
  • Yummy silicon: (cell/multicell/aware) Start as a water/carbon based organism, but evolve silicon oils* and store your energy in that (a predetory species not capable of digesting that would be less interested in you) (cell/multicell/aware)
  • Chiral ambidexterity: Use both types of a chiral molecule (cell/multicell/aware)
  • Closing in: When having a pilus fight, (because the enviroment is implied to be 3d, the piluses can’t just hit each other unless they are at an angle, and there would be an overlap in the 2d view) approach the other cell by doing an envelopement** and poke its membrane
  • Dizzying air: Cause your planet to have an atmosphere that is 20% alcohol (cell/multicell/industrial)
  • Oxicity: Live in a planet with 80% oxygen atmosphere (cell/multicell/industrial)
  • Chemical impact: Change your planets average ph by 1 (microbe or industrial)
  • Crisp 'em deader: Evolve crispr
  • Swiss army crispr*: Evolve a crispr that works against a wide array of viruses
  • Espionage induced aneuploidy: Enter a cell that is having an anaphase but you maxed your chemical stealth so you dont get detected. A microtubule connects to you and pulls you to where the future nucleus of one of the daughter cells will be
  • Chromosome missile: Attach flagellas and metabolosomes to chromosomes and send them out of your body like a rocket while reproducing
  • Capitalist chromosomes: Let chromosome missile chose which cell they move to during anaphase, instead of being pulled by the microtubules
  • Virus magnet: Send a chromosome missile out of your body(you are a cell) which attracts viruses, allowing you to escape in a virus free direction
  • Housing giants: Have an organelle that has a more genes than you
  • Shadow cooperation: Make an endosymbiosis with a cell that has a different type of translating dna to rna(could be from a shadow biosphere(descendents of a second luca) or from different planet in the same solar system). This makes horisontal gene transfer (and merging the dna’s) impossible[1]
  • Kleptoplastic assasination: Pretend that you would be a great endosymbiote, enter another species, and then kill it
  • Flagellaplast: Take a species with a flagella and mitochondria as an endosymbiote and turn it into a flagella organelle that uses glucose instead of atp
  • Reverse endosymbiosis: Get engulfed by another cell and make endosymbiosis but you are the one in control, increase the precentage of cytoplasm you own until the cell that engulfed you looks like an organelle that is between your two membranes
  • Plasmid overlord: Gain an organelle with endosymbiosis but you are a prokaryote
  • Mitochondrian kingdom: The only dna that exists in your cell is in mitochondria. (add metabolosomes to your nucleus or carry your genes to mitochondria)
  • Adding complexity faster than removing complexity: Create an organelle manually sooner another cell does that with endosymbiosis. Do this for every type of two membraned organelle at least once, not necessarily on the same game.
  • Nucleus diversity: Have 3 or more types of dna carrying organelles
  • Molecular confusion: Copy your predetors signalling agent and make them attack each other
  • Microbiogeographic assasination: While playing a multiplayer game, go to the planet of the other player before they move into land, get the “planetary skin” achievement but make it opaque, no photosynthesis means ecosystem collapse, respawn at your original planet
  • Planetary doom avoided: You get this achivement if you change your planet in cell stage but your orginal plnate became lifeless
  • Mucilage harpoon: Make mucilage powered harpoons, not guided unfortunately
  • Guided mucilage harpoon: Reproduce by budding and send your kids to hunt using mucilge and predatory pilus, while at the same time being connected to you either cytoplasmicly or with something like a rope
  • Anti amoeboid weapon: Hit a cell that does ameoboid movement with a harpoon, inject it with a chemical that dissolves the cytoskeleton, and stun it
  • Divide and conquer: Aproach a cell much larger than you and tie it with your cellular rope. Then squeese that rope, forcing a cytokinesis. You are now facing two smaller cells.
