Trying to collect statistics about thrive part 1

UPDATE: This survey has been extended to collect further data which can help to advertise thrive
You don’t need to do this little experiment if you don’t want to though
if you do, fill this survey, and also only answer the questions you are willing to answer
Have you ever really played the actual game of thrive?

  • Yes
  • NO

0 voters

How many stars would you give?

  • 5 stars
  • 4 stars
  • 3 stars
  • 2 stars
  • 1 star

0 voters

What is your gender?

  • Male
  • Female
  • Other

0 voters

Are you religious?

  • No
  • Agnostic
  • Christian
  • Muslim
  • Jewish
  • Other

0 voters

At what age did you find out about thrive?

  • 1-5(Me:How???)
  • 6-10
  • 11-15
  • 16-19
  • 20-29
  • 30-35
  • 35+

0 voters

How old are you now?

  • 1-5
  • 6-10
  • 11-15
  • 16-19
  • 20-29
  • 30-35
  • 35+

0 voters

Would you consider yourself to be a nerd?

  • Yes
  • Kind of
  • No

0 voters

Have you met anyone in real life that knows what thrive is?

  • No way
  • Yes

0 voters

Do you consider yourself to be smarter than average?

  • Yes, I went to harvard at age 5 and get 500000 p.h.ds and now steven he’s dad is mad at his son
  • Well yeah because I have straight As
  • No

0 voters

When do you think thrive will be finished?

  • less than 1 year
  • 1-3 years
  • 3-6 years
  • 6-10 years
  • 10+ years

0 voters

Note: this survey will be up for another day or two
Conclusion(so far, assuming everyone has told the truth):

  • majority of people have played thrive
  • most people found out about thrive when they were a teen or tween
    *thrive users in general seem to be relatively young, mostly or even entirely gen z
    *Most people consider themselves to be a nerd or nerd-ish
    *Most people never met someone who knows what thrive is in real life, which is not too suprising, since thrive is somewhat obscure
    *Self-claimed intelligence seems to be mixed, with some claiming they are smarter than average, and some just think they are average
    *Most people think it will take a very long time to finish thrive
    *So many people are atheist
    *Almost everyone is male and have XY chromosomes, not a single female answered this poll yet

So basically, the average thrive forums user is young, somewhat smarter than average, nerdy, and quite atheist.


i consider myself smarter than average due to my knowledge in computers, biology, and physics being far above the average but i am definitely less smart than average in interactions. and 2. how to actually get myself to do things not any of the above answers for that and my knowledge in the 3 topics i listed first is far greater than my lack of knowledge in the last 2 topics

This reminds me a bit of the community survey we had quite a few years ago now, but no one ever volunteered to make the results into graphs so the results were never released.

Yes, and I decided to answer that poll in 2023 as a joke

When is the survey set to close?

in a day or two( I said it already on the post, its a edit)

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Quick Question Thread

Assuming knowledge is part of intelligence was a mistake made by me when I was significantly younger. Looking back at this, I guess many questions weren’t serious but I would like to clarify the misconception I may have promoted.

Anyhow, I’m going to release new and more formal polls.