nope, kinda need more than that to defeat creatures that are blob-like

you mean the sea t-rex Amorphous horror right?

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Right now I know what to do if I had enough points for a remmortal rule, but in the off-chance I dont get that much points, then I need a contingency plan.


I don’t think I’ll myself use any remmortal feature addition due to Fonian not having any useful-here things to add… Unless I could import Arms Of The Universe.

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i hope by tommorow will be a new round :slight_smile:


Round 12 - balance after the detbes

Event: None

After a certain period, it seems that most things began to recover, albeit slowly.

In the mariya continent there is a very scary but stable balance between all species. Although there is the presence of a new mew that groaned from the sea: Eusocial Titanomantis.

They are currently nesting in the coastal area at the moment, since deeper there is a lot of competition that has already been forged before, but they are already causing ecological changes with their presence, especially at the insect level.

Along with this, it seems that their presence also led to something very strange: bacteria capable of creating a poison that once spread rapidly in the water systems of the continent, led to a massive killing of Waxozech and Hcalhypartorn, causing them to balance their presence in this ecosystem.

But overall, there is a great balance both on land and at sea.

On the Mao continent it seems that Sun anoceros have returned to nest in them, but temporarily since they have no food on this continent, they are probably used as a resting place. This also makes them the first and the first global species, but not the last as the continents begin to move closer and closer to each other. Also there because it is really hollow from an ecological point of view on this continent, there is no maximum pressure since everything there is quite toxic and only a few really manage to survive there. Mainly the Nova Mulerin are the largest terrestrial creatures if you don’t include the presence of the descendants of Amorphous horror who in the first stage of their lives eat the creatures living there when they are young.

On the island, the volcanic activity has stopped and the island is starting to sink very slowly, but the species there are usually in a great but slow balance where they are under control, but this island serves as a breeding ground for many local marine species and as time goes on, more species will find their way to this island, although Its future fate will be apparent: in 5 million years this island will be on a collision course with Mao. For some it was a homecoming, but the island has undergone such a drastic change that it is hard to know how they adapted there.

Know battles


Across the fields, a new colony of Eusocial Titanomantis began to emerge for all to see. While they patrol and bring more and more resources to the colony, other eyes saw it as a feast.

From within the forest, a young Death Dragon moved to him who for days failed to capture anything in the traps he had prepared and smelled a strong odor coming from the colony itself. He didn’t think too much before he started moving quickly.

The colony’s warriors reacted just as quickly and began attacking the young dragon, but it was a difficult task due to its thick scales. Its jaws began to break down the walls as the warriors continued to attack and slowly managed to take some of its scales off, but the damage was already done as the dragon devoured the workers and other sedums with its poisonous gas. The colony had no chance to compete against him and was completely eliminated not because they fought hard to the death. But at least they scarred the dragon’s young body, a reminder that sometimes, even the smallest can do quite a bit of damage.

[+5 death dragon, +10 E-T]


The continent is mostly empty, but sometimes in the empty eye, the continent has become a place of rest for the lonely.

A flock of Sun anoceros found a place to nest and lay their egg while they should be on the lookout for a foreign entity that could eat their young. But sometimes what they try to prevent is exactly difficult to watch.

While they are trying to fend off a Nova Mulerin who has left the forest to try his luck elsewhere, an Amorphous horror siphon has crept into the nest, being solitary and small, they are difficult to detect with the naked eye. He drags himself from the sea to something he found delicious - eggs. He found one and began to lay down his tentacles to melt it and devour it, but soon, his parents noticed him and began to attack the intruder, killing him on the spot and devouring some of him.

Although it is their victory today, many of them are still at sea, waiting for their chance, if they were bold enough to do it.

[+5 sun, +10 A-H]


There is no battle worth mentioning :frowning:

Extints this round:

none (yay)

Everything is back to normal now. Everyone goes on with their lives, but things slowly start to change. The continents begin to collide with each other and with it, species will begin to exchange between the continents. The first victim will be Karizo Island which will collide first with Mao 2 turns from now and 6 turns later, the main continents too.

Get ready for it.

Chimera that belong to players:

Eusocial Titanomantis

User: @Nigel

Points: 32

Original animals: Chinese mantis | Titanomyra | Mantis shrimp (wild cards use:0)

Distribution: Kirazo (Wastelands), Mariya costs

Status: NT (normolaze)

Food Web Placement: Secondary consumer / Omnivorous

Reproduction rate: S


Size: ~16.4 Cm (Small) (Avr)

Strength: SSS+ (max)

Defense: A- (better immune system)

Agility: D- (waterskiing)

Stealth: G+

Stamina: E-

Health: D-

Intelligence: F-


Eusocial (Titanomyra)

Centaurism (Chinese mantis)

Smashers (Mantis shrimp)

Tetrodotoxin (Takifugu)


Open respiratory system

Slow speed

Short term memory


This chimera, the queen, is the matriarch of the future colony. It is divided into 3 castes:



and Workers.

Each have distinct roles in the colony - The queen produces all of the population, and keeps the colony very will stocked with new young. The Soldiers are the more combative class, as they have more pronounced punching appendages. They can pack a huge punch! The workers are the best at gathering. When workers are in danger, soldiers will come to back them up. While the queen is largely stationary, she is capable of combat, and due to her larger size than soldiers, she is decent, however soldiers are more efficient at combat, due to their numbers.

2.5 milon years:

Workers bring out extra corpses they collect near to their colony, while soldiers hide amongst the trees. When animal(s) come by, drop from the trees and swarm them.

This has realistic possibility to develop, since they would probably notice that when they leave corpses outside the nest, and simultaneously have soldiers in the trees above the corpse, its beneficial. (removed - 7.5)

5 million:

Attack Mixotrophic salament colonies not by rushing into the holes made in fungi, but rather digesting the base of their colonies, causing them to fall over. Then, in the confusion, rush in.

7.5 million:

The titanomantis no longer bait out prey. Instead, they are passive to all other titanomantis, including those from other colonies. Colonies can at times merge together when under pressures, pooling their resources to launch all out attacks on large threats.

10 million:

Feast on any amorphus horror thats beached, and see if feeding it a titanomantis makes it a bit woozy

12.5 mill:

The immune systems of titanomantis can detect practically any single celled organism in their body. When this happens, they quickly secrete a pheromone that is detected by the hive that they are infected with something. When this happens, they are sentenced to death by amorphous horror (basically).


decimate the delectable parts of trees in High Titanomantis territory more ferociously. Stripping them bare, like locusts.


Create more secure colony structures.


Young queens fly around a lot, looking for optimal nesting positions, and significant resources.


Titanomantis are now omnivores, able to eat practically any organic thing they come across with great efficiency.


Titanomantis use their new-found flight abilities to travel to Mariya, using their new agility and strength to carve out their niche in the food chain.


Titanomantis now cultivate and feast upon the “Gautan flees plato” in the shallows of Kiroza Shores, protecting them from predators and carry them to new locations when starting new colony areas.

Titanomantis Release the Neurotoxic gas when either being attacked by predators, or when either titanomantis are near predator nesting/mating grounds, or when predators are near titanomantis colonies.


Titanomantis create more efficient and stronger nest structures.

Basic Info

The species looks to be similar to that of a chinese mantis, however has features from the mantis shrimp. Namely, the scythe appendages. These have morphed into what looks to be a firsts of a mantis shrimp, except green and the outside is spikey, resulting in swift hard impacts with an additional spikey kick.

The Royal caste (Which includes the queen- that’s all) is by far larger than the Soldier caste (by roughly 2x), which is in turn larger than the worker class (roughly 2x again)

However, the queen, after settling, gradually becomes a more stationary being - primarily focus on bearing young. The abdomen of the queen gradually gets larger during this period in order to keep up with the growing population needs of the colony, however the queen never becomes FULLY unable to move - they have many appendages due to the DNA from beings with many, after all.

Titanomantis have pockets lining their exoskeletons that store tetrodotoxin and methane, which when activated, disperses the tetrodotoxin all around the titanomantis, since methane is lighter than air, it can also travel upwards

If I need another mutation for the above mutation, this would support that. If not, however, then I will go for higher metabolic efficiency to require less air and less food to survive and thrive


More lysosomes in the digestive system

Some lysosomes evolve Cellulase and Chitinase to digest the local plants and fungus.

Larger size, especially in queens.

Even more size, ESPECIALLY in queens.

Tetrodotoxin Immunity

More complex and effective immune and neurological systems to be difficult to be manipulated.

longer and more complex digestive track

Stronger punches to even crack the bones of queen mixotrough salament, allowing the reaching of the delectable insides.

