Thrive in Godot tech test

i think it would be 1 update because i don’t think thrive uses a versioning system that just increments the next digit

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I think I’m gonna practice my C# souping skills on Godot.
EDIT: Also, will prototyping be in GDScript for Theorists since it’s just like Python?

That’s for the theorists to determine how they want to make prototypes. But as always if the prototypes are done in anything else than what the main game is written in, someone has to rewrite the prototypes. Sadly we currently have no active theorists.

I tried to set up Visual Studio 2019 for Godot Mono Edition, but to no avail.



Not complaining though, just saying it’s a pre-feature.

I have no experience with that. I use MonoDevelop on Linux with Godot.

I know, but the Godot 3.1 announcement highlighted the C# support a lot (and without it Godot would be a much worse choice), and that same notice has been there since 3.0. I did check the list of issues and didn’t find any serious issues, and so far there haven’t been any issues with C# in Godot (other than the MonoDevelop debugger crashing on me a few times).

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Maybe I’ll try Mono then, unless it’s not recommended for Windows. In fact, IIRC it’s cross-platform so I might try it out. What’s the worst that could happen?

EDIT: Nevermind, VS2019 worked in the end. I’ve tried and succeeded in making Hello World in Godot with a UI just to know how to make a script work.

UPDATE: I started following this tutorial.


We are speaking of eliminating 44 issues.

Bump! UPDATE 2: I am close to finishing the tutorial, thus my first game.

BUMP! UPDATE 3: I finished my game! Here’s the link to the GitHub page!

By the way, it’s based on the tutorial I mentioned earlier, so I don’t hold any copyright. It was only to familiarize myself with Godot.

Also, @hhyyrylainen. About the AngelScript files, do you intend to translate them into C# or GDScript?

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how do you play it/ run it?

Just open it in Godot (3.2 Mono version) and click on Play.

To open it, I think that:

  1. Open Godot.
  2. Click on Import and select the right folder.
Not sure, though. I’ve never imported projects myself.

As I said before, C# all the way. I will not be having any GDScript in Thrive.

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GDScript may be good for prototyping, but is an aweful choice when it’s about performance

The first mistake the people designing GDScript made was that they decided that python was the ultimate programming language that they should try to emulate.

@hhyyrylainen Why didn’t you want to move Thrive to Godot before?

So it’s because the node structure is entirely different from Thrive’s current structure.

That, and Everything needs to be converted over to C#. Though luckily the syntax of C++ is pretty similar to C#, but there are still a lot of differences. So the rewrite is not as bad as it could be but it is still pretty bad and quite boring / bad for motivation to redo something.


Sounds great! C# is more my ballgame, so I might even be tempted to contribute!


There is a user directory in Godot, which content can be added to. Simply have the game load the Simulation Parameters from there, and BAM. Instant moddability.

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I’m back, and waiting for Godot’s implementation! :smiley:

Once it’s done in C#, I can make a proper attempt at joining the team, lol.

Why are you waiting for the release of 0.5.0 before getting started? The code is already on github: GitHub - Revolutionary-Games/Thrive: The main repository for the development of the evolution game Thrive. along with the setup instructions: Thrive/doc/ at master · Revolutionary-Games/Thrive · GitHub
The full 0.5.0 release will likely just contain some more reimplemented features, compared to what is currently done.

Who is going to put all the json files there? The game would likely have to first write the json files to the user directory for them to be edited. And that would also need the json files to contain version information so that when we change the files the game will overwrite the old files. Also that way people wouldn’t be able to add any textures or models. So not instant moddability.

Well, in one of my godot projects I’ve been able to load audio files from the user directory, so it’s not impossible to load entirely new assets. You just need to have the game iterate over all assets in the directory, and copy them into the game directory (likely with a filter though).