Now what is your move for the round, as the brutuslians, you have 20 research points, you can research up to 3 every turn.
Human research options- Tools(4 research points), Fire(5 research points), Spears(requires tools, 8 research points), Hunting(3 research points), Cooking(Requires Fire and hunting, 10 research points), Skinning(Requires hunting, 12 research points), Animal domestication(Requires hunting, 8 research points), Tents(requires Skinning, 14 points), Animal Skin Clothes(Requires Skinning, 8 points), Bow and arrow(25 research points, requires hunting), Religion(30 research points)
Brutuslian’s(has slight bonus for weapon technology) research options - Tools(3 research points), Fire(6 research points), Spears(requires tools, 7 research points), Hunting(3 research points), Hunting tactics(5 research points, requires hunting), Cooking(Requires Fire and hunting, 10 research points), Animal domestication(requires hunting, 6 points), Mud hut(requires 6 points), Leaf clothes(8 points), Religion(25 research points)
Morph research options - Tools(4 research points), fire(7 research points),Bone tipped spears(6 research points), Swarming tactics(4 research points), advanced swarming tactics(6 research points, requires swarming tactics), animal domestication(8 research points), Horse domestication(12 research points, requiress animal domestication), Religion(30 research points)
Neuronian research options : Tools(2 research points), Food smasher(Enables neuronians to be less tied to the water due to being able to eat on land, needs tools, costs 5 research points), Seaweed clothes(Neuronian is fully terrestrial now, 10 points, @TwilightWings21 ), electric loading(14 research points), Wooden bark bag(you now can hold a surplus of 20 food, 20 research points, requires seaweed clothes and tools), Religion(30 research points), Discovery of copper(30 research points), Copper tail armour(basically a early form of electric armor since the copper is attached to the nerve tissue, 35 research points)
@TwilightWings21 , I updated