Today i learned

Use Belgium.

(more things)

or just use lesser cuss words, hecc, crap, garfuncle

TIL jingoism is extreme nationalism that results in an aggressive or warlike foreign policy.
Pretty much facism but jingoism can happen to a republic as well.

Jingoism is extreme patriotism not extreme nationalism, fascism is extreme nationalism and jingoism is extreme patriotism

Nationalism is mostly the same as patriotism tho, nationalism is just a bit more negative, where you think “My country is better than other countries” instead of “My country is good”.


No patriotism is completely different from nationalism, patriotism is just being patriotic about your country and nationalism is devotion to you country which you will never abandon

That’s… around what I said. Maybe replace “My country is better than others” with “other countries are less than my country”


Never mind

what? what does that mean?

Did you know that PeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewDiePie has this fear?

thanks for replying to a several month old comment

Basically everyone does tho. Some people have it worse than others, but I think everyone can agree that the pictures you get when looking it up are… not fun to watch


Well, it doesn’t really affect me.

This video smells the conspiration theory :

P.S.: TIL that RoboBomb said "TIL that QuantumCrab said “TIL that RoboRomb said “TIL that Boops boops exist, thanks to Biologicah””

can ya stop double posting

TIL That teenagers are really sensitive

oh? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)