Young queens now have wings, and can fly. They lose them upon fully starting a colony

Develop a sort of complement system for the immune system to deal with viral and parasite threats

Programmed cell death. If titanomantis’s complement system cant eliminate an incoming mixotraugh salament cell and prevent them from stealing its genome, the affected cells will automatically self destruct, destroying any prospects of obtaining the dna.

Titanomantis have more effective programmed cell death and complement system, ensuring no dna is given to any other species, and that they wont get infected by salaments or waxopozechs

Titanomantis adapt to consume fungus and plants just as well as animals

Titanomantis can now fly for longer distances, being able to control their flight better and not tiring out as much.

Wings now aid in combat and moving around.

The spring mechanism that launches punches is now faster, thus resulting in higher punch speed and thus stronger punches.

Even stronger punches.

Micro-hairs all along the surface of titanomantis, allowing for better movement in water, and in air, too! These will decrease drag, improve the air flow over the wings, and overall increase “swimming” and flight efficiency to potentially overcome any strong air currents in the way. Additionally making movement in water easier, and making wings more hydrophobic so that titanomantis can still fly after leaving the water.

Death Dragon

User: @TeaKing

Points: 35

Original animals: Komodo Dragon| Pangolin| Chameleon (wild cards use:0)

Distribution: Mariya (Rain forests, grasslands, forest, swamps)

Status: NT

Food Web Placement: Tertiary consumer

Reproduction rate: A


Size: ~3.45 m (large)

Strength: SSS

Defense: A+ (immunststem)

Agility: D

Stealth: S-

Stamina: D-

Health: E

Intelligence: D+


From the Komodo Dragon, we take its venomous and extremely deadly bite

From the Pangolin, its durable and protective keratin scales

From the Chameleon, it’s long and sticky tongue


Slow speed

Poikilotherm (from the Komodo dragon)

Short-term memory (chameleon)


Being solitary ambush hunters, The Death Lizards are a force to be reckoned with. They spend their days sitting still in one spot, patiently waiting for a suitable prey to appear, and when it does, they launch their sticky tongues at it and begin pulling it towards them until it reaches biting distance, where its fate gets sealed as the Lizard delivers a deadly bite, after which they let the prey hopelessly run away until it collapses from blood loss, and that’s when the reptile claims it’s prize.

2.5 milon years:

prioritize being slow and sneaky while approaching and stalking prey to reduce the chances of getting (spotted)

5 million years:

sets traps around by spitting out its saliva across its territory

7.5 Millon years:

the death lizard becomes hyper aggressive and attacks other creatures even if it doesn’t need to eat

10 mill:

the lizards start trying to cover themselves with lots of leaves, twigs, and other plant matter in order to hide their presence from prey

12.5 mill:

as an evolution of the previous behaviour, the dragon start making temporary burrows, or “lairs” to rest in whilst waiting for prey


expand my species range


death lizards now tolerate members of their own species more


to guarantee that prey doesn’t get stolen, the Lizards start coating their food with the poisonous glue saliva


The Death Dragons start breaking and felling trees to use them to make bigger lairs


The dragons destroy even more trees


Death Dragons now properly start hibernating when times get toughOutside of hibernation, they are now more active and explore their surrounding environment more in search of prey


Dragons show more motherly behaviour to their Offspring and start temporarily taking care of them (mainly by providing food) after they hatch

Basic Info

like in the behaver, they are ambush predetors.


simple camouflage to blend in with the grass and leaves

sets traps around by spitting out its saliva across its territory

the death lizard evolves a slimmer, longer and stronger tail to use like a whip when dealing with prey or other dangerous creatures

the lizard grows in size

its gluey saliva develops a sweet and appetizing smell to attract prey into ingesting it, either causing them to get stuck in the process, or make them choke to death and provide a fresh corpse for the lizard to devour

a sharp pointy spike appears at the end of their Chameleon tongues that allows them to pierce their prey and thus directly inject it with their venom from afar

enhanced muscular strength in the tongue to make it quicker and pack a bigger punch when launched at prey

a new gland appears in their mouths that lets them release a gaseous anesthetic that lulls all creatures to sleep and improve it

size increase

the gluey saliva becomes poisonous, making anything covered in it dangerous to ingest for anything that isn’t the Death Dragon

Increase sleepy gas production

LARGER dragons

immune system upgrade (I heard that some pesky parasites were roaming around)

improved circulatory system to boost stamina

even larger size

Dragons’ respiratory system gets an improvement to help boost stamina their muscular structure also gains some improvement to allow for more agility

modified muscles to improve agility


User: @aah31415

Points: 24

Original animals: Parasitoid Wasp | Myxozoa | Leech (wild cards use:0)

Distribution: Mariya

Status: VU (normalize)

Food Web Placement: Parasite / secondary consumer

Reproduction rate: SSS


Size: 300 micm - 3Cm (Tiny - Small)

Strength: G-

Defense: F+ (immunty system)

Agility: B-

Stealth: S

Stamina: E

Health: G

Intelligence: A-

infiltration: B (parasitic brain)



In-Host Infection

Painless Cutting



Full parasite

Basic instins


Inmortui is a Parasitic animal which requires hosts to survive. In it’s adult form, it looks like a strange hybrid of a leech and a small parasitoid wasp, being able to survive both abovewater and underwater. When it finds a suitable host, it injects a bunch of single-celled myxozoa-like organisms into it, without causing pain thanks to leech parts of it. The juvinile form, made up from the myxozoa-like organisms, infects the host, and thanks to having a long incubation period, the host has the chance to infect many other potential hosts. As the juvinile cells divide and the host becomes weaker, it eventually dies, at which point the myxozoa form comes together into various clumps in host’s corpse, forming a larva which feeds on the surrounding flesh. After it amassed enough resources, the larva turns into a new leech-wasp, which can infect many other animals. A single corpse can produce hundreds if not thousands of adult Inmortui.

Inmortui can infect any animal, if they can inject the juviniles into their flesh and if the animal’s immunity system doesn’t immedietly supress the infection.

2.5 milon years:

Myxozoa-form, when infesting an organism, will change the creature’s behaviour, “pacifying” the creature towards Larva and Adults, by not attacking those forms. On the other side, the adults will not try to infest organisms that are calm towards them.

5 million years:

Myxozoa-Form now has more control over infected one’s (from now on I will call those “Zombies”) nervous system, making them do stuff that infect others which haven’t been infested.

7.5 million years:

Adults will now communicate with eachother in a swarm-like way, spreading information about location of predators, hosts, other dangers, etc.\

10 mill:

Myxozoa-form will now adapt to it’s host, growing in ways that hurt it’s structure less while retaining the larva production rate aswell as gaining more control over the brain and expand to various glands, hormonal and not.

12.5 mill:

Myxozoa-form now manipulates the hormones and other bodily functions of the zombies for them to be more efficient and for them to have more offspring than ever.


Specific Breeds will diverge from various converted species (now called Domains). Those Breeds collectively will be specialized for nearly everything - from infesting a specific species to being “live steaks” for other zombies to eat. All The Domains + Waxozech species proper will from now on be called “The Waxozech Empire”.

Strategical Thinking develops in The Waxozech Empire (including both adults and the various Domains and Breeds), with the various breeds being assigned to do stuff for which they’re best adapted, and the swarm as a whole being able to play more strategically against the unconverted kin, at least basically for now.


Start using host brains as “supercomputers” (meaning that zombies are now a lot better at doing their part in Waxozech Empire), greatly boosting intelligence.


Better Intelligence and Better Strategies.


Catch a ride” on chimeras that travel to Mariya and Kiroza, spreading there.

Waxozech Empire learns about long-term strategies; It creates plant/fungus domains and breeds instead of causing the plants/fungi to go extinct (non-infested ones still go extinct) and those domains and breeds have the same goal as their animal equivalents: Support the entirety of Waxozech Empire in it’s quest to infect everything on this planet.


Use any and all means (wind currents, migratory organisms, etc.) to spread to Mariya.


All the plant, fungus and animal domains, breeds and pure members of the Waxozech Empire start to group together in harsh conditions, creating “parasitic ecosystem-states” (PES), which act like a mix of an ecosystem and a state, with all the domains and breeds belonging into it fighting not for their own survival, but for survival of the entire PES, by working like castes - plant-like domains/breeds sacrifice themselves for the animal-like ones, while remaining at a high level, while the animal-like domains/breeds spread, defend and do more in favour of the PES.


hyperinfection int

Basic Info

Make the Adults and the Larva poisonous, meaning that they can no longer be eaten without a proper adaptation to counter the toxin.

