Today i learned

Yep ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Ikr? They eat like hogs.


Aren’t you a teenager ?

Where did you get this information from?

Woah, i love your new pfp! It looks pretty snazzy, I wonder who made it…


Memes aside, i wish i could get art skills that are like yours.

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TIL that potato fruits are a real thing:


TIL I have spelled Fluorine wrong my entire life. I just learned it was spelled that way I used to spell it Florine.

It reacted to your grammar skills

TIL 2 things

  1. The centre of a galaxy is called a (Nuclear) bulge
  2. There are two galaxies named Dwingeloo, Dwingeloo 1 and Dwingeloo 2. They were named after the Dwingeloo Radio Observatory , near the namesake town of Dwingeloo in the Netherlands.

TIL that Rigel and Beteigeuze are in the same constellation.

TIL I learned that the Mythbusters made a powerful explosive, deleted the footage, and contact DARPA about the dangerous combination. They had sworn to never release any info on it.

My question is, what in the belgium happened to warrant that? Did they open up the gates of hell with a pressure cooker?

They put a mentos truck into a coke vat

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A weapon to surpass Metal Gear.

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They microwaved a microwave.

TIL that jetsuits have come a long way in recent years


1960: In the future we will have jetpacks

2018: Holy crap we actually have jetpacks


well actually we did have working jetpacks in the 60s. but they only had max flight times of like 12 seconds, could not be operated at high speeds, and were loud as hell making them lose military funding pretty quickly slowing down developement considerably.

Excuse me, I need to get 440k dollars from somewhere.

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I don’t know if it’s only memes and character limit or if it’s all rules but they are enforcing the rules.