  • Cellular blackmail: Do the thing above and threaten that cell that you would force it to divide prematurely, and use this blackmail to make it to give you compounds
  • Shortsword[2] pilus: Connect the side of your pilus that is touching the membrane to the other side of your membrane using a cellular rope, through the cytoplasm. Shorten the rope, the whole membrane acts like a three dimensional bow. When you see an enemy cell, release the rope, the sword moves forward and hits the enemy cell with high speed
  • Digestive hazard: Puncture a lysosome with a pilus, spreading digestive enzymes around
  • Nucleic ejection seat: Have two cell membranes, have organelles/proteins between them and inside the inner one. When a virus enters the outer membrane, put the outer membrane on exocytose mode and make whatever is inside the inner membrane exit the outer membrane using mucilage throwers before the viruses enter the inner membrane
  • Double castle: Have two layers of cell membranes that aren’t oil (cellulose, glass, etc)
  • Love hotel: Reproduce inside another cell (you are a cell)
  • Unwanted guest: After a cell enters you, merge your outer membrane with the inner (or only) membrane of it, and by exocytosing it, throw its cytoplasm to the outside enviroment, probably an instant kill
  • Boss defeated: Enter a large cell, defeat 3 other cells inside that cell (they were protecting it) and finally puncture the nucleus of the large cell, killing it
  • Defensoplast: Have an immune system in cell stage
  • Skinoplast: Have an organelle that regenerates your membrane
  • Micro balloon: Have a holdfast organelle but be less dense than water
  • Exoplasmic reticulum: After placing every protein or organelle you might need either inside your nucleus or endoplasmic rediculum, get rid of your membrane or the cell wall. You now have no membrane, or rather, you have a reticulum membrane.
  • Robosome: Unlock the ability to synthesise nanobots or mechanic proteins
  • Reverse xenobot: Evolve 3 robotic parts (cell/multicelluular/aware)
  • Unredundant: Remove your junk dna to below 5%
  • Almost dead: Remove all redundency, remove upgrades and have the smalles genome possible in the game (you are an empty hex but you have extra low health and the reproduce button is disabled if you ever see a radioactive chunk on the screen, or move to a patch with 1% light)
  • Ectosymbiosis: Gain an external organelle, it is sticked to you with binding agents. But it isn’t multicellular (yet), because you only control one cell
  • I don’t want you anymore: Play as a symbiotic algea and produce toxins so that your multicellular host releases you
  • A dragons sneeze: Play as a bacteria or a small creature and survive and spread inside fires
  • Immunity migration: Play as an immune system, change your creature and start working for an unrelated species (you can use the same “species patch map*” that microbiomes and parasites use)
  • Rna polynucleate: Add a second ribosome (early cell stage)
  • Cell xenomorph: As a cell, reproduce like viruses
  • Renewable cleptoplasty: Do this but not endosybiosis “And others steal them but also steal functional nuclei from their prey, which means that they can make more chloroplasts.”* (microbe/multicellular/aware)
  • Kleptic industrial complex: At one point in time get 10 different funcioning organelles in cell stage with kleptoplasty, without being able to make new ones of those yourself
  • Outsourced organelles: None of your membrane bounded organelles develop inside you
  • Mitic dependency: Don’t be able to survive without constantly stealing new mitochondrias with kleptoplasty (aware)
  • Microtheft: Enter the cytoplasm of a large cell, steal organelles or some amount of endoplasmic rediculum, and leave
  • Colony raid: As a unicellular species, steal an organelle from a multicellular species
  • Organelle revolution: Get absorbed with kleptoplasty in large enough numbers, and organise a revolution to overthrow the regime of the multicellular creature that absorbed you, attack all the cell nucleuses at the same time
mobile genetic elements and viruses

