame I can’t go beyond the plains. The Elders said that it is dangerous to go as Young. So, I guess I’ll have to wait until next Winter…

Unless I sneak out…

I look towards the horizon. Not today, the wind is picking up, and I expect there will be a storm soon, I ponder my ideas. We will probably go into the caves soon.

“Kinder Young Tra, it is time for Orlain! (Meal)” Spark Member Jens Los aka. my mother said.

“I’ll be right there!” I shout as an object of interest catches my eye. In the distance, I see a white almost reflective substance, in one of the caves in my sight (I have really good eyesight). I must see this material! It’s just a little far.

‘I can get there before the storm hits…’ I say to myself. I started to run in a sprint, and jagged weeds poked at my legs, uncomfortable, but not unbearable. My stone rock (my favorite, I worked hard on shaping it) and atlatl Jiggle around in my antelope pouch and my mother worked hard to make it. It’s the only one in the community!

After several more minutes I reach the cave, the opening like a gaping maw that will swallow me alive. I carefully make my way to the shiny substance; I take my rock and strike at it.


I strike at it again.


Why is nothing happening? I look at my rock.

‘Not enough force.’ I think to myself.

I start to notice water slowly crawl up my feet. I start to panic as the light in the cave gets dimmer and dimmer! I stumble through the ever-steeper cave entrance, and losing my footing I trip and fall down into the stream of water, I struggle to regain my footing as I am carried away by the current.

The roaring river of water pushes against me as I somehow get hold of my atlatl, I jam it into an opening in the rocks as I struggle to breathe.

‘I’ll wait out the storm!’ I repeat like a mantra in my head.

May the Inferno save us all.

Flame Member Iku Koi (Talented Individual)

I help the elders get seated in the caves as we wait for the storm to settle.

“Headcount!” Fire Elder Jans/my father says. This will be a long night. I sigh to myself, as much as I hated to admit it, I had just as much of an adventurous spirit as my son, for better or for worse. It made me the best hunter in the community at just 23 Winters old. My father starts,

“Kinder Young Lewis”
“Kinder Member Kiln”
“Flame Member Hurst”

“Kinder Young Tra”
“Kinder Young Tra!”

‘Damn kid’ I say in my head, the third time this winter he has missed headcount!

“Spark Member Jens!” I call out to my partner.

“I told him to stay for Orlain, but you know how he is. He probably ran off in search of something…” She responded.

The other Members and Kinders start to whisper to each other. I ignore it,

‘Punishment for my unfilial son.’ I think.

My father continues on as the names go on. I hear the wind pick up as the rain starts to pour.

‘How long has it been? 6-7 Uns (unit of time based on sun’s angle) ?’ I think the rain starts to pour down in sheets.

‘Dangerous’ I think, ‘the cave lower in the plains could flood.’

“I’ll find Kinder Young Tra.” I say to both Father and Spark Member Jens. I gather my spear and atlatl. Making my way to the entrance to the cave, I scout the surroundings. The only attraction is the large cave system.

… no… he wouldn’t go into a cave when a storm is coming… damn unfilial son!

Flame Elder Jans Koi (Eldest)

I sigh as I finally finish the headcount, I get up from my seat, albeit with struggle. Old joints, I will be 45 this Winter. By then I will most likely be dead, preferably sooner than later, I don’t want to deal with this crap any longer. Unfilial grandsons!

I approached my son, “You know where he went?”

My son sighs and looks at me as he grips his spear, “Idiot went into the caves!”

I furrow my (or what remains of them, burnt them way too many times) eyebrows.

“Lost now of the Kinders to a cave last year too! There is still time!” I quickly make my way into the main cavern.

“We have a missing Young!” The people look at me as I tell them about my grandson’s estimated location.

‘What a pain.’ I say to myself. Runs in the Koi bloodline. I sigh as the most elite hunters gather in front of me, as well as other Flame Elders.

“I guess I will have to come too,” I say as a grab my grand cane, passed through generations of the Koi family, after he would die, it would go to his son.

“Let’s get this over with.” Flame Elder Rou declared.

The search party headed out as the thick sheets of rain clouded our vision.

15 Uns Later (1 hour)

“We Found Him!” A spark shouted out to the others.

“Is he alive!” My son shouted; I could see the stress in his eyes.

The spark carried my grandson out of the cave as the intensity of the storm grew.


