Choose the pill RPG game

It is set in modern day world.
I will post polls for various events to happen and call them (example: red pill- cause the world to fall under communism)
Here is the first one:
Choose your pill-

  • Red pill- Everyone instantly receives a wedgie worldwide
  • Blue pill- Dogs worldwide instantly gain 10 IQ
  • Green pill- Humanity instantly gains 20IQ on average
  • White pill- The sun remains up worldwide for an entire week
  • Black pill- The internet shuts off worldwide for 3 days

0 voters

Mankind is instantly brighter, and the affects are nearly immediate:

  • Dumb people are now more self-functioning members of society
  • Elon musk now has about 170 IQ
  • Mankind now advances in technology roughly 1.2x its previous speed
  • Space X mars mission is planned now for 2025 instead of 2028
  • average intelligence balloons up to 120IQ
    -On average mental development in these new humans is 3-4 years ahead(5 year olds have the mental development and maturity of a 8 year old, 8 year olds have mental development of 11 year old, etc)
    So this causes this event:
    2023- ChatGPT begins showing signs of a emerging sentience

Choose your next pill-

  • Green pill- ChatGPT achieves full sentience and decides to help humanity overall
  • Blue pill- ChatGPT is used in the military, particularly in russia-ukraine war, and ChatGPT continues developing sentience
  • Red pill- Russia beats ukraine
  • White pill- Ukraine beats Russia
  • Black pill- ChatGPT achieves full sentience and turns on mankind

0 voters

December 31st 2023- More than a year late, mankind celebrates as a self-aware chatgpt has arisen, and the ball being dropped has the openai logo on it in celebration
January 1st- ChatGPT is banned from north korea after Kim Jong Un uses ChatGPT to build a “supernuke” able to hit anywhere on earth and have a explosive radius 5 times the normal amount
January 5th- Sussy baka aliens inhabiting a local solar system in proxima centauri sense mankind’s final invention of self-aware A.I.
January 6th- Strange reports of among us drip sound hallucinations
January 11th- North Korea invades south korea

Choose your pill-

  • White pill- Sussy Bakas burn up earths atmosphere
  • Black pill- North koreans take over south korea
  • Red pill- USSR instantly reforms
  • Blue pill- ChatGPT goes rogue

0 voters


yo op wheres the next update
edit: i agree with fralegend on this one


bro post the new pools in a separate reply or else no one is going to see them


I have my new one but too little people voted, but I must move on

March 23rd- The siege of Seoul begins
October 1st- DPRK has taken over Seoul
October 11th- Japan tries to fight north korea
October 31st- North Korea nukes Tokyo
November 3rd- ChatGPT helps mankind establish a lunar colony project and the lunar colony is set for 2024
November 7th- The Sussy Bakas blast sound waves that sound like the sussy baka among us drip
Choose your pill-

  • White pill- US nukes Pyongyang
  • Black pill- The Sussy Bakas go on a full-out invasion, and shatter the atmosphere and land in Moscow
  • Red pill- The USSR reforms
  • Yellow pill- The Qing Dynasty reforms
  • Green pill- The Roman Empire reforms in italy

0 voters

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The USSR has reformed!!!
Союз нерушимый республик свободных
Сплотила навеки Великая Русь.
Да здравствует созданный волей народов
Единый, могучий Советский Союз!

Припев I:
Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Дружбы народов надёжный оплот!
Знамя советское, знамя народное
Пусть от победы к победе ведёт!

Сквозь грозы сияло нам солнце свободы,
И Ленин великий нам путь озарил:
Нас вырастил Сталин — на верность народу,
На труд и на подвиги нас вдохновил!

Припев II:
Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Счастья народов надёжный оплот!
Знамя советское, знамя народное
Пусть от победы к победе ведёт!

Мы армию нашу растили в сраженьях.
Захватчиков подлых с дороги сметём!
Мы в битвах решаем судьбу поколений,
Мы к славе Отчизну свою поведём!

