Your Username (and how you made it)

I thought of it as Hyrulian, kinda like from Zelda.

Spring is my favorite absolute favorite season. Everything is so beautiful and lively, and itā€™s when everything starts growing. Iā€™m super into plants, so itā€™s nice, especially after Winter. Ostara is the first Pagan holiday in Spring, though I love Beltane just as much. And itā€™s literally the perfect temperature where I live. In the Summer, I swear the sun is out to get you.


Really? Spring is my least favorite season of the year, mainly because of the allergies that plague where i live :sneezing_face:
That, along with a lot of rain, and early in the season stuff has not grown back yet

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I can see where your coming from, Iā€™m just lucky I donā€™t have allergies, I guess. What season is your favorite?

Autumn, to be precise. The weather starts to cool down after summer, the trees turn into brilliant colors, and the fall themed decorations in general I love. School may start back up at around this time, but everything else makes up for it

You seem like an Autumn, if that makes sense. It is really nice, Iā€™ve had some of good memories made in Autumn. Only downside is hurricanes, but eh. Autumn is so wholesome tbh, people seem more relaxed as a whole.

I have heard jokes of people who have a favorite season just like it pretty well. But with fall, people love that season if itā€™s their favorite. I can kinda say that is actually true :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol. Autumn is some of the best parts of Winter and Spring if you think about it. Nice temperature, nice scenery, things are still growing. Though I guess it all depends on where you live. In Autumn here, a lot of trees either keep their leaves or donā€™t have too many vibrant colors to them.

Edit: This sums up Autumn pretty well.

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HI - RI - LAY - NI - EN

Thatā€™s how I say it anyway.

at random times during both spring and fall, my sinuses erupt and water shoots directly out of my eyes.

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I remember about a year or two ago, at spring, my eyes got so swollen one day, i was not able to see for the rest of a night, and it made my eyes sting to high heaven

My YouTube channel intitials and gaming because I game

This is kind of a really stupid thing but I based mine off of when jacksepticeye says ā€˜booper dooperā€™ I couldnā€™t really come up with anything at the time .

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My username is also a Youtuber reference ( Coincidentally also from an Irish dude named Jack).
In the Jacksfilms video ā€œFAKE FACTS 2 (YIAY #328)ā€, Jack makes up a group of people called moon truthers who donā€™t believe in the moon and think itā€™s just a hologram. With me being in desperate need of a new username (My old one being ā€œCreeper_crater1ā€ which I made as a Minecraft youtube channel name) I found it funny enough to use as a username for a twitter account I made to try get on YIAY. Then the name stuck and I started to use it in other places.

Funny, my username is also a Youtuber reference.
Itā€™s from a really handsome dude by the same name


I found out about this game after watching the trailer for spore and one of the comments lead me to this great looking sim. My name comes from my spore species name (Fā€™Narr) and my pfp is an angry Draco Malfoy from a bootleg HP game I found funny. The title ā€œomnipotentā€ is because it was the maximum rank I could reach as a zealot in the game.


My username is an insight into my true personality more or less. So my main username for stuff used to be ā€œAlien-Creatorā€. One of my friends asked me for my Pinterest account and I realized it was L A M E. And I had a mini freak out and my eyes locked on the nearest object; an 8 ball. I quickly changed it to this and added a 04 to the end because thatā€™s my birth month.

Funny. When I have just joined the forum, each time Iā€™ve seen you, @RoboRomb, my brain was always pronuncing your name ā€œRoboBombā€. Thus, each time I was thinking about your username, it would make me think of a certain expression used in some wack tf2 memes.
Not a word for children (13+ years old)


EDIT : *11 days necro nice

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I know I already did one of these but now I got the video:
Spoilers for Spore, but if you havenā€™t played it yet you probably never will.


My username is my actual RL nickname.

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