Heavenly arcs danced in the sky. A sign perhaps.

“Stone cold…” My son said almost whispering.

My son fell to his knees as I gripped my staff tighter, a raging torrent of emotions flowed through me but I silenced them. The damn kid beat me to it!

“Leave him, my son, we’ll have a burial after to storm settles.” My voice cracked just a bit.

My son struggled to his feet as tears flowed from his eyes.

The heavens rumbled as the heavenly arcs raced faster, and faster. The (lack) of hair on my head stood up as I looked around for the source.

“We have to go!!” I shouted to my son. Who stood there petrified?

“The heavens have been angered! We must take shelter!” I shouted again, oh how I wished I could hit him with my stuff!

“I can’t lose another son!” I shouted at him, the heaven’s noise was deafening, as if the most ferocious of beasts were crying out to the sky. My son finally started to move. We quickly made our way from the wrath of the heavens.


The heavenly arks struck down upon my grandson’s corpse. As heaven’s wrath receded, I saw my son turn over, spitting out water from his mouth.

After that, the boy took out a stone from his mouth. Damn boy!

My son hurried over to my grandson, a quickly slapped him.

‘Can’t let my son monopolize this.’ I think,

“Let me get a few hits in son!” I shout as I hobble over,

“The heavens really do favor the bold” I say to myself as I stare at the heavens,

A sign, perhaps.

Each square is a Km^2

This should be enough specification for now, I’ll make a new one every round.

This took me over 5 hours! tf



Action: Expand food production and population growth.

Only replant trees with edible fruit.

Increase innovation.

Make markers in the woods only recognizable to my tribe. (IE, a specifically shaped hill or mound or knotted tree)

Make tree platforms and rope bridges.

Research clay chinking.

Send people to look for iron, native copper, native gold, and sulfur deposits,

Make charcoal

Send people out to “cursed” and strange areas and report back, (looking for weird and rare chemicals, odd smells, spontaneous death, strange rock formations)

Leader starts writing a guide book on how to get to space stage.

Thank you for giving me a metagaming tool as the leader of my tribe. I’m pulling a DR. STONE!

Eh, pretty sure you only get one vote not 11.

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Hahaha! You silly billy, I’m spitting up my population to carry out the tasks at maximum efficiency! Things like going to “cursed” places will only require 5 or 10 people, while building tree platforms will take 300-400 people. Looking for resources will take around 50 people and replanting fruit trees can be an idle action. Increasing innovation could be an inspirational speech from the leader, And replanting food trees is part of expanding agriculture.

Hey look, he made my character the leader of the tribe so if I metagame to hard can you really blame me? Just because imma go farther faster doesn’t mean I’m cheating.

Note: complicated votes have many many more points of failure, especially when there is no substantial or institutional knowledge backing such votes


mine should be pretty easy, it’s just “hey, look at these things, we should live in them”

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May the heavens bestow upon you plot armor if you think that will work.

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Action: eat some plants to get their chloroplasts and then make a fruit that contains the DNA to turn into a giant tree that produces nutritionally dense fruits for my people to eat and other fruits specifically for making more of itself. if this fails i will just repeat it until it works.

Action 2: look for any unique or interesting species and take their DNA to see what it does

Action 4: create a warrior caste that has a thick silica exoskeleton with a collagen membrane between the exoskeletal plates and has the ability to perform photosynthesis to recycle oxygen by extending wings from themselves. they must also have lungs to breath without being at risk of dying of asphyxiation because something pulled off it’s wings.

Action 5: create a tree organism that basically acts as a cell tower and has several copies of the genetic information to make a wireless receiver to communicate over long distances with only the knowledge of the communicating organisms. the tree does not keep the data so no program can be made to get rid of internet privacy with them.

they all have several million nuclei that they can trade at will(as being that large requires multiple nuclei whether you are unicellular or not) but what they need to maintain is their brain as it instructs the body and without it the body would simply fall apart. the brain could be in a nucleus like structure though and be cannibalized to combine the memories of the two members of the species and fuse their bodies.

Is your weakness like antibacterial soap? if a wall of soapy water falls on your civ would you all pop like balloons, food for thought.

nope. for that to work they would have to be extremely small and have no layers. they have multiple layers due to having several different types of tissue. they can also just produce an exoskeleton to not have to deal with soap reacting to them.

also they are not bacteria so antibacterials wouldn’t work unless they are anti-everything

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