Thrive Translation and Correction Office [TTCO]

This thread is for translating current text from the game into languages other than English. Please remember that English is the common language of the forums and that this thread is only to translate the game’s text with current possible means.

:uk: English :uk: to :fr: French :fr:

End game



Congratulations! You have won this version of Thrive! You may continue playing after this screen closes if you wish, or start a new game in a new world.



Félicitations! Vous avez gagné dans cette version de Thrive! Vous pouvez continuer de jouer après que ce message disparaisse ou commencer une nouvelle partie dans un nouveau monde.





Just like 99% of all species that have ever existed, your species has gone extinct. Others will go on to fill in your niche and thrive, but that won’t be you. You will be forgotten, a failed experiment in evolution.



Tout comme 99% de toutes les espèces ayant existé sur Terre, la vôtre s’est éteinte. Plusieurs autres organismes vous remplaceront et prospéreront. Vous serez oublié tel une expérience ratée de l’évolution.


Update (March 1st 2024): I should’ve written “telle” and not “tel” since “expérience” is feminine.


I’ll do something I guess

(Yes it’s Spanish)
End Game thing

Felicitaciones! Has ganado en esta versión de Thrive! Podrás seguir jugando después de que este mensaje cierre si lo deseas, o puedes iniciar un nuevo juego en un nuevo mundo.

U ded thing

Justo cómo el 99% de todas las especies que han existido, tu especie se ha extinbelgium. Otros seguirán para llenar tu nicho y posperar, pero no serás tu. Serás olvidado, un experimento fallido de la evolución.

Also if someone else speaks Spanish please improve this


:brazil: Brazilian Portuguese :brazil:

End game:


(Extinção is the direct translation of the word extinction, but the Thrive font doesn’t support ç or ã)
Feel free to improve this.

EDIT: Is this thread currently just for these quotes or can I also post some other translations here?


Slovak translation time

End game

Gratulujeme! Dokončil si tuto verziu Thrive! Môžeš pokračovať ďalej potom čo sa zatvorí toto okno ak chceš, alebo môžeš začať Novú hru v novom svete.


ako 99% všetkých druhov ktorých existovali, tvoj druh sa stal vyhubením. Ostatní pôjdu a zaplnia tvoju níchu a budú prosperovať, ale to nebudeš ty. Ty budeš zabudnutý, Nepodarený experiment vo vývoji.

If you guys actually want to make usable translations, you’ll need to make csv files like this started Russian translation:


This thread is for any text in the current game. I took those because they were the first text I’ve found on GitHub, and I wanted to post the source just in case a developer would like to put the translation there.

Also, make sure to correct your translation if there is a mistake or typo.

EDIT: Shouldn’t the locales be separated into many files which all represent a single language (a locale for English, a locale for French, etc.)? Also, if we reach multicellular, English would be prioritized, right (until someone does the translation)?

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Agree, the file is going to become confusing when the game have several translations.
EDIT: The CSV file will have just the “variable name” and the translation, right?

From the looks of things Godot wants the format to be so that one csv file has all of the translations. The first line defines the order of the languages, and all lines after that specify one string in the game with translations for all languages.

So I have to fork his fork and after altering the file make a pull request, then?

It’s a bit non-optimal, but there isn’t really a good way to do it before the translation is merged, partly because before that PR the strings in the game weren’t translatable, so they are at the same time as making the Russian translation they are fixing up the game to be translatable.

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What kind of data is supposed to be there?

{0} by sending: {1} population from patch: {2}

Everything inside {} is a C# string placeholder. For example {0} is replaced by the first given parameter when using the translated text in the game.
Here’s a screenshot where I marked where that text is used and what the each of the placeholders is replaced with:

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About Weblate, it tells me to either save, suggest or skip when translating. Which one should I take?

That depends entirely on what you want to do. If you just typed in a suggestion for what the translation could be, you select suggest. If you typed in a full translation you are confident about, then you hit save. Skip probably just goes to the next untranslated thing without saving.

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Just found this good keyboard thing on Kickstarter.

What do you guys think about it?

Meh, it’s a keyboard with screens for keys. You can achieve the same effect with stickers and changing the language setting, feels very gimmicky.

if it a screen, could put anything on it like for shortcuts or just gifs

also nice

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The problem with stickers is that if you’re learning several languages, you have to buy the stickers for all those languages as for changing the language settings, that means you have to get used to new languages layouts sooner.

Shortcuts have been confirmed, but GIFs are unlikely since it uses electronic paper, which has high latency. I personally would have chosen OLEDs for more customization, but I’m unsure whether it is cheaper than e-paper.

What is the difference between:

Reset inputs to defaults?

Are you sure you want to reset the input settings to default values?