Thrive Civilization Game (Part 3 Reboot)

Thanks for the first round, i will see if i can make it worth it
Action: Keep going south east, the ones that failed will help forage and collect samples of different things (strange berries, shiny rocks or else) as we keep traveling

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continue north west
those who are injured must gather supplies for braces and crutches

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Action:Change my direction and go west instead

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That reference to the old game made me a bit nostalgic ngl

Vote: we didn’t have much luck, but maybe there’s an animal pal around that would benefit from a mutual cooperation and help us hunt, be a beast of burden or move quicker.

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I’d be interested in joining the waiting list, this seems fun.
By the way, what are the suggested mechanics? A recommendation of what we should do?

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vote: try to discover agriculture

hey does creating a religion cost a vote or is it free?

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The suggested mechanics are those that people have suggested to me in the past, and I am planning on incorporating as the game gets bigger. If anyone has any more recommendations I’ll put them there or in my notes so I can keep them in mind

Also I’ll put you on The waitlist

To form a specific religion that has effects on your civilization yes, it would cost a vote.
Sometimes your people will naturally create or advance some things based on past votes, but for things to come up faster or out of nowhere votes are needed.

Later in the game you will be faced with dilemmas and interactions which will not cost a direct vote, unless they are extensive or require something specific to occur.

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so the only ones left are @OmnipotentFNarr and @MisterMustachio.

And @AgentTine. But no rush, it’ll take me a day to write it all

Vote: Attempt to weave a bow with the local grasses so we can easily hunt and defend ourselves.


Vote: Continue to search for the herds.

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Thanks for the round!

Vote: Try to invent agriculture.

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action: continue to observe EVERYTHING from the shadow realm :ghost:.

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Round 2: The First Steps

The first tribes have largely continued on their various journeys. There is evidence of new weapons being used, ranged weapons that can hit things from a distance would surely provide an advantage to the hunters of the time. There is also evidence of the first attempts at agriculture around this time as groups begin to plant their own food rather than hunt or gather. Some are even less lucky, as new research shows that among the first known murders occur during this time, the causes of which are still debated to this day.

@agenttine- Akeer

Vote: Ranged Weapons (10)


The Akeer have long relied on simple wooden spears in order to hunt their prey, much like the others in the valley of ancestors. These short ranged weapons were not great for distance, meaning that hunters had to either sneak up on their prey, corner them in complex movements, or chase them until exhausted, which could take long periods of time. The ample number of prey in these northern lands though, were far quicker and had more stamina than the old herds, not to mention their own numbers allowed them to seemingly taken shifts be on graze and lookout ensuring that hunters could not get as close as they are used to. To compensate for this new environment, new weapons and tactics would be required. Unfortunately for the Akeer, the sparse trees in this region of the north mean that creation of complex weapons is unlikely. Fortunately there are plenty of smaller scale tools that can help the Akeer. The most common seen among Akeer hunters is the creation of something called the “flying return stick” or flurk, which is a simply carved weapon that hunters can throw from a distance, and when striking the vulnerable sides or legs of their prey can break bones, allowing the regular spear hunters to close the distance and deliver the killing blow. This weapon is used by the best of the hunters, and its usage is restricted due to the level of skill required to make the landing blow, and the materials to craft it are far between, but required far less time and material than some other weapons. Attempts to utilize the bountiful grass as a material in construction or weapons have not had many successes so far.

Unfortunately, the weapons do not do much for the strange pack hunters, who are often hard to see in the high grasses. While they do not yet attack the Akeer, they do sometimes scavenge the kills of hunters, and have been getting more bold in their attempts to get into camps at night to scavenge the food.

Stability: Solid (2)

Power: Tiny (1)

Previous Votes

Previous Votes: North (18)

@jellyfishmon- Olyamata

Vote: Storage Containers (7)


The attempts to steal the supplies of the Olyamata have lead the leadership to attempt to develop some means of storing the supplies out of sight and reach of the strange arboreal animals. The attempts have been less than successful. First of all, the methods the Olyamata have decided to utilize include the creation of larger storage containers, which the Olyamata requires multiple people to pick up and carry slowing their ability to transverse the difficult forest floor on their supply trips. While these large storage containers keep most animals out, provide a place for the storage of more food, and provide a central location for the collection and distribution of food stuffs the leadership of Olyamata have forgotten one key fact, the creatures are arboreal. As such, they contain the same opposable thumbs that allow them to open the same containers that are meant to keep them out. Moreso, the central location of the foods has made the Olyamata a prime target for the creatures, using the Olyamata as their own proxy gatherers. This has had a decisive effect that almost a tenth of any given days hunt is looted by the creatures a night.

To make matters slightly worse, there is the revelation that one of the storage containers that was not raided was improperly made, and the food inside rotted almost overnight, wasting another portion of food and rocking confidence in the leadership of the tribe.

