I haven’t seen a thread like this yet so I’ll make one myself.
this is going to be the thrive challenges thread. I’ll update the list as people add suggestions.
- pitiful microbe
This is inspired by the pitiful worm challenge from spore but since we can’t make the world’s worst microbe without dying instantly we’ll have to make some adjustments.- No extra ways of getting atp, glucose clouds and other cells only
- The only parts allowed are cytoplasm, metabolisms, and flagella, also binding agents and nucleus.
- The only membranes alowed are the ones that cannot engulf
I haven’t tried this yet so I don’t know how easy or hard this is.
patch jumper
On hard, every generation jump to a new patch -
Genocidal microbe
On hard kill every microbe in sight
I realized this challenge has too much of an end goal so I decided to make it a bit more open ended
- pitiful worm
In multicellular try to get to microscopic with the same rules as pitiful microbe except you have to place all the cells in a line, facing any shape or direction you wish.
This will probably be updated when a more solid implementation of multicellular appears
These are all the ones I can think of, does anyone else have any suggestions?
Edit: I’ve realized that this thread threatens to become the achievements thread so here’s some ground rules
- The prompts should be open ended
- The challenge should be constant. It should add something to the difficulty
Created by Nigel:
- Resource management challenge: keep atp and resource consumption as low as possible
To keep this more interesting ferrothesis and thermothises is banned
Suggested by aah31415:
- 80 Billion Years Around The World: Travel to every single patch in every region in the microbe stage
- The player is not allowed to edit their creature after they leave their first patch
- Isolated Cells: Never come into contact with other cells (not including your own species)
- Locked Rotation: Not ever turn your cell towards any direction
- Compound Guard: “Protect” a compound from being consumed by other species until it reaches certain (difficult to attain in regular conditions) concentrations
Suggested by thriveuser1454:
- no photosynthesis or aerobic respiration
- Play a heterotrophic cell, and as your first evolution, evolve a membrane that prevents engulfing. Then, evolve to become a predator.
Suggested by AnthropocenianAge:
- Only Eukaryotes Included: become a Eukaryote after the 1st turn, and only use Eukaryotic organelles
- Intraspecific Competition: You have stay with your sibling cell at all times post splitting.
- If the sibling cell dies, you have to find and stay with the largest group of members of your own species.
- Once you become an Eukaryote as soon as you are able to, get the Signaling Agent, and set it to “Towards Me”. You cannot change the Signaling Agent to anything else.
- Additionally, you cannot cannibalize
Suggested by 50gens:
- Anchored: Remain in your original starting location. As a heterotroph.
- Am I going backwards? : Start removing organelles after you become a eukaryote. Remove at least one organelle every generation and don’t add any new ones. Until you become multicellular.
- Theseus paradigm: Remove every organelle you added after 3 generations and don’t add it again for 3 more.
- True on so many levels: Exist in 3 different patches belonging to different depths at all times. Don’t go extinct even if you don’t play in them.
- Intolerable: Never have the neccessary tolerances to live in the patch that you do. Never go to patches where that isn’t the case.
- Turtleking: Never evolve, nor let anyone else evolve the following organelles: flagella, cilia, slime jet. Make them go extinct immediately after they get those organelles. Everyone should do ameboid movement.
- Omnitroph compendium: Always carry an additional 3 enzymes that you never use. Starts at turn 6.
Suggested by woejoe:
- Monogenesis: Try to have no distinct species (other than yours) for as many generations as possible (my record is 9)
- Quiet Oceans: You should let no evolution happen. At all.