Unusual technologies

What about a technology that makes the strong force stronger and gives neutrons a slight positive charge? That way in a block of radioactive material the neutrons would repel each other and exit the mass or at least interact with electrons to slow down and it would never go supercritical. Imagine you receive an intel that terrorists have acquired some uranium and it is only a matter of time before they 3d print a nuke. So you start the device to make sure nukes are not working in major cities. Tv’s and smart phones are broadcasting the danger to the public and people start to be evacuated to underground bunkers. Meanwhile you go looking for the lost uranium.

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Totally impossible under known physics, awesome outside of known physics.

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Would a negative mass rocket be usable?

The idea is that with negative mass, you can have a net change in momentum without a net change in mass: Essentially you have a reactionless drive that doesn’t ignore conservation of momentum. Another side-effect is that it shouldn’t use any energy to make it work, hence being infinitely usable, or perhaps even a way to generate energy

First: requires strange matter.
Second: how would it carry a payload (though perhaps all you need it to carry is information)
Third: that could go faster than light!
Forth: clarktech


burning carbon guns- take frozen carbon pellets, and cold fire rains on your enemy, while they also suffer from co2 suffocation

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Micro black hole generator, used to rip off the kugo blitz from the umbrella academy if done right.


Von Neumann Probes would be very fun to use. If you were benevolvent, you could sent out fleet of space probes to terraform suitable planets automatically, or if you weren’t so benevolent, you could make them throw asteroids at planets with sapient aliens on them, removing primitive aliens from the galaxy before your enemies uplifted them and they turned against you.


what about the death star from star wars

death star in canon uses kyber crystals to produce unlimited power. Honestly there are plenty of realistic(ish) alternate power sources (antimatter, dark energy, black holes, small black holes, spinny black holes, quasars, negative matter folding space to fit less efficient power sources like ordinary stars into a station the size of a small moon, bottled light) but they all have the same issue: they work better as bombs. enough energy to blow up Alderaan could launch tens of thousands of relativistic kill vehicles, or could be put in a package the size of an office building for everything but largish black holes and quasars, briefcase sized for kugelblitz, antimatter/bottled light (effectively same thing with different production methods), and maybe dark energy depending on the size needed to have a generator powered on it. These wouldn’t be easy targets, or even tough targets that if they are somehow taken out will put a dent in your forces. they’re advanced bombs. One cargo crate doing the damage of the death star makes so much more sense logistically speaking.

For clarification: in universe bombs would have made no sense cause kyber crystals can’t be efficiently synthesized, only being found in nature.
This isn’t me saying a death star like weapons are stupid or impossible i just think that before you can miniaturize power generation that much you’ll use Nicoll-Dyson beams and after it’d be really inefficient. You could do it itd just be kinda dumb.

Well, there is a way to use a black hole as a lazer, just al little push and… A galaxy of mass spits out the side of the black hole
Ok, maybe a little to much, lets try a little less on the next one.
Basically, black hole galaxy lazers are 1 shot but they take out the whole system, and the next few over, it’s a win-win to me.
Edit: that and you might be able to make a kugelblitz with the lazer.

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I want dyson spheres.

those are impossible without materials with tensile strength exceeding that of any known material by a few orders of magnitude and in the abundance of a star. Just make a dyson swarm, those require no unusual tech and actually house people without weird gravity tech


What if we make dyson spheres, but it isn’t rotating or anything. It touches the star, the stars gravity and outward push is holding it in place. There can be liquid oceans on top of it which keeps the sphere from melting and that liquid boiling at the bottom and cooling on the surface by radiating its heat into the space would have crazy convection currents and currents is what we are good at extracting energy from. The same mechanism in hydroelectric dams and nucleer reactors.

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pressure from the star can’t hold up oceans. Oceans can’t cool any material fast enough. Most of the energy would we wasted boiling the liquid. Simply make a dyson swarm, there is no alternative unless you have a black hold to feed your star to.


What if I’m an eccentric hexalionare and have a pet black hole?

That sounds reasonable what do you plan to do with your black hole? Edit: if you meant feed a star to it then by a means, get the rights to the star. Gl with that

Yes, that is actually the word I was looking for. I was trying to remember the term of “Dyson swarm” but all I could recall was “dyson sphere”, which isn’t too different since they’d both be spherical but a swarm wouldn’t be one cohesive construct- rather, an amalgamation of many smaller ones.

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Active support got you covered, using active support you can build anything until the mass itself collapses into ablack hole.
So another good tech is active support.

What is active support

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Google space fountain