Unofficial Thrive Forum Game Competition 2

No. Based in real life plants, it is usually the opposite.

You have 3 species slots.

It’s like an extra vote.

Nitrogen fixing organeles are generaly OP. Aurum got a huge population boost, making turn 10 mass extinction (great oxygenation) come sooner. So, now we have turn 15 event.
If I do an event turn 10 there is a chance everyone dies.

If I highlight something it may be important to everyone haha

You need golgi to be able to secrete signaling agents.

It depends on various things. To kinectofimbria to work as main power source you need to be work like an energy dam (or however it is called). You need to be stationary and water pass through you (or the water pass through you faster than you are moving). The faster it goes the better. Waterfalls and water currents may do the job. You won’t be able to survive just by your own movement in a place with standing water.

Nitrogen fixing organeles are generaly OP. Aurum got a huge population boost, making turn 10 mass extinction (great oxygenation) come sooner. So, now we have turn 15 event.
If I do an event turn 10 there is a chance everyone dies.

I mean, you could’ve at least given us a heads-up and/or one turn to adapt or die so that we had at least a chance

My vote:
maxil - Predatory pilus, Hgt for Reticulum
Pedes - Hgt for Golgi, Vote for Melanin, Special vote for Chemoreceptor
Btw, Reticulum and Golgi are supposted to decrease our reproduction energy requirement, so shouldn’t this combat lack of compounds punishment for species at least a little?
Modifier - 2+ to fra’s 2nd species

so upside down we do

Rocky: Adapt a way to receive electrical pings
VGT: Adapt a way to send out electrical pings

New Organism 1: Thunderjaw

  1. Rough ER (grey with some yellow pigment)
  2. VGT
  3. Cilia

Vote: Kinetofimbria (gaining energy from electricity)

New Organism 2: Revenger

  1. Chemoreceptors
  2. Chemoreceptor camouflage
  3. VGT
  4. Vacuoles

Modifier: +1 Revenger (I think I still have that modifier?)

Maybe in a game, but not real life. If there are other species producing it and you get it someway, you generealy would not get it. Also, the more people get it it become less of an advantage and more of the norm.

I am taking it into account.

I gave it. Other people species description can affect you. Also, you should take a look on wikipedia list of mass extinctions. I’m using some of it as base here.

Is only usefull when you have a strong heat source, you won’t be able to feed yourself just using the warmth of sunlight

Guess ill stay at the bottom of the ocean

Aurum: Thermorreceptors
HGT: Cilia
-1 to Twighlight Rocky

From movement, right?
(post filler)

@Nerm. Will you continue playing or are you waiting for a better moment to spawn your species?
You can branch off someone or start from scratch with 3 extra votes.


Some things I wanted to talk with you:

1 I will wait for @Nerm response to end the round.

2 If you eat something that produces/gets certain nutrient you don’t need to produce it too (less mutations same result).

3 If you put both of your votes on the same mutation I will consider the highest success but you can also gain a bad mutation if you get a good roll and a bad roll or even two bad mutations.

4 At the end of round 10 you will be considered different enough from the initial species, so your genus will change (you can choose it). @Null you can’t change your genus yet, just wait some turns :3

5 please use grammar good enough translate google could comprehend. I am not trying to be mean to someone, but some messages were like puzzles even google couldn’t help…

6 I will try to be clearer next extinction events that can happen like the great oxidation.

7 It is getting very confusing to know what is a vote and what is not. I will use Null and aah31415 messages as examples. Null sended two messages with votes, please send just one message with votes next time and edit if needed. aah31415 used for maxil “main” followed for “gt” votes and, for pedes, “gt” first and main second, please always do main vote before GT or don’t do different ways in the same message. If you are confused you can use the following template.
-What you want to talk about and your questions

-Species name
-Main vote
-GT vote
-Repeat if multiple species


-What you want to talk about and your questions

8 I’m open to suggestions and constructive criticism. If you have a good idea for an event, quest, npc, anything you can send it here (just make sure to @ me) or, in case you don’t want exposure, you can send me a message for me in private.

9 Please send suggestions for the Planet, Moon, Star and System you live in! (not something so scientific as Kepler-64r). After I read your suggestions I will make a pool with my favorite to you to decide.

Thanks for your attention and for been excelent players! This game is getting better than I initially thought! :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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I edited it now but it had the same vote for my main species in it. Also ill just play with species that survived instead of getting new ones.
To avoid confusion ill write it here again:

Vote-Gas Vacuoles

@Pac_Mine shouldn’t your species get bad mutation from cilia with 2 points?

No. HGT advantage over VGT is that only a 1 gives bad mutation (but your options are limited )

I know, I just wanted to use as an example.

The species that survived was Splendida. Do you want to change its vote to gas vacuole?

Its vote was gas vacuole already i just deleted the old votes to not confuse you. But yes i would like the Gas Vacuole.

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Sure for now, I actually accidentally said kinetofimbria by accident and wanted energy from electricity but kinetofimbria would probably be wiser for now

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@Nerm Please post vote

It’s been 6 days since