Ovipositor on the adult form becomes a lot sharper, allowing them to cut thru tougher surface tissues in order to infect the flesh (whilish still not causing the pain due to anti-pain leech proteins), meaning the infecting no longer relies on the digestive system.

Waxozech is no longer a lethal parasite, and now, when in juvinile/zombie stage, it will grow larvas in amount that is still “healthy” for the host/zombie, release them thru the skin during the night and larvas using pain extinguishers to keep the host/zombie calm. This means that zombies can now last a lot longer and produce a lot more larvas during their lifetime and maybe even reproduce, creating more zombies.

Waxozech adults develop a bioluminescent organ in their body, which glows in ultraviolet light, they also expand their sight range to ultraviolet, meaning that they can communicate with each other better and with less interuption.

Myxozoa/Juvinile - form is now more resistant to environmental damage (such as acids), meaning that eating zombies or infested corpses poses an extreme risk of being infected yourself.

Certain cell clusters of Myxozoa-form will turn into ultraviolet-bioluminescent patches, whilist other clusters will turn into photoreceptive tissue in eyes, their counterparts, or in other areas if an organism is blind, that can see the ultraviolet light, allowing the zombies to communicate with each other and adult forms more easily and adults can give them data, for instance on the location of Uninfected.

Zombies now reproduce asexually and their genetic recombination is heavily boosted, meaning that they are capable of quickly giving birth to a lot of children with highly varied mutations.

All forms of Waxozech and their hosts now have a better immune system, countering non-waxozech infections and parasites.

Expand the possibilities of infecting various organisms, such as plants, protists and fungi. This means that ecosystems form, which have infested elements from the bottom to the top.

Zombie-form now produces two new cell types: One that is specialized for long-term survival, making corpses of zombies contaminated for long time, and second one that is present in saliva of animal-derived breeds, meaning that they can infect other lifeforms all by themselves.

Increase in Neuron Density, boosting intelligence stat.

All Waxozech cells develop macrophage-like characteristics, making them efficient at fighting infections individually.

More Intelligence

Immune system becomes better, especially targetting Hcalhypartorn very well.

Amorphous horror

User: @UndyingHazard

Points: 174

Original animals: Giant Siphonophore | Planarian flatworm | Tyrannosaurus rex (wild cards use:0)

Distribution: Mao (shallow sea), Open ocean , Deep sea

Status: LC

Food Web Placement: Tertiary consumer

Reproduction rate: G


Size: ~21m (Very giant)

Strength: A-

Defense: S (heat tolerant)

Agility: E+

Stealth: A+

Stamina: E-

Health: SS-

Intelligence: E


Siphonophore Colonial organism (Giant Siphonophore)

Regeneration factor (Planarian flatworm)

Powerful jaws (Tyrannosaurus rex)


Soft bodied


weak vision


The amorphous horror is a colonial organism that lives in the deep sea, though it migrates to shallower waters at night to hunt for prey. They are opportunistic predators feeding on both living prey and carrion, using the powerful jaws and stings of there feeding zooids to incapacitate prey and rend flesh and bone into bite sized chunks. This horror of the deep reproduces asexually, either by releasing gametes into the water when in close proximity to another of there kind or by regenerating from a fragment of tissue. These organisms are not very intelligent and have little instinctive drives other than eat, reproduce, and go to the surface at night. There soft bodies are damaged somewhat easily, and they cannot survive on land for very long

Basic Info

The species largely resembles it’s base organism the giant siphonophore, but with a larger wider frame giving it a more amorphous, vaguely flatworm-like appearance. Being a colonial organism, it consists of multiple zooids, the feeding zooids have powerful jaws from there T-rex ancestry used to grapple and injure prey, and rip chunks of flesh into pieces big enough to swallow. The entire organism is covered in simple eyes that can detect movement, color, and basic shapes. The entire organism is translucent, but with an almost ghostly blue glow of bioluminescence.

2.5 milon years:

Simple land hunting behavior, some individuals hang out closer to shore where they may snag land dwelling organisms.

5 million years:

plays dead when washed up on the beach to also help lure in prey.

7.5 million years:

Investigation behavior; if it detects something of interest hiding in a burrow or rock crevice, it will investigate it in an attempt to get it out.

10 mill:

Return to the ocean after a successful feeding session on land to rest.

12.5 mill:

deep sea trawling; the amorphous horror will drag its grappling zooids and feeding zooids through the muck to stir up edible matter.


Change color to match your surroundings when hunting, and when attacking prey; change colors rapidly in vibrant flashes to confuse and stun them.


Nocturnal, to hopefully lessen the strain of competition.


Hang around hydrothermal vents when in the deep sea (if any exist) to snag any animals that get close to them.


When floating in the open ocean, spread yourself out so that there is a higher likelihood of capturing food.


Larval stage return to the ocean to complete metamorphosis into an adult.


When attacked by something, split apart and overwhelm it. and than join back together.When under environmental stress, fragment yourself into smaller colonies.


The larval stage tracks prey down with its sense of smell.


Simple land hunting behavior, some individuals hang out closer to shore where they may snag land dwelling organisms.

Lure zooids that produce a strong scent and bear a resemblance to chunks of meat or fruit to lure prey

Grappling zooids, tentacle-like zooids strong enough to enable movement on land, though they are also used to grab and walk along the seafloor.

The ability to enter a low metabolic state when food is scarce so energy is not wasted.

Swimming zooids for more active underwater movement, so we can hopefully spread out a little more.

The ability to change color to match surroundings for camouflage using chromatophores.

A sense of hearing to better detect surroundings

increased heat tolerance.

the ability to absorb oxygen from the air so long as the body remains moist.

Special amphibious larval stage that resembles a hammerhead flatworm covered in stinging tentacles that feeds on small animals and plants.

The ability to split the colony apart into multiple individuals and rejoin back together in response to certain stimulus.

Toxin resistance

Ganglia interspersed throughout the organism for greater intelligence.

Sun anoceros

User: @Cha

Points: 142

Original animals: Sun conure| Silky anteater | Black rhinoceros (wild cards use:0)

Distribution: Mariya (Rain forests, grasslands), Kiroza , Mao swapmlands

Status: LC

Food Web Placement: Secondary consumer / Omnivore

Reproduction rate: S


Size: ~57 Cm (small-Mid)

Strength: A

Defense: A- (immunststem T killer)


Stealth: E-

Stamina: D+

Health: D+

Intelligence: A


Wings (Sun conure)

sharp frontal claws(Silky anteater)

Horns (Black rhinoceros)



Clumsy flying

Low sense of smell


A nocturnal flier that clings to a surface using its claws or legs, eating energy dense food when possible over energy poor food it’s quite small only reaching slightly larger of a sun conure or a silky anbelgiumer in size.

2.5 milon years:

The Sun anoceros on the grasslands when trees are far away or not in the near vicitny they spend times in Fields dodo herds acting as look outs where they eat on parasites to the Fields dodo, with care due to their sharp claws might hurt the dodo if not careful all this for the return off being allowed to rest on them and safety.

5 million years:

Wider forging habitats where they spend their time eating on the local food and when mating session arrives they fly back to the rainforest or grassland to nest safely

7.5 million years:

Communal nesting offering greater protection for the young of the species and the nests themself as adults give warnings of dangers in the vicinty or acting as guard for other nests though of course there is slackers that does steal from other nests when their being built however when finished they rarely steal from.

10 mill:

A dedicated look out for a group of foraging Sun anoceros and it’s herd they follow if they are with one with the return being that they may eat in safety when its their turn.

12.5 mill:

Forming basic breeding colonies with the near edge nests being the worse off ones while also acting as guards for the inner nests

15 mill:

behaviour eating various plants that might contain non-toxic material for them but is toxic to possible parasties intending to infect them allowing an indiviual a longer and healthier life without parasites in them or at least deadly parasites.


communal preening partners or a group off Suns anoceros will help preening each other of parasites in hard to reach spaces that cannot be reached by their beak normally or the animal they help clean parasites off for a meal.


On occasion might act as a look out for a Faleken inreturn for having a piece of the meal as well cleaning it off parasites that might bring it harm though still favour herds of Rhyinsopde but when they cannot gain their own herd they fall back to this behaviour.


When spotting a predator the usual distress call off the Sun anoceros is called however they’ll start mobing the predator spotted and with loud noises and bright colourations makes them far more imposing then they actually are (see lemming to see what I am following) the call is still a warning call and means danger for all species they have symbiosis with and for the young but adults often mob the predator with claws and beaks with the colouration to confuse them while doing it.