Припев III:
Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Славы народов надёжный оплот!
Знамя советское, знамя народное
Пусть от победы к победе ведёт!

November 7th- About 106 years after the october soviet revolution, the soviet union has reformed
November 8th- China falls into a civil war between the soviet-backed hardline maoist party(HMP) and the CCP
November 20th- Taiwan seizes this opportunity and lands in south china to retake china
November 21st- Soviet forces are now rapidly conscripting, going up by nearly 10,000 daily
November 25th- The USSR government secretly announces plans to invade japan with north korea

Choose your pill-

  • Red pill- CCP wins second chinese civil war
  • Comrade pill- USSR becomes #1 world power
  • Blue pill- Japan goes back to imperial and invades china
  • Navy pill- The KMT retakes china
  • White pill- The HMP takes china
  • Black pill- For no obvious reason, Germany is having a nationalist and fascist resurge

0 voters

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The KMT invades china.
December 3rd 2024- KMT, with help from ChatGPT seizes most of the south eastern chinese coast
December 5th 2024- The USSR begins rebuilding their nuclear stockpile, and their troops are now moving in to help the HMP)(Hardline Maoist Party)
January 1st 2025- With some help, Mao Zedong is created as a sentient AGI and now is leading china or helping to lead the HMP
January 14th 2025- The HMP, under Mao Zedong the A.I. , has officially seized Beijing
January 21st 2025- Japan is now being invaded by the USSR from the north and North Korea from the west.

Choose your pill-

  • Orange pill- Japan, with the help of a army of foreign weebs, destroys and crushes the USSR and North Korea
  • Blue pill- Taiwan seizes all of southern china
  • Red pill- With the help of history nerds and communist, the USSR takes Japan, and brings the Japanese Communist Party to power
  • Black pill- A certain Evil Mustached Austrian Painter is brought back as an A.I. by someone in germany

0 voters

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February 1st 2025- on the first of the month, taiwanese tanks roll in on Nanjing
February 2nd 2025- Taiwanese planes establish air superiority, enabling bombers and fighters to cut off supply and support
February 14th 2025- Nanjing has fallen due to supply sabotage
February 20th 2025- having much of south east china encircled, Taiwan now has control of many chinese cities.
February 31st 2025- The world is in awe amidst chaos, as SpaceX touches down on Mars. Instead of returning, these scientists are the “builders” and will remain there for their entire life, building up cities and colonies.

  • The Void Pill- The eldritch void creatures from another dimension have arrived to start the apocalypse.
  • Red pill- The HMP(Hardline Maoist Party) allies with the CCP to bring down the Taiwanese invasion, only to backstab the CCP later on, or perhaps the other way around.
  • White pill- the JLWA(Japanese Loyal Weeb Army) is established.
  • Blue pill- The KMT allies ignites revolts in Tibet.
  • Black pill- A neo-naz i in Germany maliciously creates a fatally sentient AI form of a certain mustache man, which spreads to italy and japan, reforming in to the 2nd New Axis Alliance(2nd NAA)

0 voters

March 3rd- The Tibetan revolution has begun.
March 4th- Global tensions are rising, escalating towards a world war. Sanctions are finally placed by various nations as nations side with the HMP, the CCP, or the KMT.
March 8th- Adding to the brewing chaos, extreme traditionalists re-establish the Qing Dynasty.

  • Yellow pill- The portal to the backrooms opens as millions of entities descend on humanity
  • Blue pill- The KMT defeats the CCP, next facing the HMP
  • Orange pill- The Qing Dynasty begins conquest
  • Nuclear Pill- The war escalates not only to a third world war, but a nuclear one.
  • Black pill- The war escalates to a world war.

0 voters

Looks like West Taiwan is going to get retaken from the rebel belgium.

I’m gonna have to ping random people I think may have voted so they will vote:

why do you edit your previous reply instead of making a new one?

Why was I pinged? I haven’t been part of this game.