[3] “genes are the smallest evolvable entities competing in what darwin called the struggle for existance” and it would be fun to see them in the game

  • Selfish gene: As a mobile genetic element, jump from species to species and cause 3 species to go extinct
  • Genenome conquest: Play as a mobile genetic element spread, spread in species patches and make 90% of the species have a copy of you in their genomes
  • Looking for a new brain: In cell stage, lose your dna. But then steal the dna of another cell before you run out of mrna or proteins that keep you alive
  • Bankivore: In cell stage, create a bank. Other species pay an annual compound cloud in return for you storing a copy of their genes
  • Gene monarch: Play as a gene and gain unilateral dominance in the parliment of genes*
  • Policing full time: Don’t code for anthing, only fill the genetic nieche of supressing the selfist tendencies of other genes
  • Exiting a sinking titanic: In a diploid or poliploid creature, evolve the ability of comparing the different chromosomes to find out about the genetic diversity in the population based on how much repeating parts exists on those chromosomes. If it is low (implying a reduced population and inbreeding), activate a gene that increases the oppurtinities for a horisontal gene transfer happening for you (such as making the creature spend more time in water*)
  • Champion rose from the ashes: Enter another cell and be digested. But that’s no the end, because all of your dna can jump like transposons and they are good at fighting. They migrated to the nucleus of that cell, fought the dna there (there can be a fighting minigame) and defeated it. You took control of this bigger cell. It will slowly turn into your cell, if you want to keep the new organelles (making new ones after reproducing) you can make a horisontal gene transfer, turning yourself into a hybrid between your previous self and this other cell
  • Genetic fatality: Do an endosymbiosis with an online player, defeat them in a dna war minigame, take control of the resulting merged species. Give someone in a server a defeat screen this way.
  • Corrosive essence: Use oxytoxy during a fight between two genes
  • Primordial warfare: While playing as a viroid, make a dna war minigame with another viroid
  • Bad apple: As a virus, hide yourself on bilipid layers like a membrane protein so that any cell looking for an easy way to increse its surface area would be infected by you
  • Viric trap: Find or create an empty membrane. It should have dna inside like a cell but not ribosomes. Get that membrane infected with viruses, you may carry around the membrane with a cellular rope in order to not not get close the viruses while that happens. Since it doesn’t have ribosome, the viruses can’t synthesise anything to make the cell autolyse, no matter how much they reproduce. Leave that virus infested bag as a hunting trap and wait until a cell looking to feast to turn into compound clouds, though the compound cloud would be infected with viruses as well, requiring a virus cleaning tool
  • Virogin mary: Do the thing above but surround yourself with these virus bags like the cumulus oophorus. If anyone tries to pilus you deadly viruses are released to the environment and engulfing you results in that cell receiving viruses
  • Careful pilus: Evolve a predatory or straw pilus that can target a virogen mary without damaging the virus bags
  • Virobosome: Synthesise viruses from transposons with an organelle
  • Living girus: Play as a cell, get rid of your membrane in favor of a protein coating and became a girus
  • Microscopic mad scientist: You evolved to use a virus-like protein to kill enemy cells. It mutated and became a real virus and caused the extinction of 5 species.
  • I have a cellular origin too you know: As a cell, evolve into a virus and then make horisontal gene transfer with a virus that evolved from a molecular weapon, or vice verca
  • Don’t you remember me?: As a virus, enter an ally cell’s nucleus or dna carrying cytoplasm and report a virus that is trying to place its own genes but the crispr attacks you instead
  • Viruvore*: Only consume viruses
  • Anti endosymbyosis: Play as a virus, add yourself to the dna of an organelle, take control of that organelle and make it independent from its host, start playing as a cell
multicellular or polynucleate
  • Eating the multi’s: As a polynucleote like a slime mold, consume a multicellular creature that is at least 1 meter long, start consuming it while it is alive
  • Imagine the arguments*: Play as a polynucleate and merge with another polynucleate
  • Circulatory lung: Have a heart that pumps sea water in designated trachea that act like blood vessels or gills
  • Sweeping blood: Have a structure like a waving fish tail inside your blood veins that is used to help pump blood
  • Opener circulation: Make a polinucliate instead of a multicellular species. There is no difference between the cytoplasm and the interstitial fluid. The nucleuses are evenly distributed in the organism so that there can still build stuff or help with regenerating tissues. They can either float around in brownian motion or kept in a fixed place using cytoskeleton or a cage like cell wall (has large gaps)