Digging and forming burrows where they’ll nest and store nuts in specific parts of these burrows while not all mating pairs does this a rare set does this due to strong competition in the trees, in these burrows they’ll raise their young from predators and store nuts during harsh times and to endure “sieges” by animals that will try to enter them, in even rare cases a nest will be abandeoned and the nuts left alone creating a ideal growing place for some nuts to sprout and reach adulthood safely and supporting the sun anoceros in the future where a new nest might be founded.


preserving energy by climbing around the trees using the parrot beak, silky anteater and parrot claws saving energy from flying using these as locomotives on the trees and only using flying as a way to fly away from predators or search for prey.


“Teaching” the children of the parents where to find food and water

Basic Info

It take on the look of a sun concure with its head having the horns of a black rhinoceros and on its tips of the wings it anchors itself alongside its feet with a sharp claw from the silky anbelgiumer it is still covered in it’s bright plumage of feathers used for mating during its mating session where the feathers actually becomes flushed with blood making them brighter only for it to calm down in later seasons.


Warning calls to alert fellow Sun anoceros about danger or alert nearby creatures.

Larger size to try and drive off the death lizard if a mating pair decides nesting in the grasslands without tree to support them was a good idea

increased bite force in the beak to crush seeds to access nutirents

better/larger airsacks to help it maintain itself in the air longer.

Double fovea

Sharper claws to fight off other flying predators.

Slightly larger processing power for more precsion on movements

developed cortexes

Very bright colouration and patterns to confuse and disorganise predators

Eosinophils being more common inside healthy and young Sun anoceros

Stronger immune system.

stronger beak to crush nuts easily

Improved claws for digging more complex burrows and being deeper to avoid flooding rushing the upper levels and providing a source of water inside the nest undergroundIncreased amount of killer T cells (targets irl cancer, and infected or damaged cells)

Speiciation to any sun anoceros returning to Mao


User: @Doomlightning

Points: 145

Original animals: |Raphus cucullatus| Embasaurus (wild card) | Arctic hare (wild card) (wild cards use: 2)

Distribution: Mariya (grasslands, forests)

Status: LC

Food Web Placement: Primary consumer / herbivore

Reproduction rate: S


Size: ~1.57 M’ (Mid - large)

Strength: C-

Defense: B+ (poisione immunity)

Agility: SS-

Stealth: D

Stamina: A-

Health: C+

Intelligence: E (memorys)


Robust skull (Raphus cucullatus)

Crop milk (Raphus cucullatus |wild card add)

Developed sense of smell (Raphus cucullatus |wild card add)

Strong hind limbs (Embasaurus)

Long digestive system (Arctic hare)



Inability to chew

Inability to perform complex operations


Digging: they dig to find roots and tubers if any.

moves in flocks

Possessing a type K strategy, they watch over the eggs and ensure the integrity of the offspring.

2.5 milon years:

They move in an orderly manner: the young are deep inside the pack, the adults are outside, allowing them to better watch predators

5 millions years:

Migratory movement makes it possible to search for food throughout the year on the move.

7.5 millions years:

Sentinel behavior

Alert calls in case there is a predator around

10 mill:

Movement of a herd in grazing, in any case of danger, to flee

12.5 mill:

Lek mating behave


stronger beaks



20: Long-term memory, to know how to avoid traps


They begin to carry their young on their backs, allowing them to better protect themselves from predators.


Using a developed sense of smell to find seeds to share


They started with the mirror and Tsiffli


communication roars

Basic Info

A theropod-like chimaera, with a large, robust beak and teeth. I usually live in groups with members of their own species and move together. They have very strong legs capable of running quickly, but they are not particularly strong following this. They have small wing-like forelimbs that are used mainly as courtship and signaling tools. They have excellent senses that allow them to find their food.


Legs are more adapted to running, makes them taller and run better.

becomes larger, making it harder for predators to catch them.

Their eyes move to the sides, to see better against predators

Stronger airbags allow them to run longer.

A more developed sense of smell

it would be longer tail feathers to help manuever better.

There is a hump of fat and water that allows them to survive longer without food.

more robust legs

poisone immunity

Even more

Additional air pocket for storing oxygen

Additional fat storage

They are stronger, faster

Anti-bite feathers


NPC list:

Mariya continent
Rain Medicago

Original animals: |Gnetum latifolium| Gonatozygon | Grass

Distribution: Mariya Forest, Grasslands

Status: LC

Food Web Placement: Producer

Reproduction rate: SS

Size: ~ 8 CM (small)


Herbaceous: If the roots are not torn out, it can regrow even if all the leaves are gone (Grass)

Soft stem (Gnetum latifolium)

Asexual reproduction: Does not require sexual reproduction to spread (Gonatozygon)

General info:

A chimeric herbaceous species that is able to spread the fastest, bears fruits during sexual reproduction. Very durable.


Annual herbage instead of perennial, allows faster development and faster reproduction

become abit smaller to maintain on forests

Their seeds are prickly to help them spread more easily


Fruity climbing herb

Original animals: |Gnetum latifolium| Gonatozygon | Grass

Distribution: Mariya Forest, Grasslands

Status: NT

Food Web Placement: Producer

Reproduction rate: S

Size: ~ 90 CM (mid)(lengs)


Herbaceous: If the roots are not torn out, it can regrow even if all the leaves are gone (Grass)

Soft stem (Gnetum latifolium)

Asexual reproduction: Does not require sexual reproduction to spread (Gonatozygon)

General info:

A chimeric herbaceous species that is able to spread the fastest, bears fruits during sexual reproduction. Very durable.


Annual herbage instead of perennial, allows faster development and faster reproduction

become abit smaller to maintain on forests

This plant has become a climbing plant (negative geotropic)

Noble horseheads

Original animals: Horsetails | Cooksonia | Bennettitales

Distribution: Mariya costals, rivers

Status: LC

Food Web Placement: Producer

Reproduction rate: Mid

Size: 32 CM - 1.6 M (small - Mid)


Sandpaper texture (Horsetails)

Salt Resistant (Cooksonia)

Cone (Bennettitales)

General info:

A strange shrub that produces large spore fruits with cellulose scales on them to protect them. Able to spread by internal root nodules. Mostly common water source, salty or fresh. Extremely tough to eat.


Produces its spores at higher points on the stem, so it is not only taller, but also increases the chance that its offspring will survive.

Become more robast

Stronger roots

Evergreen Meatwater

Original animals: Pertica | Hornwort | Dacrydium balansae

Distribution: Mariya Forests, Rainforest

Status: LC

Food Web Placement: Producer

Reproduction rate: B

Size: up to 30 m (Very Giant)


Scarred trunk (Pertica)

Water absorption leaves (Hornwort)

Fleshy leaves(Dacrydium balansae)

General info:

A very tall chimeric species, with surprising properties of drought resistance with its fleshy leaves, fast growth ability and special leaves that are able to absorb water. It has fruits that contain spores. Has soft edible leaves and contains a lot of water.


More Giants

Increasing the rate of vegetation permanently in order to compete with others

grows faster

Underassbor plato

Original animals: Green algae | Marimo | Zostera marina

Distribution: Mariya Sallow Sea/Oceans

Status: LC

Food Web Placement: Producer

Reproduction rate: SS

Size: (Small - Mid)


Rapid growth rate (green algae)

Underwater bloom (Zostera marina)

Shperic balls (Marimo)

General info:

A spherical plant that grows in ground sediments. They are known to divide and multiply rapidly and once a year, bloom and produce underwater flowers. Very soft to eat.


Due to pressure and inability to adapt to the new situation, they increased their reproductive capacity

Creators prostrate themselves to increase their light capacity.

