Thrive's Mysterious Vending Machine

Exactly! If your learn grammar, you can become president!

Receive: Irony

Insert: Oliveriver

Recieve: Oliver Twist

Insert: Please sir, i want some more!

Recieve: More spaghetti

Insert: A paradox

Receive: rip in timespace

Insert: early 2018 memes

what a 3d pause that was

Receive: the dark forgotten threads of reddit

Insert: another 3d pause

Recieve: 4D pause

Insert: the three most active members on the thrive forums

Receive obligatory, “Am I one of them?”

Insert activity

Recieve: An increased post count

Insert: Insert

Receive: Receive

Insert: Boneless apples

Recieve: Apples with bone

Insert: Spinal Cord

Receive: Mortal Combat
Insert: Pineapples

Receive: Apple and pen

Insert: Under Water Civilization

Recieve: triggered spore fans

Insert: pineapple on pizza

Receive: Death Penalty

Insert: GMO’s

Receive: Sentient Plants enslaving mankind

Insert: Thrive 1.0 being released tomorrow

Recieve: Half Life 3 released tonight

Insert: extra credits

Receive: Daniel Floyd
Insert: A Dog Bowl

Receive: Me

Insert: thrives mysterious vending machine reboot