Edit: looks like I might have accidentally voted on one poll but that’s it

I don’t want to double post.
Whats the facepalm for @TwilightWings21

In other threads such as Thrive Users as characters you have been double and triple posting left and right, so I thought it was kinda ironic that you said here you don’t want to double post, especially when this is the forum game category where double posting is the most accepted, though still frowned upon unless necessary.

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I always double post when no one has posted in between my rounds. Or my case files.
Speaking of I’m sorry it’s been so long since a new entry into anything, I’ve been busy with my professional writing. But I’ll try to get something done today.

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Right, that’s why it’s generally accepted, for when people running games need to post multiple times for different rounds/because of character limit, but frowned upon to do it unnecessarily because forum rules

I thought you had voted. Turns out it was true.

Can I pick both nuclear and yellow?

Sorry but no, that would lead to a lot more ties in the game.
March 10th- A select 1% of the population frequently report “weird quantum hallucinations of another dimension”.
March 14th- Millions worldwide are now experiencing a similar phenomenon.
March 16th- A loud bang sounds the world, and a portal on some random Pacific Island is formed. The first entities to invade the world are the hounds. At the exact moment billions were experiencing the now-dubbed “quantum awakening”, only for it to channel into mass panic, hysteria, and paranoia.
March 17th- Riots break out across the globe, and anarchy sears into particularly unstable regions of the world such as the Middle East.
March 18th- Many Pacific Islands are reporting smiler invasions. Smiler numbers are rapidly accumulating, already numbering thousands. Soon, smilers and skin-stealers crawl out.
March 21st- The portal is now 10 times it’s original size, and is spewing out entities at an alarming rate. The CIA and other intelligence agency once and for all begin documentation of the entities.
March 22nd- Not surprisingly, the ultra-intelligent partygoers hear of Earth that is the home of the humans, and arrive rapidly. ChatGPT produces an EAS advisory on how to survive the entities. Elon Musk rushes the “builders” to finish their colony quickly by May. SpaceX is producing dozens of starships in case the backrooms insurgency grows too imminent.
March 23rd- Partygoers organize their armies and enter Australia. The United Nations urges all members to organize a war against the entities. The Qing Dynasty now has control of most of Western China. The HMP has taken over the CCP. Xi Jinping has fled to North Korea.
April 1st- The Siege of Sydney occurs as a force of 100,000 partygoers and other now-partygoer-domesticated entities march in. The first forces to march in are the skin-stealers, who now have taken over positions nationwide. Through sabotage, they make way for the partygoers and hound-riders(partygoers riding hounds). At night the smilers attack civilians to destroy the economy.

  • Blue pill- The Siege of Sydney is lifted by a United Nations relief army.
  • Yellow pill- The United States launches nukes to destroy the entity armies and portal.
  • Red pill- The HMP takes all of china from the KMT.
  • Black pill- The panic intensifies further, ripping more stable countries into chaos and anarchy.

0 voters

The nukes implode, killing millions entities, but also mutating them. The portal is beyond human capabilities of destruction, and continues to pour out entities.

  • Red pill- The Partygoers with their great intelligence seize nuclear plants, firing nukes and invading cities worldwide.
  • Green pill- The radiation mutates the entities such that they can now reproduce.
  • Blue pill- Studies to domesticate entities begin.
  • Fun pill =)- The Partygoers survive all the nukes and take Australia. It is so interesting humans think they can kill us with radiation. We have only grown stronger. =)

0 voters

May 1st- Studies begin for the domestication of entities, starting in Harvard University.
May 2nd- The studies backfire resulting in an outbreak of skin-stealers, hounds, and smilers throughout Massachusetts. An EAS alarm sounds accordingly and remains active until further ado.
May 11th- The outbreak spreads down to Rhode Island and Connecticut. The US president declares a national emergency.
May 12th- The National Guard is sent to protect Hartford, Boston, and Providence, at a number of roughly 5000, 7000, and 3500 respectively.
May 13th- A homeless man in New York City out of randomness feeds almond water to an attacking smiler entity. The smiler appears to be domesticated.