A hybridized and more successful version of both species. They multiply much faster

Thorny Scarass

Original animals: arborescent lycophytes | Macroneuropteris scheuchzeri |Wanderrie grass

Distribution: Mariya

Status: NT

Food Web Placement: Producer

Reproduction rate: A

Size: (Mid)


scaly trunk (arborescent lycophytes)

Spore seeds(Macroneuropteris scheuchzeri )

C4 assimilation (Wanderrie grass)

General info:

A grass-fern with a relatively low rattling stem. They are even more efficient plants because of the C4 photosynthesis that allows them to survive in colder or hotter places. Admittedly, they pollinate other living things and produce strange spore seeds. The leaves are soft to eat, the stem is not.


became spiky, reducing the possibility of being eaten.

become bitter

Produces more seeds


Original animals: arborescent lycophytes | Macroneuropteris scheuchzeri |Wanderrie grass

Distribution: Mariya

Status: LC

Food Web Placement: Producer

Reproduction rate: C

Size: Large


scaly trunk (arborescent lycophytes)

Spore seeds(Macroneuropteris scheuchzeri )

C4 assimilation (Wanderrie grass)

General info:

A grass-fern with a relatively low rattling stem. They are even more efficient plants because of the C4 photosynthesis that allows them to survive in colder or hotter places. Admittedly, they pollinate other living things and produce strange spore seeds. The leaves are soft to eat, the stem is not.


became larger, making it resemble a small palm tree

Become togher

became a palm-like plant


Original animals: arborescent lycophytes | Macroneuropteris scheuchzeri |Wanderrie grass

Distribution: Mariya

Status: LC

Food Web Placement: Producer

Reproduction rate: C

Size: (Mid-large)


scaly trunk (arborescent lycophytes)

Spore seeds(Macroneuropteris scheuchzeri )

C4 assimilation (Wanderrie grass)

General info:

A grass-fern with a relatively low rattling stem. They are even more efficient plants because of the C4 photosynthesis that allows them to survive in colder or hotter places. Admittedly, they pollinate other living things and produce strange spore seeds. The leaves are soft to eat, the stem is not.


became larger, making it resemble a small palm tree

Become togher

Produces more leaves

Tree-dewller Milliphid

Original animals: Apheloria belgiumiensis | Aphids | Sottyxerxes

Distribution: Mariya Forests, Grasslands, Savana

Status: LC

Food Web Placement: Primary consumers

Reproduction rate: SS


Size: ~4 mm (Tiny)

Strength: G

Defense: G

Agility: E- (gliding)

Stealth: F+

Stamina: F

Health: G

Intelligence: G+


Spermatophore (Apheloria belgiumiensis)

Secondary pregnancy (Aphids)

Armored calcium plaques (Sottyxerxes)



Passive respiratory system



They have become arboreal and spend more time eating leaves of trees

They learn to navigate in the woods better by gliding

Wooden Milliphid

Original animals: Apheloria belgiumiensis | Aphids | Sottyxerxes

Distribution: Mariya Forests, Grasslands, Savana

Status: CE

Food Web Placement: Primary consumers

Reproduction rate: SS


Size: ~5 mm (Tiny)

Strength: G

Defense: G

Agility: F-

Stealth: F+

Stamina: F

Health: G

Intelligence: G+


Spermatophore (Apheloria belgiumiensis)

Secondary pregnancy (Aphids)

Armored calcium plaques (Sottyxerxes)



Passive respiratory system



They have become arboreal and spend more time eating leaves of trees

Learn to digest a tree and live in it

Thorny Milliphid

Original animals: Apheloria belgiumiensis | Aphids | Sottyxerxes

Distribution: Mariya

Status: CE

Food Web Placement: Primary consumers

Reproduction rate: SS


Size: ~5 mm (Tiny)

Strength: G+

Defense: E-

Agility: F-

Stealth: F+

Stamina: F

Health: G

Intelligence: G+


Spermatophore (Apheloria belgiumiensis)

Secondary pregnancy (Aphids)

Armored calcium plaques (Sottyxerxes)



Passive respiratory system



Thorns have grown that make it difficult to eat

become toxic

Rain Murile

Original animals: Burro | House Mouse | Domesticated Horse

Distribution: Mariya Grasslands, Forests

Status: NT

Food Web Placement: Primary consumers

Reproduction rate: A


Size: ~ 0.42 CM (Small)

Strength: F

Defense: G

Agility: S-

Stealth: D+

Stamina: D

Health: E-

Intelligence: D


Running muscles (Domesticated Horse)

Vegetarian digestive system (Burro)

Rodent teeth (house mouse)


Poor visibility

Weak climber

Weak skin


It is small as a result of competition. It also hangs around herds of fields dodo as an added defense.

With fast reflexes, their legs are able to move to greater distances in case of danger

became smaller

become faster

become even smaller

A developed sense of smell, to detect dangerous smells

Learn to climb trees

Fairy Wombat

Original animals: Goose | Eudimorphodon | common wombat

Distribution: Mariya Rain foresst

Status: NT

Food Web Placement: Secondary consumer / Omnivore

Reproduction rate: A


Size: 43.68 cm’ (Small - Mid)

Strength: F+

Defense: G

Agility: B+

Stealth: D-

Stamina: E+

Health: F-

Intelligence: E+


Fly (Goose)

Pocket (Wombat)

Light teeth (Eudimorphodon)



bad sense of smell

weak scratch force


Better sight

Minimize itself to save more energy

Becoming small for adaptation to life in dense forests

Fake glass shell

Original animals: striped paper bubble| Cuttlefish | four-handed box jellyfish

Distribution: Mariya Sallows seas

Status: NT

Food Web Placement: Feeder fillter

Reproduction rate: SSS


Size: 21 Cm (small)

Strength: E-

Defense: D-

Agility: F-

Stealth: E

Stamina: F

Health: F+

Intelligence: E-


Nematocysts (Jellyfish)

Shell (striped paper bubble)

tentacles (Cuttlefish)


Slow metabolism


Bad swimmer


The use of the radula as a filter instead of as a filter to prevent competition for food that is dwindling

faster pred

plankton have a higher change to survive

OneYear Giant Sworm

Original animals: Spoon worm | Zhongxiniscus | Catenulida

Distribution: Swallow seas, open oceans

Status: LC

Food Web Placement: Filter feeders

Reproduction rate: SSS


Size: 1.5 m (Mid)

Strength: D

Defense: C-

Agility: E-

Stealth: F

Stamina: G+

Health: F+

Intelligence: G+


Spine (Zhongxiniscus)

Asexual reproduction (Catenulida)

Prostomium (Spoon worm)


lacks a respiratory system




Following a lack of competition and also a tremendous source of food, they quintupled in size. They also began to become more common in the open ocean

they bigger

became even bigger

Psy immunity

One-year life cycle

Shellfish crusher worm

Original animals: Spoon worm | Zhongxiniscus | Catenulida

Distribution: Swallow seas, open oceans

Status: VU

Food Web Placement: Carnivore

Reproduction rate: SS


Size: 59 Cm ( Mid)

Strength: D+

Defense: E

Agility: F+

Stealth: E-

Stamina: G+

Health: F+

Intelligence: G+


Spine (Zhongxiniscus)

Asexual reproduction (Catenulida)

Prostomium (Spoon worm)


lacks a respiratory system




Following a lack of competition and also a tremendous source of food, they quintupled in size. They also began to become more common in the open ocean

they bigger

A mouth structure is able to secrete a substance that dissolves shells, opening a new niche for it

The Death Croc

Original animals: Komodo Dragon| Pangolin| Chameleon (wild cards use:0)

Distribution: Mariya ( Grassland, Rivers)

Status: NT

Food Web Placement: Tertiary consumer

Reproduction rate: B


Size: ~1.4 m (Mid)

Strength: A+

Defense: B

Agility: E

Stealth: B-

Stamina: F+

Health: D

Intelligence: F


From the Komodo Dragon, we take its venomous and extremely deadly bite

From the Pangolin, its durable and protective keratin scales

From the Chameleon, it’s long and sticky tongue


Slow speed

Poikilotherm (from the Komodo dragon)

Short-term memory (chameleon)


Being solitary ambush hunters, The Death Lizards are a force to be reckoned with. They spend their days sitting still in one spot, patiently waiting for a suitable prey to appear, and when it does, they launch their sticky tongues at it and begin pulling it towards them until it reaches biting distance, where its fate gets sealed as the Lizard delivers a deadly bite, after which they let the prey hopelessly run away until it collapses from blood loss, and that’s when the reptile claims it’s prize.

2.5 milon years:

prioritize being slow and sneaky while approaching and stalking prey to reduce the chances of getting (spotted)

5 million years:

Started swimming more in the water and lurking in water wells


start to active presot


Summer hibernation has begun

Basic Info

like in the behaver, they are ambush predetors.


simple camouflage to blend in with the grass and leaves

Stronger teeth

Better jaws

have a stronger leg to launch on others

Food reserve for an emergency situation

Moon anoceros

Original animals: Sun conure| Silky anteater | Black rhinoceros (wild cards use:0)

Distribution: Mariya (Rain forests, grasslands)

Status: CE

Food Web Placement: Secondary consumer / Omnivore

Reproduction rate: A


Size: ~57 Cm (small-Mid)

Strength: B-

Defense: C


Stealth: E-

Stamina: D+

Health: D-

Intelligence: C-


Wings (Sun conure)

sharp frontal claws(Silky anteater)

Horns (Black rhinoceros)



Clumsy flying

Low sense of smell


A nocturnal flier that clings to a surface using its claws or legs, eating energy dense food when possible over energy poor food it’s quite small only reaching slightly larger of a sun conure or a silky anbelgiumer in size.

