Why schools should no longer be used

Except for propaganda!

That’s why we have exams.

Exams are the opposite of a good idea in terms of long term learning. Exams allow you to dump out the knowledge from your brain as soon as the exam is over. Contextualizing and constantly building on top of previous knowledge (or continual revisits / refreshers) are needed for long term learning.

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honestly we should do what that one school did and allow students to just pick the courses they want and when they go to them as well as picking when to go to the mandatory classes(like computer navigation, math, physical health, reproductive system education, etc.) and they don’t even have to do the mandatory classes for more than one year if they don’t like them because their first year in it would teach them enough for them to not need to learn any more of that subject to fit into society, i don’t remember the name of the school but i remember that it has a really high average GPA and that it is probably not exactly how i described it since i read about it in 2020,
i think grades should be abolished or at least not shown to the students and just used to tell the student whether or not they passed and if they don’t the teacher looks to the teachers whose classes the student passed to see how to best teach them the subject should they attend that class again because intrinsic motivation always works better than an extrinsic one and an extrinsic motivation removes the intrinsic one most of the time and grades add an extrinsic motivation to learning

Grades should be replaced with a detailed evaluation of the student’s perfomance done by the teacher. Just like when a doctor gives their patient an evaluation of their overall health instead of saying “your health is a 7/10”.

American here, my area does have a few trade schools and such, as substitutes for high school. It’s not lack of education all over America, though it’s not as widely known in areas that don’t have trade schools that a kid can go to. I didn’t know about them until a few years after I moved to my area (though I was admittedly nine when I moved)

“Aight kids, today we’re learning about how the world is flat and everything in the universe revolves around it. No, little Timmy, I don’t care that your friend said those were disproved hundreds of years ago, it’s still the truth, and all that other nonsense is the government lying to us.”

I agree schools could use a reform, but some of the stuff in this thread is absolutely ridiculous lol. Will be watching this with equal parts a notebook and popcorn.


Well what would be the punishment then? Legal punishment would be in essence censorship of free speech but at the same time it is lying so that isn’t good.

Free speech is about being capable of criticizing the government, not being capable of saying anything you want.

That isn’t true free speech then. Are you talking about a country other than the US?

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Yes it is, free speech isn’t an absolute freedom.

In case you guys need it for the sake of argument, here’s the first amendment:

(Source: https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/bill-of-rights-transcript)

As for my opinion, giving your child an inadequate education is not an exercise of free speech; You’re still allowed to say whatever you want to your child, but at the end of day you should still have to provide them with some level of education (If only there was a place made for that exact purpose, so that even if you tell your child the earth is flat they can understand why it’s considered a globe).

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I’m pretty certain that about 99% of flat earthers are just joking at this point, it’s really not that prevalent.

Yeah, It’s just an easy example that’s unlikely to be offensive.

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Your idea is what I call half-freedom-of-speech. Look at @Oncpapa 's post.

I think people are conflating the ideal of free speech and the actual concrete real free speech laws in the U.S which have currently have a lot of caveats for very good reasons

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It doesn’t make sense to really define free speech as anything else than the legal definition. Things immediately contradict themselves when free speech “enthusiasts” say that free speech means that they should be allowed to say anything they want without any consequences. Even if that consequence is someone else telling them why they are an idiot and made 7 logical fallacies in a couple of sentences. So they actually just want to be allowed to say whatever they want and don’t want people who have different opinions (or ethical values) to be allowed to say anything.

Maybe those specialization programs might be just optional

That depends. When you want to learn biology (especially if you want to become a doctor), learning by heart and doing exams is pretty useful to remember processes. Exams are essentially there to verify whether and how well we’ve learned.

Even if that consequence is that someone convinces their boss to fire them because they don’t agree with them.

If there are negative consequences it isn’t complete free speech otherwise we can say anything without punishment.

Why has this thread devolved into pure politics???

a legal punishment only occurs if the thing said is a threat or saying you are going to break the law. otherwise any legally allowed punishment that occurs is allowed by the first amendment

it was doomed to from the start