Stability: Stable (1)

Power: Tiny (1)

previous votes

Previous Votes: West (17)

@immortaldragon- Khurissa

Vote: Go with the Flow (8)


In retrospect, attempting to follow a river when they had no clue what could be inside may not have been a good idea. The initial approach showed only regular herdlike prey animals and small game, as well as various plants and excited over the prospect of fresh water and hunting new creatures, and the Khurissa approached the river with their strange new friends in tow. As they got close something in the waters spooked their friends, who have responded by fleeing from the river, with the Khurissa supplies still on their backs. While not all the animals have fled, and the Khurissa still have a good number of their supplies, the incident does but a hamper on the good morale of the group. Moreso, the Khurissa themselves are now spooked by the river, unwilling to get too close out of fear of what could have possibly scared their rather large and helpful companions.

To make matters worse, the incident was only the first to occur at the river’s edge, as scouts sent further downstream of the river looking for supplies have not returned to the base camp, and as time stretches on there are fears that they have been killed by the same creatures that spooked their friends, and rumors surrounding the river are now floating around the Khurissa that they are being cursed for leaving the Valley of Ancestors

Stability: Stable (1)

Power: Tiny (1)

previous votes

Previous votes: East (20)

@omnipotentfnarr- Ack Nan

Vote: Agriculture (7)

Ack Nan

It seems that the prayers of the Ack Nan have been answered, rain has returned to the Valley of Ancestors. Unfortunately for them, the Ack Nan were not as prepared for the rain as they could have been. As the land was exceedingly dry before the rains came down, when they finally did arrive the Valley was swept up in a minor flood that has swept across the hills and valleys, catching the Ack Nan unprepared. The high flood waters seemingly by a roll of dice went through the Valley of Ancestors rather than through the various other valleys that spot the area, and the Ack Nan were caught in the middle. While there was not a large loss of Ack Nan life, thanks to the warning calls of the birds that spot the area as they flew from the floods, the Ack Nan supplies were another matter, largely being swept away in the current.

Fortunately, in the aftermath, the Valley is now much more fertile than before, and as the waters drain away life returns to the valley, not just the Ack Nan, but the strange birds, herds of animals that previously lived here, and grasslands. While not all is lost, the feeling of having their supplies lost in a twist of fate from having stayed faithful to their ancestors home has shaken the morale of the group.

Stability: Stable (1)

Power: Tiny (1)

previous votes

Previous votes: Stay in the Valley (20)

@serialkiller- Kometenvolk

Vote: Animal Friends (11)


Hoping to find some strange creature possible of living in the desert, which could help relieve supply issues, the Kometenvolk have issued instructions to their scouts to brave the sands and search for places or creatures of the desert. Unfortunately, they all return home empty handed. While there are minor reports of strange spiked plants that, when one is despite enough, contain enough liquid to keep a person alive on their journey, they are few and far in between, and no creatures have been spotted. Luckily not all is lost, for the Kometenvolk have been able to send scouts back towards the hills and valleys to their west and find enough small game and small streams to restock supplies that it seems the Khurissa missed in their migration East. As they explore the area, they also report that they have spotted some smoke signals further into the desert, perhaps other groups of people that contain supplies? Or perhaps a trick of the light on weary travelers?

Stability: Stable: (1)

Power: Tiny (1)

previous votes

Previous votes: East (8)

@RoboTrannic -Poopoopeepee

Vote: Continue NorthWest (17)


The Poopoopeepee have decided it would be best to continue on their journey towards the Northwest, and have tasked several of their people to search for materials that would somehow help the injured on their journey. Through their efforts the poopoopeepee have made a miraculous discovery, one of the plants found, when boiled and consumed, not only relieve pain, but seem to make their people able to walk on their broken bones so long as the bone is set in a type of cast made from wood and twine. While not perfect, and they still must rest more than a normal traveler, the speed of the expedition has picked up greatly, and the shamans have collected as much of the plants as possible for future use. As they finally leave the valley of ancestors on their great journey, the Poopoopeepee come across what appears to be a large river, far larger and deeper than the poopoopeepee can cross on their own, at least here. On the riverside are many small plants, animals, and further ahead Poopoopeepee scouts report seeing an even larger area of water, bigger than the valley of the ancestors.

All is not well however, as some of those who took the plants to allow them to walk now report that they still need them, even as they no longer need the cast and can walk regularly without the plants. They claim to be in great pain without it, and one has even gotten violent over the fact the plant got taken away from him when the shaman said he did not need it anymore

Stability: Solid (2)

Power: Tiny (1)

previous votes

Previous votes: Northwest (12)

@teaking- Oprectim Tribe

Vote: Agriculture (20)

Event: Agriculture


Along the journey to the west, the Oprectim have collected many small plants and berries to eat amongst themselves. Now that they are in one place resting, someone has made an important discovery. While they often throw the leftovers of their food to the side after they are done, one man actually took the time to put it into the ground, for whatever reason, and left it there. When he returned to perform the ritual again the next day, he discovered that a small plant was growing right where he left it. The excited man took the news to his elders, who quickly spread the news to others to see if the process repeats itself. While not every plant sprouts another the next day, over time these plants are now growing around the tribes location, making it far easier to collect by the Oprectim. Moreso, thanks to some of the sweeter plants, some animals have ventured from the forest, mostly medium sized herbivore quadrupeds that are easily tangled by the hunters of the group to provide food. They even start resting near the plants, close enough to graze but far enough away to allow the plants to grow, despite occasionally being hunted by the Oprectim! With these new steadily available food sources, perhaps it is time to create a home for the Oprectim. The plants grow well, the trees provide wood for the fires at night, and the strangely friendly and docile animals provide food and whose pelts provide warmth.