2.5 milon years:

The Sun anoceros on the grasslands when trees are far away or not in the near vicitny they spend times in Fields dodo herds acting as look outs where they eat on parasites to the Fields dodo, with care due to their sharp claws might hurt the dodo if not careful all this for the return off being allowed to rest on them and safety.

5 million years:

Wider forging habitats where they spend their time eating on the local food and when mating session arrives they fly back to the rainforest or grassland to nest safely

7.5 million years:

Communal nesting offering greater protection for the young of the species and the nests themself as adults give warnings of dangers in the vicinty or acting as guard for other nests though of course there is slackers that does steal from other nests when their being built however when finished they rarely steal from.

10 mill:

A dedicated look out for a group of foraging Sun anoceros and it’s herd they follow if they are with one with the return being that they may eat in safety when its their turn.

12.5 mill:

Their color turned white and they became nocturnal

Basic Info

It take on the look of a sun concure with its head having the horns of a black rhinoceros and on its tips of the wings it anchors itself alongside its feet with a sharp claw from the silky anbelgiumer it is still covered in it’s bright plumage of feathers used for mating during its mating session where the feathers actually becomes flushed with blood making them brighter only for it to calm down in later seasons.


Warning calls to alert fellow Sun anoceros about danger or alert nearby creatures.

Larger size to try and drive off the death lizard if a mating pair decides nesting in the grasslands without tree to support them was a good idea

increased bite force in the beak to crush seeds to access nutirents

better/larger airsacks to help it maintain itself in the air longer.

Double fovea

Developed night vision

Better vision

Comet anoceros

Original animals: Sun conure| Silky anteater | Black rhinoceros (wild cards use:0)

Distribution: Mariya (Rain forests, grasslands)

Status: NT

Food Web Placement: Secondary consumer / Omnivore

Reproduction rate: A


Size: ~57 Cm (small-Mid)

Strength: B-

Defense: C


Stealth: E-

Stamina: D+

Health: D-

Intelligence: C-


Wings (Sun conure)

sharp frontal claws(Silky anteater)

Horns (Black rhinoceros)



Clumsy flying

Low sense of smell


A nocturnal flier that clings to a surface using its claws or legs, eating energy dense food when possible over energy poor food it’s quite small only reaching slightly larger of a sun conure or a silky anbelgiumer in size.

2.5 milon years:

The Sun anoceros on the grasslands when trees are far away or not in the near vicitny they spend times in Fields dodo herds acting as look outs where they eat on parasites to the Fields dodo, with care due to their sharp claws might hurt the dodo if not careful all this for the return off being allowed to rest on them and safety.

5 million years:

Wider forging habitats where they spend their time eating on the local food and when mating session arrives they fly back to the rainforest or grassland to nest safely

7.5 million years:

Communal nesting offering greater protection for the young of the species and the nests themself as adults give warnings of dangers in the vicinty or acting as guard for other nests though of course there is slackers that does steal from other nests when their being built however when finished they rarely steal from.

10 mill:

A dedicated look out for a group of foraging Sun anoceros and it’s herd they follow if they are with one with the return being that they may eat in safety when its their turn.

12.5 mill:

Their color turned white and they became nocturnal


They began to transport the children on their bodies

Basic Info

It take on the look of a sun concure with its head having the horns of a black rhinoceros and on its tips of the wings it anchors itself alongside its feet with a sharp claw from the silky anbelgiumer it is still covered in it’s bright plumage of feathers used for mating during its mating session where the feathers actually becomes flushed with blood making them brighter only for it to calm down in later seasons.


Warning calls to alert fellow Sun anoceros about danger or alert nearby creatures.

Larger size to try and drive off the death lizard if a mating pair decides nesting in the grasslands without tree to support them was a good idea

increased bite force in the beak to crush seeds to access nutirents

better/larger airsacks to help it maintain itself in the air longer.

Double fovea

Developed night vision



Original animals: |Raphus cucullatus| Embasaurus (wild card) | Arctic hare (wild card) (wild cards use: 2)

Distribution: Mariya (grasslands, forests)

Status: VU

Food Web Placement: Primary consumer / Omnavore

Reproduction rate: S


Size: ~1.93 M’ (Mid - large)

Strength: C-

Defense: D+

Agility: A+

Stealth: C-

Stamina: A-

Health: C+

Intelligence: F+


Robust skull (Raphus cucullatus)

Crop milk (Raphus cucullatus |wild card add)

Developed sense of smell (Raphus cucullatus |wild card add)

Strong hind limbs (Embasaurus)

Long digestive system (Arctic hare)



Inability to chew

Inability to perform complex operations


Digging: they dig to find roots and tubers if any.

moves in flocks

Possessing a type K strategy, they watch over the eggs and ensure the integrity of the offspring.

2.5 milon years:

They move in an orderly manner: the young are deep inside the pack, the adults are outside, allowing them to better watch predators

5 millions years:

Migratory movement makes it possible to search for food throughout the year on the move.

7.5 millions years:

Sentinel behavior

Alert calls in case there is a predator around

10 mill:

Movement of a herd in grazing, in any case of danger, to flee

12.5 mill:

Lek mating behave


stronger beaks


become more of a carvaore


better stamnena

Basic Info

A theropod-like chimaera, with a large, robust beak and teeth. I usually live in groups with members of their own species and move together. They have very strong legs capable of running quickly, but they are not particularly strong following this. They have small wing-like forelimbs that are used mainly as courtship and signaling tools. They have excellent senses that allow them to find their food.


Legs are more adapted to running, makes them taller and run better.

becomes larger, making it harder for predators to catch them.

Their eyes move to the sides, to see better against predators

Stronger airbags allow them to run longer.

A more developed sense of smell

it would be longer tail feathers to help manuever better.

There is a hump of fat and water that allows them to survive longer without food.

better visone


Original animals: Parasitoid Wasp | Myxozoa | Leech (wild cards use:0)

Distribution: Mariya

Status: CE

Food Web Placement: Parasite / secondary consumer

Reproduction rate: S


Size: 300 micm - 3Cm (Tiny - Small)

Strength: G+

Defense: G+

Agility: -B-

Stealth: S

Stamina: E

Health: F

Intelligence: F-

infiltration: F-



In-Host Infection

Painless Cutting



Full parasite

Basic instins


Inmortui is a Parasitic animal which requires hosts to survive. In it’s adult form, it looks like a strange hybrid of a leech and a small parasitoid wasp, being able to survive both abovewater and underwater. When it finds a suitable host, it injects a bunch of single-celled myxozoa-like organisms into it, without causing pain thanks to leech parts of it. The juvinile form, made up from the myxozoa-like organisms, infects the host, and thanks to having a long incubation period, the host has the chance to infect many other potential hosts. As the juvinile cells divide and the host becomes weaker, it eventually dies, at which point the myxozoa form comes together into various clumps in host’s corpse, forming a larva which feeds on the surrounding flesh. After it amassed enough resources, the larva turns into a new leech-wasp, which can infect many other animals. A single corpse can produce hundreds if not thousands of adult Inmortui.

Inmortui can infect any animal, if they can inject the juviniles into their flesh and if the animal’s immunity system doesn’t immedietly supress the infection.

2.5 milon years:

Myxozoa-form, when infesting an organism, will change the creature’s behaviour, “pacifying” the creature towards Larva and Adults, by not attacking those forms. On the other side, the adults will not try to infest organisms that are calm towards them.

5 million years:

Myxozoa-Form now has more control over infected one’s (from now on I will call those “Zombies”) nervous system, making them do stuff that infect others which haven’t been infested.

7.5 million years:

Adults will now communicate with eachother in a swarm-like way, spreading information about location of predators, hosts, other dangers, etc.\

10 mill:

Myxozoa-form will now adapt to it’s host, growing in ways that hurt it’s structure less while retaining the larva production rate aswell as gaining more control over the brain and expand to various glands, hormonal and not.

12.5 mill:

Myxozoa-form now manipulates the hormones and other bodily functions of the zombies for them to be more efficient and for them to have more offspring than ever.


These diverged, began to create mechanisms to take over other parasites, including his family causing hyperparasites


A control router allows him to bend mechanisms by controlling the creature itself and eat the parasite instead.




You came to take over, neutralize proliferation


Able to embed itself inside the parasite’s body and eliminate defense systems within it.

Basic Info

Make the Adults and the Larva poisonous, meaning that they can no longer be eaten without a proper adaptation to counter the toxin.

