Weird/Funny dreams

Is double posting here allowed? I had a dream about talking to Hitler today. It was less funny, more weird. Basically, I was abducted and brought to him by a bunch of women who looked exactly the same. I sat in a room with him in what might’ve been an attempt of conversation. Out of fear, I tried to present myself as no need to be harmed. He got a little pissed I didn’t do the heil Hitler thing. The scariest bit was, afterwards, he just acted like a regular person. He didn’t execute or touch me or anything other than get angry and shout in a stern adult voice that I didn’t hail. The scary bit, is just how easy such a fate could’ve been avoided and how he blend so well with the people. I’ve had some scary nightmares and you can tell by bob, but this one was probably one of the worst.

(Edit: What the hell? Why are you laughing about a 13 year old getting abducted by Hitler. Scariest experience in my life besides that peppa pig POV i watched)


You have your answer, lol.


Does anyone else have those dreams where you predict the future? I’ve had so many of those, I’ve questioned reality many times. Some are in vivid detail too.


Most of mine are like that, so when I dream (If I’m not being chased by an SCP or walking with any extinct species) I just assume it’ll happen at some point

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I have dreamed of the future. Once, I dreamed of a bunch of teenage girls talking to my little brother, with cake on a table. It was at my uncle’s house. And a few weeks later, it was one of my (female) cousin’s birthda

I have also predicted the future other times, this was just the most vivid

I never predicted the future with dreams, but rather with intuitions or random jokes.
As for my dreams, they are generally happening in my “dream version” of my surroundings (modified school, house, city, etc.). My father once said that if a dream is happening in a multi-room environment (e.g. mansion), it means that the dreamer is “visiting” his subconscious, which generally comes with a few “guards”. I think that my modified environment thing is my subconscious since it’s based on my own reality and will always come up with me going from let’s say the mall to my old High School (with people I knew).

One time i had this dream where i went to school, i can’t remember the details but i was definitely going to school. Then in the middle of the dream i had to wake up and actually go to school.

also almost all my dreams belong in this thread because they are all abstract and unrecognizable to the point where i cant even describe them with words so i cant post it here

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Sounds a bit like a Calvin&Hobbes cartoon I read.

(It’s been translated to Portuguese, so I’ll try to translate it back to English.)
“Calvin, time to wake up.”
“Calvin, time to wake up.”
“Come on. Thou wilt arrive late to school.”
“My dreams are becoming way too real.”


Sounds like this Calvin character is a premature Jesus.


I wanted to differentiate the second person (more informal, used to talk to close friends, comrades, children and sometimes to hierarchical inferiors) from third person (more formal and used for the other cases). Since the former is used in this case (which would be a weird family if it didn’t) I thought it would be appropriate to use English second person singular (thou), but that was a very unwise decision on my part, because, nowadays, people use almost exclusively the English second person plural (you), which has the consequence that “thou” is perceived as archaic, missing the intended meaning.

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No need to apologize. You translated it well, and I could understand it. Just didn’t sound like modern day English.

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So last night I finally had a dream that i actually understood.

I was browsing the forums and not posting as usual and I saw this thread that blackjacksike made (don’t ask me why it was specifically him and not any other user) and I wanted to post in it. Strange thing is that I written my post down using a pencil and paper instead of actually typing it. Then I discarded my post because I didn’t want to post in a thread which contents I did not understand.


I had a dream:
I was watching the news, and it alerted there was an unknown infestation of zoology lab contents that have contaminated into ground water. It explained that the test was colleagues trying to recreate conditions for artificial life (not fully of course), and how they made aquatic type worms that rapidly reproduce out of human skin and muscle cells. I got pretty interested, and went to the beach. I collected some samples and went home to see through my microscope, which is currently broken, but I didn’t notice in my dream it was supposed to be broken. I saw nothing but water and those air pockets you annoyingly get. Soon, the news came on again saying there have been reports of the worms rapidly selecting to go through city pipes, and feeding off organic material and enhancers. Some people were said to be “hoaxing” that some were flowing through sinks. Of course, the idiot I am, went to turn on the faucet. Nothing still. After a while, a new report came back on the same day, and reported people going to the hospital, and I tell with sincerity, finding worms up their anus. Now I was worried. How the hell does a worm get in there? Another report later in the evening shows an interview with a doctor concluding the worms are getting into bums by traveling through toilet piping. I caught a glimpse of someone defecating in public, probably from how feared they were. Most of the dream is forgotten, at one point a news reporter hid behind the desk and probably pooped in a dish or something, idk. I went to my bathroom, and I flushed for “safety” and a whole bunch of worms came out, jumping outwards, probably looking for a fresh turd to latch on to. Then I woke up. The scary part is how much sense this makes. There is a species of centipede that climb up people’s anuses I think. But these are only the parts that make sense that I could recall to be fair.