The success of the Oprectim has lead to a revitalization of their belief that this spot was chosen for them by the heavens, and that because they followed the signs of their ancestors, they are the chosen people to create a new life beyond the Valley of Ancestors.

Stability: Solid (2)

Power: Tiny (1)

previous votes

Previous votes: West (14)

@MisterMustachio -BeastMen

Vote: Search for Herds (18)


If the Beastmen know one thing, its how to hunt and follow prey. Taken to the strange northern grasslands has not hindered their ability to track their prey long distances, and they follow the signs more Northward. The Beastmen are successful in tracking down even more herds than were available in the Valley of Ancestors. While they do need to get in close with their spears to kill their prey, the skilled Beastmen know how to disguise themselves and move almost silently through the high grasses, getting close before throwing their spears and landing true to the creatures. Moreso, as they follow the beasts, they come across a rather large gathering hole in the middle of the grasslands, full of fresh water and many strange creatures that provide even more food for the hunters.

Prey is not the only thing to inhabit these grassland however, as the Beastmen have encountered more than once fast, lethal quadrupeds that stalk their prey through the grass much as the beastmen do. They have so far avoided attacking the Beastmen, as strange but fellow hunters, but they have challenged them over kills more than once. While they have largely been driven off with shouting and spear brushing, there are concerns that the creatures could cause future problems, and have more than once successfully made the beastmen back off of their own kills for fear of getting attacked.

Stability: Solid (2)

Power: Tiny (1)

previous votes

Previous votes: North (14)

@blackink- Morbus

Vote: Continue SouthEast (7)


The Morbus have decided to continue upon their journey towards the southeast. They have decided to punish the sleeping guards by making them the pack animals of the group, forced to carry more of the supplies than the others to make up for the loss. While initially there was little problem with this, as the journey continued the former guards have gotten more and more resentful of what they view as belittling over a fairly small mistake. This has lead to more than one confrontation over the fact, and while supplies continue to dwindle they are once again made a target. While the Morbus are able to collect a good amount of goods, they have no clue what more lies to the SouthEast, and eventually the spirits of the group break, especially when one of the former guards loses his temper at someone over the campfire who blame him for the continued loss of supplies. The guard resorted by harsh words, which escalated. While fights are not uncommon, even in plentiful days back in the Valley of Ancestors, what happened next shocked the group, as the former guard was losing, weary after carrying the supplies for so long and so far, picked up a rock and smashed the offender over the head. As the man fell to the ground, the guard realized what had happened and fled, running as fast as he could. The other former guards, seeing this and fearing to be blamed as well, fled with him. And so occurs the first murder among the Morbus, and the killers have escaped into the surrounding foot hills.

Stability: Shaky (0)

Power: Tiny (1)

previous votes

Previous votes: Southeast (11)

@positivetower- Kurichen

Vote: Decide to go West (3)


The decision to leave the Valley of the Ancestors was never a very popular one, and seeing as some have gotten sick, a few have taken this as a sign of displeasure from the ancestors. Arguments have broken out over the campfires, and many have refused to continue on the journey, fearing that they may become even more sick, or even die as the curse gets worse. When the leadership suggested going more west instead of going back, full on fights broke out, with one of the leaders being severely injured and several of his loyalists also being injured in the fight. To make matters even worse, the sickness has continued to spread and people as a whole are getting nervous not only of the disease, and of the curse, but of the survival of the group as a cohesive whole after the fights.

Stability: Shaky (0)

Power: Tiny (1)

previous votes

Previous votes: Northwest (10)

I skipped school today cause I didn’t feel like it. Early rounds are easy, don’t always expect a round to go up the same day as the votes happen. If anyone has any questions, comments, advice, etc there is a new discord at, feel free to join us!


We are the predators here.
Vote: Hunt down the predators.

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Action: alright lets try this again, make smaller baskets with straps to carry them on the back (a back pack) and tie them shut in a way that it has to be cut.

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Argh, no luck!

Try to domesticate the strange birds. They have helped us, so we should help them back.

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Dang, bit of bad luck there. Let’s see if we can fix that.

Vote: Keep our distance from the river for the time being, only taking water from it when the animals that live around it drink, if not we will find an alternative source. Meanwhile, send scouts both ways up and down the river in order to find out what happened to the first scouts, and hopefully find a place we might be able to cross.

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Ok, a disappointment to be sure, but nothing the Morbus has not seen before

“The death of our brother has marked this place, his blood goes to the trees and his spirit now roams and protects the land, we will settle here under his guise and share in a small feast so as to honor him” -Khala “the painted one”, first chief of the expedition

Action: settle nearby one of the hills, scout around for food and water sources and share the night around the fire. If the one who fled comes back, he will be welcomed again

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