Ovipositor on the adult form becomes a lot sharper, allowing them to cut thru tougher surface tissues in order to infect the flesh (whilish still not causing the pain due to anti-pain leech proteins), meaning the infecting no longer relies on the digestive system.

Waxozech is no longer a lethal parasite, and now, when in juvinile/zombie stage, it will grow larvas in amount that is still “healthy” for the host/zombie, release them thru the skin during the night and larvas using pain extinguishers to keep the host/zombie calm. This means that zombies can now last a lot longer and produce a lot more larvas during their lifetime and maybe even reproduce, creating more zombies.

Waxozech adults develop a bioluminescent organ in their body, which glows in ultraviolet light, they also expand their sight range to ultraviolet, meaning that they can communicate with each other better and with less interuption.

Myxozoa/Juvinile - form is now more resistant to environmental damage (such as acids), meaning that eating zombies or infested corpses poses an extreme risk of being infected yourself.

Certain cell clusters of Myxozoa-form will turn into ultraviolet-bioluminescent patches, whilist other clusters will turn into photoreceptive tissue in eyes, their counterparts, or in other areas if an organism is blind, that can see the ultraviolet light, allowing the zombies to communicate with each other and adult forms more easily and adults can give them data, for instance on the location of Uninfected.

Rain Hampagne

Original animals: Agaricus bisporus| Armillaria mellea |Prototaxites

Distribution: Mariya jungles

Status: LC

Food Web Placement: Decomposers / Secondary consumer

Reproduction rate: A

Size: 8m (Giant)


Strain tolerance (Agaricus bisporus)

bioluminescence (Armillaria mellea)

Cellulose stem roots (Prototaxites)

General info:

A very important mushroom for symbiosis with fasts and illuminates the world with its glow in the dark when, in the breeding season, it grows a huge trunk from the ground, waking up the night. Soft to eat.


became bigger

Able to transfer minerals through its roots to the environment, increasing the symbiotic survival capacity of the plants, especially the trees around it.

It has water transport systems in it to prevent flooding


Original animals: Agaricus bisporus| Armillaria mellea |Prototaxites

Distribution: Mariya jungles

Status: VU

Food Web Placement: Decomposers / Secondary consumer

Reproduction rate: A

Size: 2mm max (Tiny)


Strain tolerance (Agaricus bisporus)

bioluminescence (Armillaria mellea)

Cellulose stem roots (Prototaxites)

General info:

A very important mushroom for symbiosis with fasts and illuminates the world with its glow in the dark when, in the breeding season, it grows a huge trunk from the ground, waking up the night. Soft to eat.


became bigger

Able to transfer minerals through its roots to the environment, increasing the symbiotic survival capacity of the plants, especially the trees around it.

It has water transport systems in it to prevent flooding

Began to become parasitic, very subtly begins to steal resources from plants

Mao continent

Original animals: Horsetails | Cooksonia | Bennettitales

Distribution: Mao Rivers, Beach

Status: LC

Food Web Placement: Producer

Reproduction rate: Mid-higher

Size: (Large)


Sandpaper texture (Horsetails)

Salt Resistant (Cooksonia)

Cone (Bennettitales)

General info:

A strange shrub that produces large spore fruits with cellulose scales on them to protect them. Able to spread by internal root nodules. Mostly common water source, salty or fresh. Extremely tough to eat.


Branches of stems throughout the river allow access to minerals that do not exist in its surroundings, adapted also on the beaches

faster grows

Ionic poison in plant himself

turned into a tree

Swamps Horsehead

Original animals: Horsetails | Cooksonia | Bennettitales

Distribution: Mao Rivers, Beach

Status: LC

Food Web Placement: Producer

Reproduction rate: Mid-higher

Size: 20 CM - 1.1 M (small - Mid)


Sandpaper texture (Horsetails)

Salt Resistant (Cooksonia)

Cone (Bennettitales)

General info:

A strange shrub that produces large spore fruits with cellulose scales on them to protect them. Able to spread by internal root nodules. Mostly common water source, salty or fresh. Extremely tough to eat.


Branches of stems throughout the river allow access to minerals that do not exist in its surroundings, adapted also on the beaches

faster grows

Ionic poison in plant himself

Learn to parent through water

Underwater Headhorns

Original animals: Horsetails | Cooksonia | Bennettitales

Distribution: Mao Sallows Seas

Status: LC

Food Web Placement: Producer

Reproduction rate: Mid

Size: 20 CM - 1.1 M (small - Mid)


Sandpaper texture (Horsetails)

Salt Resistant (Cooksonia)

Cone (Bennettitales)

General info:

A strange shrub that produces large spore fruits with cellulose scales on them to protect them. Able to spread by internal root nodules. Mostly common water source, salty or fresh. Extremely tough to eat.


Suitable for submarines

rustle under the sands

Fruity grassy marine

Original animals: Green algae | Marimo | Zostera marina

Distribution: Mao Sallow Sea/Oceans

Status: LC

Food Web Placement: Producer

Reproduction rate: SS

Size: (Small)


Rapid growth rate (green algae)

Underwater bloom (Zostera marina)

Shperic balls (Marimo)

General info:

A spherical plant that grows in ground sediments. They are known to divide and multiply rapidly and once a year, bloom and produce underwater flowers. Very soft to eat.


Smaller to reproduce faster

produce fruity balls that increase the desires of predators to eat them instead of the plant body itself, increasing the chance of its survival


Original animals: Green algae | Marimo | Zostera marina

Distribution: Mao Sallow Sea/Oceans

Status: LC

Food Web Placement: Producer

Reproduction rate: S

Size: (Small)


Rapid growth rate (green algae)

Underwater bloom (Zostera marina)

Shperic balls (Marimo)

General info:

A spherical plant that grows in ground sediments. They are known to divide and multiply rapidly and once a year, bloom and produce underwater flowers. Very soft to eat.


Smaller to reproduce faster

Sticks to surfaces, which increases their survival by avoiding being eaten.

They produce sticky mucus that keeps predators away

Nova Mulerin

Original animals: Burro | House Mouse | Domesticated Horse

Distribution: Mao Grasslands, Forests

Status: LC

Food Web Placement: Primary consumers

Reproduction rate: B


Size: ~ 2.04 CM (Large)

Strength: D+

Defense: E+

Agility: C+

Stealth: E

Stamina: C

Health: D-

Intelligence: D+


Running muscles (Domesticated Horse)

Vegetarian digestive system (Burro)

Rodent teeth (house mouse)


Poor visibility

Weak climber

Weak skin


Without significant predators, they grew, allowing them wider access to different types of food.

Due to the lack of significant predators, the size of this species is twice as large

Start to grow horns

More developed lungs for more time under water

Began to be more resistant to ion poison


Original animals: Burro | House Mouse | Domesticated Horse

Distribution: Mao Grasslands, Forests

Status: NT

Food Web Placement: Primary consumers

Reproduction rate: B


Size: ~ 2.04 CM (Large)

Strength: D+

Defense: E-

Agility: C+

Stealth: E

Stamina: D+

Health: D-

Intelligence: D+


Running muscles (Domesticated Horse)

Vegetarian digestive system (Burro)

Rodent teeth (house mouse)


Poor visibility

Weak climber

Weak skin


Without significant predators, they grew, allowing them wider access to different types of food.

Due to the lack of significant predators, the size of this species is twice as large

Start to grow horns

More developed lungs for more time under water

are more adapted to life in water

Sliced snail

Original animals: striped paper bubble| Cuttlefish | four-handed box jellyfish

Distribution: Mao Sallows seas

Status: NT

Food Web Placement: Primary consumers

Reproduction rate: S


Size: 48 Cm (small)

Strength: E+

Defense: D

Agility: G+

Stealth: F+

Stamina: F

Health: F+

Intelligence: E-


Nematocysts (Jellyfish)

Shell (striped paper bubble)

tentacles (Cuttlefish)


Slow metabolism


Bad swimmer


Became larger, able to shred more types of plants and also an occasional scavenger

Alien Sea-Angel

Original animals: striped paper bubble| Cuttlefish | four-handed box jellyfish

Distribution: Mao Sallows seas

Status: NT

Food Web Placement: Fillter feeder / carnivore

Reproduction rate: SS


Size: 18 Cm (small)

Strength: E-

Defense: D-

Agility: E-

Stealth: E

Stamina: F

Health: F+

Intelligence: E-


Nematocysts (Jellyfish)

Shell (striped paper bubble)

tentacles (Cuttlefish)


Slow metabolism


Bad swimmer


Created a type of sails that allow it to detach from the bottom and feed on plankton instead

Giant Alsidudat

Original animals: Spoon worm | Zhongxiniscus | Catenulida

Distribution: Mao Swallow seas, Open oceans

Status: LC

Food Web Placement: Hovebot

Reproduction rate: SSS


Size: 26 Cm ( Small - Mid)

Strength: F

Defense: F+

Agility: D+

Stealth: F+

Stamina: F-

Health: F

Intelligence: G+


Spine (Zhongxiniscus)

Asexual reproduction (Catenulida)

Prostomium (Spoon worm)


lacks a respiratory system




Became larger following the expansion of its food distribution, allowing it to grow larger

even faster breething

much fater swimmer

River Swimworm

Original animals: Spoon worm | Zhongxiniscus | Catenulida

Distribution: Mao and Mariya Rivers

Status: LC

Food Web Placement: Filter feeders

Reproduction rate: SS


Size: 11 Cm ( Small)

Strength: G+

Defense: F-

Agility: F+

Stealth: E-

Stamina: G+

Health: F-

Intelligence: G+


Spine (Zhongxiniscus)

Asexual reproduction (Catenulida)

Prostomium (Spoon worm)


lacks a respiratory system




Adapted to fresh water.