  • Quasi cell[4]: Be a cell and get bigger than you could’ve get normally by eating a deceased multicellular colony. There is no time to make an excretion vacuole, you keep growing polynucleary, engulfing and packaging everything around you with membranes and if they are no use to you, they will stay in that forever. When your size reaches the size of the organism, pull your nucleuses and nutrient storing organelles to the outer cell wall using the cytoskeleton, form new cells and send them away like spores for them to eat other corpses (you are a scavenger), leaving the wastes and not easily digestable material behind
  • Kleptoplastic circulatory system: The energy carrying molecules you have in your blood are packaged in membranes, the leucoplastic red blood cells enter the cells like oxygen and depleted ones exit the cell like carbon dioxideZeroploid: 80% or more of your cells dont have any genes. You have "mobile genome"s in your blood, they are cells that act like nucleuses to other cells. They enter other cells, the messenger rna reads their genes during transcription and then they leave. You have way less apoptosis or cancer, the mobile genomes are discarded like red blood cells and remade in the bone marrow, which is protected from radiation by the bone*. But some of your tissues can turn into other tissues if the epigenetic information gets corrupted. (multicellular/aware)
  • Zeroploid: 80% or more of your cells dont have any genes. You have "mobile genome"s in your blood, they are cells that act like nucleuses to other cells. They enter other cells, the messenger rna reads their genes during transcription and then they leave. You have way less apoptosis or cancer, the mobile genomes are discarded like red blood cells and remade in the bone marrow, which is protected from radiation by the bone*. But some of your tissues can turn into other tissues if the epigenetic information gets corrupted. (multicellular/aware)
  • Pangenesiser: Your different systems (digestive, neuron, etc) reproduce on their own. Have 3 or more types of gametes (multicellular/aware)
  • Predivided: Have enough ploidy to supply your adult body when you were a morula. Develop by only doing cytokinesis
  • Gladiator reproduction: Have a reproductive system where millions of gametes merge in a single cell and inside the cell, for each allele, different genes “fight to the death”[5] and only one survive[6]. After the battle ends, the now haploid cell divides with mitosis and forms the organism
  • Sink it in the river the lessons are learned: Launch a slimy/sticky rock to a creature in order to make it sink (large cell/multicell/aware/awakening/society/industrial/space))
  • Vacillating cellularity: Swich between being a unicellular and multicellular 5 times
  • Variocellular: Have unicellular and multicellular life stages
  • The great cell of china: Have a single continious cell membrane/wall around you, in addition to the membrane/wall dividing the individual cells (early multicellular)
  • Disco nationalism: Start the disco mode and turn every cleavage type in your planet into discoidal cleavage
  • Wharton’s jellyfish: Design a jellyfish by mostly using wharton’s jelly
aware: things to evolve
  • External gastrolith: Have a stone armor (aware) (hp depends on the environment)
  • Like a surgeon: Place a heart outside the ribs, only covered by skin. You can see it beating when playing the game
  • Time lord: Have 2 hearts
  • A dragons hymn: Evolve singing while breathing fire
  • Hyperpirate: Have a speech organ that can or does only trill sounds* (aware/awakening/society)
  • Unstoppable rolling cylinder: Evolve rolling as an attack type
  • Flying dimetrodon pair: Do this*
  • Spitting facts: Store information chemicly inside your saliva. Also communicate by kissing.
  • Dapspeech*: Use mechanoreceptors for speach
  • Teflon skin: In a planet with enough florine, evolve to have acid resistant ptfe coating
  • Fashion remix: Have a lions mane with chickens’s combs dividing it into equal sections
  • Self sufficient: You can synthesise all the amino acids you need from ammonia, also be mobile
  • Chrysopelean: Glide without wings
  • Prolemuris: Turn a limb that has two bones (such as ulna and limba) into two different limbs, or merge two limbs into one
  • Capyara: Be friendly towards all the fauna in your patch
  • Uno card for lasers: Evolve mirrors
  • Mercury defence: Evolve kidneys thhat allow you to eat prey that are 5% made from mercury
  • Long cell: Have a cell (coud be a neuron) that is 10 meters long (cell/multicell/aware)
  • Invisible against history: Reach awakening stage without ever leaving any fossils (dont have bones, etc.)
  • Praying for birth: Your eggs are so strong that they can’t be broken by the youngsters inside.
  • Chest egg: You have an egg that is opened with a key
  • Tnt eggs: No predetor eats your eggs because if they did, they would blow up alongside the egg. They can throw a rock at the eggs and make it explode, but they usually don’t do it because they wouldn’t end up with something to eat
  • Abortive camel: Evolve a compound storing organ in a unique way. In each life, have a miscarriage and keep the placenta for yourself (go through a non reproductive parthenogenesis)
  • Da be dee da ba daa: Make everything blue
  • Little furnace: Keep a constant body temperature that is 30 degrees celcius above the average ambient temperature
  • Oddly spesific achivement: Swich which hole is your mouth and which is your anus after evolving ecolocation
  • A true bottom feeder*: Use an anus as a second mouth
