Today i learned

Today I learned that whenever you eat fries outside, you should ask for fries without salt because that forces them to make them fresh for you.

That is a load of nonsense, no fry should go without salt!

U obviously have to salt it yourself afterwards.

Buy saltless chips and a seperate packet of salt
done and dusted

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TIL that anti-democratic movements are growing around the western world, especially in the America. (This doesn’t mean pro-fascist / pro-communist movements)

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I guess that answers what you learned today, but this is in the #science category

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I learned from this presentation ( that botanical refuse like seeds at archaeological sites can be used to learn what ancient humans ate. Apparently the residents of Catalhoyuk initially ate almost exclusively emmer wheat, but this transitioned to other varieties of wheat over the centuries.

Today i learned that planets could form aound blackholes!

Today i learned that the king Georg 6 during the 2 WW was a king of England, that fought with German, and king of Ireland, that was at peace with German. After separation of India and Pakistan, that were in possessions of England, he wared with himself… How he can explain it?

Today I learned that Angela Merkel, chancellor of Germany (she is da senat) is the World Leader with highest IQ: 178 POINTS :scream:
I also knew before this that she was scientist: physicist and chemist

IQ actually means nothing lol, it’s not a good estimate of intelligence

I didnt say that she was genius.
Also IQ is just the ability to recognize patterns, solve problems, not GENIALITY

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Yea I was just saying

IQ determines your ability to recognize patterns I think

Or is that intelligence in general?

Well that’s true, but some people use it as the value of intelligence

Yeah using IQ to determine general intelligence is not good

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I wrote my post just to inform people who didn’t know

Yes, I may have the same IQ as The Great Faceless Eye, but we certainly have different skills and likes, which is the same if not more important as the IQ.


Even if The Great Faceless eye may have a lower IQ than me

I will never surpass him in terms of general intelligence