Thrive Translation and Correction Office [TTCO]

Polish :poland:
How should the progress stages be referred to? “E(e)tap”, “S(s)tadium” or what?

What’s “LAWK”?

LAWK is Life as We Know It.

This term along with many others are on our wiki: Abbreviations Dictionary - Thrive Developer Wiki

Should I translate “LAWK”?

Probably yes, making a language specific acronym is a thing that is done in translations.

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There are googly eyes now? I’m confused. Is this an easter egg?

Yes, yes it is. I can’t remember if we showed off the graphics for it in a PU before, but I think we may have.

is it the spore cell? because that was definitely shown in a PU

Id like to help out in translations if i can. How do i help out though? Im :de:

Edit: I figured out how to start translating stuff and im looking at some of this stuff and is this stuff really related?
English: Microbe Stage


Auf einen uns weit entfernten Planeten, haben Jahrtausende von vulkanischer Aktivität und dem einschlagen etlicher Meteoriten zu einem ganz besonderen Phänomen im Universum geführt.


In den tiefen Meeresregionen sind simple Mikroorganismen beheimatet. Du bist der letzte Urvorfahr aller kommenden Organismen auf diesem Planeten.

Um in dieser lebensfeindlichen Welt zu überleben, musst du jegliche Substanzen sammeln, die du finden kannst, und dich über Generationen hinweg weiterentwickeln, um gegen die anderen Arten von Mikroben zu bestehen.

These were previous translations and im wondering if i should actually replace what it says there with the actual translation? There were other things like models or generel beeing translated into completly unrelated words. I looked at the context and it doesent really say anything but the words itself

Edit2: Image aswell:

Edit Number 3: I must have understood this stuff wrong or something because the translations dont make sense. You could use google translate and get better translations than the ones i see on the translation site if that isnt the case.

If the translation is marked as “needing changes” it may be an automatically picked translation by gettext, which it does by picking a “close” existing translation whenever a new translation key is added.

I’m having trouble over this. How would you translate “features” in your language and in a way that makes sense?
I fear that a direct equivalent, in a videogame context, doesn’t exist in Italian.
I guess if I can’t find a solution, I’ll fold and I won’t translate this particular word.

Maybe tratto or proprietà would be good?

Proprietà and caratteristiche are decent, but not good enough IMO.

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I found funzione. What do you think?

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Could work. I have to think about it.

Anyone speak german here? There was a part for translating respawn and i didnt know what would fit there. I put it in google translate to see if maybe i just didnt know the word but no, the german word for it is respawn aswell. Anyone know a word that would fit better than just respawn. Respawn is a word from english that is just used in german i think

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All words related to spawn are tricky in Italian too. For respawn I used rinascere (to be born again, to be reborn). Do you think a to be reborn equivalent would work for German?

(I know some people use respawnare but that’s just… yuck).

The translation of reborn in that situation would be Widergeburt or widergeboren which i guess could work


Eh, doesn’t work. I fold.

What is going on? I had already translated all of these strings (tiny, very small, etc.). And not only the changes are gone, the history is blank too?

The TINY, NORMAL, LARGE, etc. keys were changed to LIMIT_TINY, LIMIT_NORMAL, etc. in the last few days to distinguish them as relating to the entity limit. So yes, they probably require translating again.