  • Mercenary immunity: Have an immune system that is formed by a unicellular species that doesn’t carry your dna. So you are a chimera
  • Nutcracker: Don’t have teeth, break down food into smaller chunks using apandages situated out of your mouth
  • Obsidian stomach: Evolve an organ. Quickly catch an exploding creature with a harpoon and pull it inside that organ. The organ allows you to not take a lot of damage in explosions
  • Self sufficient: You can synthesise all the amino acids you need from ammonia, also be mobile
  • Self groomer: You can touch every part of your body with your hands
  • True invisibality: Be a transparent fish with the same refractive index as the water around you
  • Living plane: Evolve wings you can’t flap
  • Metric birth: Have a litter size of 1 liter
  • Living fossil: You get this achivement if you don’t evolve at all for 3 editor sessions
  • Taking advantage: Be the most diversified species after a mass extinction twice
  • Xenomorphilia: Enter the awakening stage never having reproduced other than like a xenomorph
  • Ethereal xenomorph: Reproduce by turning yourself into e dna, and then turning the eggs of a creature which does external fertilisation into your own eggs
  • Spontanious generation: Appear again after all the members of your species becoming unicellular or e dna for 100 years (aware/awakening/society/industrial)
  • The ultimate xenomorph: In aware stage, reproduce by hijacking another creature like a virus and changing the dna of its cells into your dna
  • Brain monopoly: Become a brain parasite around the time when the first brains were evolving. Make a symbiosis a lot of species. Every species in the planet that has a brain should have you as their brain. The brains must be descended from you.
  • Vantablack: Evolve carbon nanotubes and unlock the blackest pigment
aware: things to do
  • Sperm whale: Breathe air in the atmosphere and hunt megafauna in the bathypelagic zone or deeper
  • Argonaut plasticity[7]: Fix your shell with the broken pieces of another shell
  • Land sweet land: Survive all your planet’s lands being covered in lava by flying. You get this achievement when you land on the ground again.
  • A life of ironies: Do both of these with the same organism at least once: (1) get oxygen from water and (2) get water from inhaling air[8]
  • A step in the right direction?: The members of your species can talk, but they can only talk to themselves. They voice their internal thoughts, but they can’t decipher a sound anyone else makes means.
  • Defenestrated: Make apartments in aware stage high enough for fall damaga and perform a defenestration or get defenestrated
  • Finding nemo: End up very close[9] to the point nemo of your planet as a land creature which can’t fly or swim, or end up in the point nero for lands as a sea creature which can’t walk or fly.
  • Get stick bugged lol*: Watch a stick bug creature dance
  • Target lost cohesion: As a flying thing that is made from multiple creatures, do a dogfight and dissassamble into your constituent creatures to evade an attack comming directly at you (aware)
  • Snowfolk: Reach awakening stage in a snowball earth planet without volcanism
  • Reverse iron maiden: Get consumed by another creature, but expand yourself like a pufferfish and mortally wound it with your spikes
  • Synthetic origin: As a xenobot, reproduce on your own (a way to start aware stage)
  • A blinding game of chess: Have a war where both of the sides have biologic lasers, but both of the sides have members that don’t use their lasers to blind the enemy because they are themselves blinded and can’t aim for the eyes (aware/awakening)
  • Up for grabs: Cause marine snow to not reach the bottom of the ocean. You and other creatures consume all of it while it was falling (cell/multicellular/aware)
  • Master of the few: In a swordfight, defeat a creature that has 8 swords as a creature that has 1 or 2 swords (aware or space)
  • Sweaty firefighter: Start burning but put out the fire just by sweating
  • Trampled underfoot: A creature steps on you (aware/awakening/space)
  • Not trampled: In a low gravity planet, get stepped on by a very large but low weighing creature
  • Kauaʻi ʻōʻō: Make a mating call as the last of your species
  • Lucid galilei: As a non space whale, discover all the non dwarf planets and moons in your solar system before awakening stage
  • Come at me bro: Survive the air you normally breathe raining on you (aware)
  • Placentivore: Exclusively eat placentas. Find animals which are giving birth, scare them into running away and take their placenta
  • Continent jump: Spread to all major landmasses (at least 3) while they aren’t connected in a pangea
  • Inundated cow: As a creature that moved from the land to the sea, exclusively consume plants which moved from land to sea
  • Calcium tunnel: As an underwater fossorial, dig a 10 meter long tunnel in a coral reef
  • Stem intake: Take stem cells from your friends enough to regenerate your body 3 times over (aware/awakening)
  • Negative space: After an burrowed nest was filled with a concrete like substance, hardened and the soil around it erosed off, build a spiders net between what used to be the tunnels
  • Works for others: Have 90% of the creatures you hunted (by mass) be eaten by other creatures (aware)
  • Herbivores of the ecosystem, unite!: Cooperate with another herbivore and cause the extintion of your mutual predetor