thats one hell of a gross dream

Guess what happened this time?

I had sleep paralysis today. I know I sound like i’m telling stories non stop, but my imagination is extremely wild. Basically, It was scary the first few repeating rounds (yeah, it repeated). I figured afterword, “oh… I’m dreaming…”. I was stuck in bed for some time with the inability to move. I gained the ability later on, and hoped on to the computer. Then, I got teleported back to bed. After a few more rounds, I instead of going to the computer, decided to punch myself out of the dream, and I only felt a numb touch, and it was so weird. teleported back to bed. I woke up… But I was still unable to move. This is where I had hallucinations. My robot in the corner of my room on top of my printer, read this slowly, transformed into darker coloured elmo. It started rising, and poofed into a bunch of weird marble bead things the same colour. This repeated, until at one point, the beads went rainbow coloured and I almost felt them hit my face. After that, my torment of being stuck in my own brain has finally ended. I wasn’t much scared after the first few rounds, and elmo did his best to creep me out, but really, I knew me and him where homies at that point.
Here is a vague illustration of our luscious friendship:


I had a weird nightmare. I entered some kind of abandoned building during the night and was looking for resources to scavenge (probably because I’ve been playing Metro 2033 a lot). Then, there was that room where children were supposed to be in the past. After having searched the room, I heard a gearbox music. I turned back and there was some kind of corpse with its torso missing. It looked a lot like the rasklapanje from Resident Evil 6 except that it didn’t have its organs spilling out of its lower body. It was standing up and was dancing to the music. That’s when I woke up.

EDIT: Seriously, it’s not funny. In the dream, it was very dark and it is something that you would find horrifying in real life.

In the recent past, I haven’t really experienced any nightmares. If I’m walking around and my raincoat starts to form a thousand mouth on the inside where each is occupied tearing pieces of flesh off of me, I just say “It’s sunny. I don’t have a raincoat.” or “Let’s dream about something different.” or “I’m fine with this. This is fun and the pain I’m experiencing is not real.” or “Let me eat you!”

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This is what sleep paralysis elmo viewed with his own plastic eyes:

(edit: I was paralyzed so this makes no sense)
(edit #2: He saw the face at the end tho)

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This forum topic proves how sporadic my imagination is, I spit out so many weird dreams. Yesterday, I’ve dreamt playing a better way more immersive spore with the same aesthetic but a thousands more realistic. It was pretty fun, and I woke up and had an anxiety attack for some reason. Also, I woke at five and stayed up, and wanted to play kerbal space program. You all know how long it takes to load? Yeah, I went to bed because of that and dreamt of me playing sonic with my bois and some random adult woman. I got absolutely yeeted and sucked at the game. It was something like sonic. Idk, but at one point the girl became a malformed dog that had a muzzle which was slowly melting in my hands, and she just laughed while I was going “oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no”. I woke up and straight up said “doggy moment” out loud. Then I went back to sleep because when I just wake up I feel quite grubby, and I went into sleep paralysis. KSP finally loaded irl, and I was looking at it. Now we all know the lovable gene kerman who teaches us camera controls in the game? Well he got out of his little tutorial window, his eyes turned black, and he just started walking on the grass. I was a bit scared until I realized he was a kerbal and nothing bad can really happen. Then he walked out of the screan. This is when I prayed in my mind he killed me quickly. Then as soon as he stood before me I woke up as normal. This is a weird chain of dreams, I know. Probably from my messed up sleep pattern and anxiety.

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