Unofficial Thrive Forum Game Competition 2

The “list of features” is actually “previous features”. Round 6 shows everything you had up to round 5 but not round 6 mutations, so round 7 will have the chloroplasts

Evolve: Chloroplast

Modifier: +1 To Myself

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My votes:

Dark Green Pigment
Gas Vacuoles

-1 to Aurum

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@Pac_Mine It’s been 5 days, are u ok?

Nope. Almost lost a finger yesterday. But today I am better
Edit: I will start to do the round after dinner. So in less than 3 hours I will probably be finished

Oh holy s**t, I hope you’re ok mate. If you need to take some more time off from the game that’s perfectly fine, health comes first.

please watch your language

Oh f I’m sorry about that, I didn’t realize it wasn’t ok around here. I’ll be making sure to keep that in mind in the future.

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Biofilm: I was confused about this. If it is living in colonies, you need golgi and signaling agents. If it is being able to adhere to surfaces it is ok.
Saprotrophic nutrition: Changed to lysossomes. With it you can already be considered a decomposer.

Not yet. You need a way to digest the food.

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I know what I’m doing next round
wait do you mean like lysosomes?

I finished Round 7.

@aah31415 @Pac_Mine @sci0927 @Null @TwilightWings21 @Nerm @doomlightning @fralegend015 @Evolution4Weak

Good luck to future species.

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+1 to myself

Evolve: Lower Pressure Resistance


Adaptation: remove photophobia

VGT: remove photophobia

Also, wouldn’t it be a good thing that it has slow metabolism when in light?


Adaptation: Mitochondria

VGT: Mitochondria

Man i cant believe the species i planned to let go extinct is the only one which survived. Thats also why i also didnt really care about its name or anything. Crap. Now how does it work with my other two species now? Can i have those

Wait, the next major event wasn’t supposed to be in 3 turns though, wasn’t it?

The biggest thing that sucks about this is that there was no warning or time to prepare

GAHAHAHANANANANHAHjhHjsjsjdsjdnjdKrjekxkgndkwkxnrnfjyjg Ktkrktkektkyd cncgkdmffjksfkorkdfb

So if we don’t branch off of a species, how many votes do our new organisms have available to use?

i was sloud to specipay that its an signaling agents


and my vote:
vote: Golgi
VGT: Vocuola

+2/2 to ciliate of fraleg

@Pac_Mine how much times do I need to upgrade kinetofimbria untill I’m 100% sustainable from it?