Today i learned

Today I learned that snakes can predict earthquakes!!! Cool!

Today I learned that:

:red_circle: ELECTRONICS ALERT :red_circle:
I can use a capacitor for both a “high frequency pass” filter and a “low frequency pass” filter. The difference is that you need to put it in series for the high frequency.

Here is an image for an example.

I am thinking of making some high voltage generators somedays, like a tesla coil or a taser.
Sorry for the post being a bit longer, but I’m getting excited about high voltage, inductors and capacitors. Maybe I’ll do it on vacation.

edit: yes i like to play with @RoboRomb’s siblings

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I didn’t know that someone else on the forums studied electric engineering too (I did back in high school).
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Well, I just study because I like it, didn’t study it on school yet :neutral_face: but soon I will
Very cool isn’t it? It’s like REAL LIFE MAGIC

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Today I learned snails can kinda see x-rays.

IIRC pattern recognition is only a small part of IQ tests. I’ve got a relatively high one, but my pattern recognition skills are ass. (yay asperger’s…) IQ is a combinations of a large amount of tests that, in a nutshell, test your general thinking skills. It doesn’t measure raw intelligence, because of one single point: You can literally practice IQ tests and get higher results. That means that it’s something completely different from innate intelligence.


Humans can see UV light! Our eye jelly just blocks it to protect our eyes so it doesnt get deep enough for you to see it unless you’ve had a lens replacement.

Today i learned that we can make a Moon base now and start colonizing the solar system

TIL that in ant colonies, there are some workers that are force fed honeydew and made into storage units, called repletes. And when food is needed, then the replete just regurgitates the honeydew

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That only happens in some ant species, I think. Some people actually dig those colonies up to eat those ants IIRC. Most ants do have a social stomach, though, where they store acquired food to later share with their comrades.


Likely, mainly in ant species that actually harvest honeydew.


I actually learned this a bit ago but whatever. The evolutionary advantage of a circulatory or respiratory system is to allow for oxygen to go anywhere in and organism and to make sure there is enough to go around, which directly correlates to the maximum size of the critter!


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TIL that calculus was not only a mathematical concept but was also a buildup of inorganic and organic material on our teeth. It’s the kind of yellow paste on our teeth.

Til that i didn’t learn anything useful today…

TIL that you can use emojis as a file type



TDBTDBYIL that limules have special blood properties, which are extracted for vaccine research. Unfortunately, other economic activities have been threatening them.

What does that mean br br

It’s short for “The Day Before The Day Before Yesterday I Learned”.

isnt 3 days ago shorter?