Sole Wombat

Original animals: Goose | Eudimorphodon | common wombat

Distribution: Mao Coast

Status: NT

Food Web Placement: Secondary consumer / Carnivore

Reproduction rate: B


Size: 60 cm’ (Small - Mid)

Strength: E

Defense: F-

Agility: A-

Stealth: E-

Stamina: D-

Health: F+

Intelligence: E


Fly (Goose)

Pocket (Wombat)

Light teeth (Eudimorphodon)



bad sense of smell

weak scratch force


Better sight

Minimize itself to save more energy

Adaptation to a more aquatic life form in exchange for giving up flight

New hunter style using ambush

River hampagne

Original animals: Agaricus bisporus| Armillaria mellea |Prototaxites

Distribution: Mao Rivers

Status: LC

Food Web Placement: Decomposers / Secondary consumer

Reproduction rate: A

Size: 10m (Giant)


Strain tolerance (Agaricus bisporus)

bioluminescence (Armillaria mellea)

Cellulose stem roots (Prototaxites)

General info:

A very important mushroom for symbiosis with fasts and illuminates the world with its glow in the dark when, in the breeding season, it grows a huge trunk from the ground, waking up the night. Soft to eat.


Due to the presence of people living inside it, its size has increased

Adapted to forest life. Also more suitable for Salandra population and more symbiotic with them

Kiroza Island
Gautan flees plato

Original animals: Green algae | Marimo | Zostera marina

Distribution: Kiroza Sallow Sea

Status: LC

Food Web Placement: Producer

Reproduction rate: SS

Size: (Small - Mid)


Rapid growth rate (green algae)

Underwater bloom (Zostera marina)

Shperic balls (Marimo)

General info:

A spherical plant that grows in ground sediments. They are known to divide and multiply rapidly and once a year, bloom and produce underwater flowers. Very soft to eat.


Due to pressure and inability to adapt to the new situation, they increased their reproductive capacity

Creators prostrate themselves to increase their light capacity.

These are a partially domesticated version

Resistance to tides and tides

Kiroza Scale Grass

Original animals: arborescent lycophytes | Macroneuropteris scheuchzeri |Wanderrie grass

Distribution: Kiroza basalt

Status: NT

Food Web Placement: Producer

Reproduction rate: B

Size: (Mid)


scaly trunk (arborescent lycophytes)

Spore seeds(Macroneuropteris scheuchzeri )

C4 assimilation (Wanderrie grass)

General info:

A grass-fern with a relatively low rattling stem. They are even more efficient plants because of the C4 photosynthesis that allows them to survive in colder or hotter places. Admittedly, they pollinate other living things and produce strange spore seeds. The leaves are soft to eat, the stem is not.


They have adapted to a colder environment, far from crazy people and are located mainly in the mountains, which manages to save them

This plant uses antifreeze agents that allow it to survive in more hostile colder places

Adapted to volcanic areas

Sliced snail

Original animals: striped paper bubble| Cuttlefish | four-handed box jellyfish

Distribution: Kiroza Sallows seas

Status: NT

Food Web Placement: Primary consumers

Reproduction rate: S


Size: 48 Cm (small)

Strength: E+

Defense: D

Agility: G+

Stealth: F+

Stamina: F

Health: F+

Intelligence: E-


Nematocysts (Jellyfish)

Shell (striped paper bubble)

tentacles (Cuttlefish)


Slow metabolism


Bad swimmer


Became larger, able to shred more types of plants and also an occasional scavenger

Fisherman Fombat

Original animals: Goose | Eudimorphodon | common wombat

Distribution: Kiroza coasts

Status: LC

Food Web Placement: Secondary consumer / Carnivore

Reproduction rate: B


Size: 78 m’ (Small - Mid)

Strength: E

Defense: G

Agility: B

Stealth: E

Stamina: E+

Health: F+

Intelligence: E


Fly (Goose)

Pocket (Wombat)

Light teeth (Eudimorphodon)



bad sense of smell

weak scratch force


Their diet made them more carnivorous. Although they are still unable to devour prey larger than insects by themselves, they are still able to eat fresh carrion when possible.

Min specialized in catching small marine creatures from the air or from washing up


Giant Swimming worm

Original animals: Spoon worm | Zhongxiniscus | Catenulida

Distribution: Swallow seas, open oceans

Status: LC

Food Web Placement: Filter feeders

Reproduction rate: S


Size: 1.5 m (Mid)

Strength: D

Defense: C-

Agility: E-

Stealth: F

Stamina: G+

Health: F+

Intelligence: G+


Spine (Zhongxiniscus)

Asexual reproduction (Catenulida)

Prostomium (Spoon worm)


lacks a respiratory system




Following a lack of competition and also a tremendous source of food, they quintupled in size. They also began to become more common in the open ocean

they bigger

became even bigger

Psy immunity


Original animals: Red knee tarantula | Woodlouse | Red land crab

Distribution: Kiroza grasslands

Status: LC

Food Web Placement: Primary consumers / Omnivore

Reproduction rate: SSS


Size: 3.2 cm (Small)

Strength: F

Defense: F

Agility: D- (gliding)

Stealth: E+

Stamina: F+

Health: G+

Intelligence: G+


Cellulose Eater (Woodlouse)

Urticating hairs (Red knee tarantula)

Pliers (Red land crab)






Due to great pressure from small predators and less from the air, they developed a better camouflage for themselves, which allows them to survive better

Adapting to life on the tops, allows him to survive better, but now hangs on a tree

They began to guard the offspring, increasing their survival

parasite immunity

Adaptation to low-nutrient eating


Original animals: Agaricus bisporus| Armillaria mellea |Prototaxites

Distribution: Kiroza basalt lands

Status: LC

Food Web Placement: Decomposers / Secondary consumer

Reproduction rate: A

Size: 5m (Large)


Strain tolerance (Agaricus bisporus)

bioluminescence (Armillaria mellea)

Cellulose stem roots (Prototaxites)

General info:

A very important mushroom for symbiosis with fasts and illuminates the world with its glow in the dark when, in the breeding season, it grows a huge trunk from the ground, waking up the night. Soft to eat.


Due to the presence of people living inside it, its size has increased

More adapted to mountain life

Able to break rocks, extract minerals and fuse them into their symbiote.


“hi guys we brought cookies”
insert mass waxozech deaths

1 Like

I guess that I’ll need more protection from that bacterium then…

Mutation: Crocodile-like upgrades to the proper immune system, being a lot more effective against the bacterium and other infestors
Behaviour: More Intelligence

sadly one of, if not the most toxic neurotoxin on the planet in large quantities isnt enough to phase a death dragon.

despite them not having any mutations to counter it

mustve rolled a 1

@doomlightning My votes for round 11, aka these

are in my basic info tab, not my mutations tab. Effectively making it so my mutations for round 11 are not visible in my mutations tab, but rather in basic info. Also you might not have taken the neurotoxic gas and neurotoxin into account recently, perhaps due to this. But I might be wrong…

1 Like

My species is chosen by the god of Death
You can’t kill it
You can only get killed by it

So you’re destined to win this forum game?



M1: tougher scales to increase defences
M2: toxin resistance

B: in some circumstances, Mating Dragon pairs can choose to temporarily stick together and hunt with eachother, making it easier to acquire food to provide for their offspring

1 Like

why is it so… tea-like in color?

1 Like

doom told you?

there is an imposter among us

I wonder who that could be…