  • Irrational: Don’t hunt the species that would have been your main prey if the ai controlled you
  • The grass was hungrier*: As a plant, catch and consume an animal that landed for hunting or scavenging. Or be that animal and get eaten.
  • Living corpse: 80% of your cells are senecent cells
  • I need this place for myself: Enter the womb of another species and eat another species besides you that entered there
population, life cycle, activity throughout day
  • Rich nightlife: Dedicate 50 percent of the nighttime to socialising instead of sleep (aware/awakening) (not in the arctic circle)
  • Biologic auxeticy: Have a creature whose larval stage is larger than the adult form on the outside[10]
  • Tardis population: Have a larger effective population size than your real population size (by having temporary and reversible ploidy or a population bottleneck where some of the unique individuals are not born yet)
  • Inbred outbred: Have a non selectionary (genetic drift) population bottleneck[11] right after leveling a genetic cline, so suffer both from an inbreeding and an outbreeding depression at the same time (multicellular/aware)
  • Suffering from success: Go extinct after eating all your preys
  • Habitat appetite: Consume 80% of the biomass in a habitat as a single creature*
  • Benjamin Button: Reverse the ordering of your lifecycle stages 180° like the inversion mutation that happens with chromosomes
  • Twiceborn: Release your kids to the nature, but if they grow to a certain size, you take them back inside your body like a kangaroo
  • Disturbance disturbance: Play as the disturbance(pre select this creature) and cause a disturbance(ecology term)
  • Goldilocks season: Hibernate both in summer and winter
  • Genome censorship: Silence more than half of your genes, keep them inactivated(and not removed) for at least 1 editor session
  • Gene collection: As a creature which mastered reverse transcriptase and horisontal gene transfer, carry the complete genome of 15 other creatures at one point in time (aware/awakening)
  • Ritualised f2 hybridisation: Have a reproduction cycle that includes incest before birth. Store the f1 generation in your body instead of something like the zygote or the sperm from the previous mating
  • Long life: Reproduce once every 100 years or even less often
  • Black hole of the tree of life: Merge with other branches of the tree of life via endosymbiosis or chimerism 15 times
  • Omnichronic[12] bonding: Like dolphins, have more than 1 indipendant brains. I may have exagerated the thing about the dolphins. What I was going to say was this: spend more than 24 hours a day on socialising. And by an hour, I mean a day divided by 24.
  • Frankeinstein butterfly: Have a life cycle where you become clinicaly dead and then become clinicaly alive
  • Self xenomorph: Your children eat your body
symbiosis, parasitism and colonies
  • Rodeosymbyosis: Before awakening, ride or be rided by another species
  • Reverse milking: Hire a symbiont for protecting your eggs and its payment is done in advance, it drinks milk from the eggs
  • Shellpet: Domesticate a creature into building a shell for you
  • Womb pet: Domesticate a species and use them as a womb (aware/awakening)
  • Bloody dive: Be a parasite and swim inside the veins of a large creature (aware)
  • Hypergoauld: As a brain parasite, control a brain parasite that controls another species
  • I may not be the best guy, but I can’t stand seeing you with a broken heart: As a parasite, revive your host with a heart massage or a biologic defibrillator (aware)
  • Eucirculation: Command a swarm so large that it would sufficate in the anoxic enviroment it created, hence have to have specific flight or swimming patterns which let the oxygen reach the ones in the center
  • Anti dragon weapon: Play as an insect swarm and trigger a rain i order to neutralise fire attacks
  • Mother’s colony: Be connected to 60 creatures with umbilical cord all at the same time but you all can move (aware)
  • Vertical expansion: As a eusocial creature, have mixotrophic members that act as solar antennas for the colony

  1. it can happen, but it wouldn’t happen because what the genes code would be gibberish when they don’t use their own ribosomes ↩︎

  2. like in terraria ↩︎

  3. quoting stated clearly ↩︎

  4. like quasi star ↩︎

  5. one could say this is already what sperms do, they swim to the egg and only the fastest one passes on its genes, but there is no possibility of each gene coming from a different sperm ↩︎

  6. their fighting strength wouldn’t be corralated to how much they would be beneficial to the organism when it grows up. but just like with the sperm, random mutations are likely to reduce the fighting strength and the ones which have mutated the least one would be selected,(or the ones that increase fighting strength, like the speed for sperm) and the child would carry less mutations ↩︎

  7. "Sometimes the female is left with only a tiny fragment of her old shell, but she constructs a new one around it, incorporating the broken piece" ↩︎

  8. for example, you are an aquatic creature with both gills and a lung, the water has dissolved oygen but too much salt, the atmosphere doesn’t have any oxygen but too much water ↩︎

  9. 5% the length of your planets equator ↩︎

  10. the larva may have a large air sac ↩︎

  11. or rather, the short term selection isn’t the same as the long term selection ↩︎

  12. like omnipresent ↩︎