Thrive SCP Thread


It seems like that zenn can speak again…

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What the belgium


suuuuure… its gonna be very an very fun 3x1, one little cute otter against three big cute catgirls with feral instincts and that are probably VERY angry at you.

thats actually me talking.


if you try to fight me or misgender me, i WILL throw you at mach 1.35.


This is definitive proof that cat girls are evil.

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so according to ur logic every natural predator species is evil.

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i may need a training arc before this fight.

once the next few remmortal rounds come out.

as for power, ive contended with a being that was pretty strong, look at uhh…the

yeah heres where the fight lore starts

Every predator that dares to attack a human is evil, there is a reason why the likes of such has been hunted until their species learned to fear humans.

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nigel is a belgiuming otter.

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This was certainly not refering to the Ottah.

yeah that may be right but saying that every species that even dare to attack an human is evil, that is pure belgium. i’m still a human, after all.

also, i was refewing to u. this was my last wawning. enjoy your interiors while they last… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH just kidding :3 no seriously eating another human would be pretty dang bad. we get sick, i guess. i wouldn’t do it, much effort for nothing.

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You mean you’re still affected by the prions?

ah, i took some catnip awound midnight yestewday, i could’ve swown i locked the cabinet with a 9x9 pattern lock when i made the catnip-chai tea, but the cabinet was wide open with the bag open, on its side, on the counter, and thewe was catnip all over the floor and furnituwe when i woke up today, and pwetty much all i wemembew fwom yestewday is the vague feewing of the kind of euphoria drugs cause and my phone ringing at some point.

that said, i don’t recall what you said, but i do remember it was the ringtone for when you call me and youw voice aftewards.

i’m also impwessed at the fact i can still twanslate the uwuspeak accent when i’m high on catnip, since i definitewy can’t when high on adenosine(the chemical thaat makes you tiwed)

oh, apparently i have a pet -3 instance now. she’s pink, not visibly glitchy, weally affectionate, isn’t rapid-firing meows, instead only meowing when she’s hungwy, thiwsty, or in need of attention, and has fur when she wants to be soft.

btw apparently -3 instances that have bonded with you can telepathically communicate with you, which is how i know she’s a girl. her name is sylvie and i would kill 682 and 343 in the same day for her if she asked. idk how i made her with only one bottle of 8610-3 fluid though(yes, she is only half a liter right now, and she can fit in a soda bottle). as to how i got said bottle, i was using one of my cabinets to store the -3 fluid while i set up a stowage awea in my lab once i wealized we needed to extract fluid from the -3 instances to stop them from getting too big and eating the humans who fed them(one D-class was lost to find that out), and moved all but one bottle that didn’t fit in the cawt to the stowage space in my lab, and then nevew got to moving the last one.

there would be no body left to find. it will be cooked with the power of the sun and fed to the -3 instances.
sylvie will be hand-fed your fingers and your chopped up hands before you get portaled into orbit of mercury. can’t have someone who’s getting terminated be able to escape, after all!

speaking of portals to mercury, tomorrow i’m gonna see if 8610-3 fluid can be used to make biobots, since -3 instances glow when they start overheating(1), rather than just trying to move the heat as heat, as long as the bot pawt is made to withstand mercury(planet), the bio pawt should be able to power it and cool it down. we could also use that to make biobots we could send to venus, and they could cool down venus while powering themselves with the light they make.


(i tested this after the time D-class zenn tried to terminate all the -3 instances[1] i then reprimanded him(this is when the 5 parallel scars on his face are from) for trying to terminate multiple instances of an SCP without submitting a termination request. 8610-3 fluid starts glowing more than a non anomalous fluid heated to the same temperature at around 30.5C, at which point it emits mostly infrared light with an average wavelength of 15µm, and at 67C it starts producing enough red light to shift its color a bit. upon looking at the fluid under a normal optical microscope, i saw nothing i hadn’t already seen, but upon using my anomalous one i made based off of SCP-786(read: i stole it for a couple weeks, studied it, and made some lenses using it for viewing visual phenomena that can’t be viewed through glass lenses, then returned it) i saw the glitching effect that 8610-3 instances exhibit was rapidly cooling cells that were above their comfortable temperature and making the cells emit light of a frequency proportional to the difference between their comfortable temperature and their current temperature. this effect occurred faster and emitted higher frequency light in cells contacting the plate that was being heated)

sooo… about that… we do have cells in our stomach acid and saliva that act similar to the cells -3 instances use to turn prey into themselves and cell food, with the main difference being that the stuff they eat(proteins that arent in anything, viruses, and cells that aren’t yours or part of your microbiome) gets turned into raw, unbound amino acids, glucose, and the rest of the nutrients we need that it contains. but i wouldn’t go around eating balls of prions or stuff like that because of it. they aren’t 100% effective at their job, but they do mean we get more from the food we eat than regular humans, we can digest more of our food than regular humans, and we get more gut disease resistance than normal humans too. that said, as long as it’s not a brain or a stomach, and you cook it like you would pork, you’ll be safe from most diseases humans can get

  1. by turning the thermostat for the -3 containment chambers to 70C (while he was still a foundation staff member) after a d-class got eaten and i realized we needed to extract the fluid from the -3 instances so they didn’t become a grey goo: :3 edition scenario. (as a result of the temperature, they just glowed a faint red). i turned it back down to what it was previously at. ↩︎

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Is it possible for a -4 instance to exist?

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awwww i want one now too! how did you… y’know, cweated it?

oh. thats qwite intewsting.

time to go nhoc nhoc over an specific half of the american population ;3

it could be whatever the -3 turns when its allowed to do its “end of uwugelion” thing on a planet and becomes, theorically, an god.



What soon? Are you trying to find a foe to fight?

targets already aquired

Taptik lobemnayupas lanos Kapsofalayikripox netisani mnati kat-girl konta? Vatatipso! Lanos alatheria taptik maknoti yupal nipto kax mnati papsi:

Mnati kat-girl isitixefanta taptik xulitikus lobefa yupal lanos pnokalayuxitikpse, kiskos taptik isitixefantaneku, palis taptik lobemnayupas kiskos yupal palis, lanos Kapsofalayikripox netisani.

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